Wednesday 21 July 2021

Wednesday this and that . . .



dicentra spectabilis alba - aka Bleeding Hearts 

Oh how I love Bleeding Hearts.  We had one outside our front door in Chester.  Ours was pink. This is the first time I have ever seen a white one. Isn't nature beautiful!  All those beautiful little perfectly formed hearts arching on a branch . . .  you'd almost expect them to tinkle in the breeze.  Maybe they do, but our ears are so used to much louder things that we have forgotten to listen for the quiet things.  Food for thought there? Perhaps. 


I was thinking about David this morning.  King David from the bible.  I was thinking about how he was just a simple shepherd boy and yet . . .  somehow became a King.  How did he do that?  It all started with a young boy's willingness and courage to stand up to a Giant in his life.  And about this young boy's Faith in a God who was larger than any of the Giants in his life he might have had to face.  Miracles happen every day.  Often in the face of the Giants of our lives.  All we need is the faith and the courage to stand up to the Giants.  Faith in the face of adversity.  Faith that He can and will work the miracle.  Shepherd boy to King.   

Selah is a word used 74 times in the Hebrew Bible.  Nobody knows exactly what it means. It is probably either a liturgical-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, with the meaning of "stop and listen." Another proposal is that Selah can be used to indicate that there is to be a musical interlude at that point in the Psalm. It can also be interpreted as a form of underlining in preparation for the next paragraph.  It may also mean a break in the Psalm (song) with a purpose similar to the word "Amen." Alternatively it may mean  . . .  forever.  I want this on my headstone with a carving of a rose or a wing or both  . . . 

Marie Alice Joan (Villeneuve) Rayner
1955 -
daughter, sister, mother, friend

Yesterday I got the news that my friend is dying. My friend Myrna.  I have known Myrna for over 20 years.  She was one of my first friends in the church.  We served together in the Relief Society Presidency as counselors, and she was my first Visiting Teaching partner.  She was a larger than life woman, with a smile that lights up the room and arms that gather all in. She and her husband were the first couple to be sealed together in the Halifax temple.  About a year and a half ago she was diagnosed with ALS.  Right at the beginning of this Pandemic. She went into the hospital last weekend because she was having problems breathing.  Yesterday they said they were releasing her to go home because she only has, at best . . .  two weeks left to live and she wants to die at home. It hardly seems fair, and yet . . .  I know that much about life is not fair. That is what life has taught me. Praying for Myrna and her family as they face this next chapter together.  


And this is my goal.  Every single day  of my life.  Because life is too short not to make heaven here.  And so I surround myself with the people that I love, with the things that I love, in all the ways that I love.  Because life is too short and you think you have time, but really you don't.  Every day gone is one less to live and why don't we work at making every day we have the best day ever.  We should make every day we are given the best day ever, even on the worst days.  Because even the worst day is a gift, and something we will never have again.  

I was thinking about this amazing daughter of mine this morning.  I love all of my children and I am proud of them all.  I was thinking about how very much like my mother she is.   Determined, strong willed, inspiring.  Her life has been all about overcoming obstacles.  She is such an inspiration to me.  Of all my children she was the one born with  the most challenging obstacles to overcome. Learning disabilities . . .  they are hard, especially when you are caught somewhere in between being what is seen as "normal" and totally "abnormal."  To look at her, you would never know there was anything wrong. It would only be if you talked to her for a while that you would realize that things were not all that they should be.  She is such an amazing and a beautiful person.  She taught me everything I needed to know about determination, acceptance and courage.  

I can remember how I felt when I first learned that she was broken.  Learning that just about broke me.  When you have a child you are filled with hopes and dreams for the person they will become someday. When you are told that is never going to happen your heart breaks.   But you love your child, broken or not  . . . and you work together towards helping them to have the best life possible, no matter what it might hold for them, and that's all you can hope for . . . the best.  

This amazing woman has exceeded every expectation I had for her in her life, and then some.  She has met every obstacle and barrier in her path. Not just met them, she has smashed them to smithereens. And she is a good person.  A humble person. A happy person. A kind person.  I am so proud of her, in every way.  She has been and is one of my life's greatest blessings.

The first two people I talk to every day for reals . . .  are my Father in Heaven and my father father. They are also the last two people I talk to every day.  How cool is that!  I AM blessed!  And I know it! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Leave your front door open
and your back door open.
Allow your thoughts 
to come and go.
Just don't serve them tea.
~Shunryu  Suzuki  •。★★ 。* 。


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken with Prosciutto & Cheese. Quite simply delicious!

I hope that you have a lovely Wednesday. I will be working hard today to meet my deadline and enjoying my day along the way.  Be happy, never forget . . .  (How do I know this?  Because I have seen Him.)

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And I do too!        


  1. hAVE A GREAT DAY..i BET SHE IS THE SWEETEST mARIE!Don't know what happened here but I like it lol:)

  2. Hi Marie~

    I'm so sorry about your friend, Myrna, she sounds like an amazing lady...she and her family will be in my prayers.

    Isn't it funny the lessons we learn from our children, especially children or grandchildren with special needs, they are truly giants. They get their strength from us...and we from our parents...and on and on and on. It will be really wonderful to meet all of those strong people on the other side one day!

    Selah...I love that word! Have you ever heard of the singing group, Selah? You should look up this song... I really love their music.

    You have endured so much with such grace, Marie...your Father's each night and morning...I love that. XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Life is indeed too short! Counting blessings and praying for health and loving those infectious smiles, makes for a great day.
    Happy happy Wednesday to you! xo, V

  4. So sorry about your friend...I hope they can at least keep her comfortable!! It is wonderful that your daughter is such a kind and loving person...that is the very best achievement of all I think!! But it is hard to have a child that will always struggle with of mine has health issues brought on her by the vaccines when she was a baby...and though she supports herself and lives on her own...still life will always be harder for her than most. Yes, for sure we must make the best of each day that we can!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  5. So sorry to hear about your friend, Myrna. She will be in my prayers. Eileen is a beautiful soul. We all must make each day special. Love and hugs, Elaine

  6. Marie, Eileen has a pretty amazing mother, too! You are an inspiration to us. ~Elaine

  7. What a fun, lovely and inspiring Wednesday post. I loved all your thoughts, which I always do.
    I felt very sad to learn about your friend Myrna! I pray for her family and for you to feel comfort and peace. ASL is such a difficult diagnosis. You have special friends that you love and it is hard to know they are nearing Heaven and leaving Their earthly home. I loved reading how you met her and about your friendship.
    I love the sweet photo of your precious daughter. Everything you have written about her in this and other posts shows how amazing she is.
    Barb and I share a special needs granddaughter and to us she is one of our biggest blessings ever. She too is a happy child and severely handicapped with Autism and blindness. However, she has some amazing skills and has learned to do many things for herself.
    Sending prayers, loving thoughts and hugs your way today!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!