These are a few of my favourite things . . .
The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and the Dick Van Dyke Show, well . . . . especially the MTM show. I love it, and I was greatly saddened this morning to read of the passing of Mary Tyler Moore. She epitomized my teenage years and aspirations. She made me want to move to Minneapolis. I wanted to be MTM. I wanted to have her clothes, job, apartment . . . hair . . . but mostly her clothes and apartment. She was nice and she was kind. You couldn't not like her. She was everybody's friend/sister. I have a wooden M on my kitchen wall, just like hers. She inspired girls to want to be/do more with her characterization of Mary Richards the character she played on the MTM show. She inspired me. She provided a great role model for millions of young women/girls. May she rest in peace.
Fresh white bread with butter. We eat mostly whole wheat bread in this house, there is a brand which also has rye flour in it by Warburtons that I really like and which I usually buy, but yesterday because we were having company for lunch we bought a lovely fresh white bloomer, which we had sliced at the shop. I enjoyed two slices spread with cold butter for my breakfast this morning, Diabetes be damned. And when I say I enjoyed . . . I enjoyed! Mmmmm so good.
The Art of artist Nancy Noel. She mostly paints Amish people. There used to be a booth at the 400 Flea Market where we used to go on Saturdays that sold her work. Oh how I wanted to have a piece of hers. I never ever was fortunate enough to be able to get one. She is so talented and her work is amazing to me. I would still love to have one. She does angels too. Maybe one day . . .
Homemade Pot Holders. I love them. You can never have too many pot holders. They (along with tea towels and dishcloths) are things you always use no matter what. I use mine at any rate. I don't keep any just for good. They all get used and mucked up. Washed and worn. Burnt and stained and then I make new ones. I just love Pot Holders, especially homemade ones.
Braid rugs. Old fashioned braid rugs. When I was married to my ex in our very early days we saved up to buy a braided rug from Eatons store in downtown Winnipeg. It was room sized, in browns and rusts . . . and my pride and joy. Oh how I loved that rug.
Garden Whirligigs. I love them. Any type, any size, any pattern. I am instantly charmed by them. I love to see a garden filled with flowers and scattered about with whirligigs. I especially love ones which do something, like . . . a man sawing wood, etc. Love, love . . .
Red geraniums. I love all geraniums, but I love red ones best of all. There is just something about them that makes my heart smile. We always have big pots of them in the back garden on the patio in the summer time. Oh, and I love to see window boxes filled with them!!
Pin cushions. Any kind. I love them. Can you ever have too many? I think not! I like homemade ones best of all.
Valentines Day. Next to Christmas, Easter and Halloween, I just adore Valentines Day. Okay, I just adore holidays, any one, but Valentines day is pretty special. I am pondering on what kind of Valentine I will make Todd this year. The wheels are turning. When I was a child I loved it when my mother bought us the book of valentines that we could cut out ourselves. I patiently cut them all out and glued the envelopes together. It was so much fun. Choosing which Valentine would go to which person in the class with your favourite people getting what I thought were the nicest ones of all. The little stamps that you could glue on the envelopes, etc. So MUCH fun! Do they still make those? Oh, how I wish I had one now!
Tea Parties. I just love them and I feel one coming on. I am in the mood for a good tea party. Or a rug picnic. We'll see what happens. I love rug picnics too. They're the best kinds. No ants to spoil the fun and it is always sunny.
A good book to read. A page turner. Oh, I am having trouble finding one just lately. I am reading books, but they aren't real page turners. I want a page turner, one that excites me, one that I don't feel I can put down . . . a book I can fall in love with. Any suggestions?
And those are my favourite things for this week. (Before I get carried away and bore you to death!)
A thought to carry with you through today.
.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.° ˛°. .
˛*I love getting older. My understanding deepens.
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.° ˛°. .
˛*I love getting older. My understanding deepens.
I can see what connects. I can weave stories of exerience,
and apply them. I can integrate the lessons. Things
just become more and more fascinating. Beauty reveals
itself in thousands of forms.
~Victoria Erickson •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。
Spiritual Enlightenment
In The English Kitchen today . . . Anzac Biscuits/Cookies. Happy Australia Day!
Have a wonderful Thursday. I need to knuckle down today and get something really important done. Blessings upon you all, and don't forget . . .
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And I do too!

Love red geraniums the best too! Sometimes it is hard to find the exact right red though. Years ago I went to Austria and the window boxes of the chalets were filled with red geraniums - so pretty. Someone told me that it is a law to have window boxes full of flowers there. Not sure if that's true but that is my idea of a useful law! Imagine if all our houses had a flower filled hanging basket, tub or window box outside - how cheerful would that be? If impractical. Still I can dream! X
ReplyDeleteI loved the odd window box I saw in Geneva and Paris.
ReplyDeleteAlas it is so hot here at present and even my rosemary has died off. My new garden of sun resistant plants proved to be extremely sun sensitive. Oh well I can only try. I will wait a few more weeks and start again.
I didn't see much of the MTM show. My parents restricted what we watched. I am sure there are many who will miss her. She seemed lovely.
Australia Day and I am watching the cricket. It is a one day day/night match. I wish the aircon was not sick as I would love to have it on. I haven't felt comfortable for days and days. It is not a great idea to knit in this heat. We tend to save Anzac biscuits for Anzac day. Today is generally spent having picnics, playing cricket and so on. Pip and Connor are playing Finska today.
God bless your day.
I heard that was a law there as well Julie! We LOVED Austria! It is one of my favourite places I have gone so far! Such a beautiful country! I would have window boxes if I thought they would still be there when I got up in the morning. Living in Blacon, I have my doubts! haha xoxo
ReplyDeleteI knew they were traditionally for Anzac day, but I wanted to make this cute little Aussie Missionary something from home and this was the closest I could get Suzan! (They have enjoyed your Aussie Chocolate too and were thrilled with the Caramel Koalas! and to see the flag tea towel!) We are watching a brilliant program at the moment where Martin Clunes is travelling the islands around Australia, fascinating to say the least! What a wonderful country you live in! Love you! God bless! xoxo
I too love Valentines day. I usually decorate with hearts and flowers and love how they put a rosy glow on things after such a bleak January. So sad about Mary Tyler Moore. She will be missed. Very cold here today and windy too. I'll be staying in and keeping warm. Hope you have a Happy Thursday!
ReplyDeleteThe cookie looks delish..
ReplyDeleteI loved my Valentines..it even brings back a smell:) And a feel..
Remember the envelopes too?Thin thin thin..
I bought some for the boys,Star Wars..not sure if they give them out anymore..tattoos are included so they will at least do those..Oli..the other 3 too big now..
I am sure I have seen Mrs.Noel's work..will Google..I like many artists..Love Lisi Martin too.. My German friends sent me one of her cards for Christmas..
Not sure Mary's life was that happy anymore..Google Images....
I think at one point..heaven sounds a lot better no?
Love her and Rhoda Morgenstern:)
Oh what a lovely thought thinking about you decorating with hearts and flowers Pam! It is frigid here today! Xoxo
ReplyDeleteThanks Monique! I am sure Mary's life was not charmed. Nobody's is, but I did love Mary Richards. She was always unlucky in love but she had great friends, a great job and those clothes! Yes, heaven is infinitely better I am sure! Xoxo
I think that is one thing we folks here in the UK could copy is the way that other countries, but especially the USA decorate there homes we'd pending on the seasons and special,days ..like Valantone days. I don't know anyone who would pretty up their homes with hears and roses etc etc...or in Autumn decorate Windows and doors with coloured leaves, pumpkins etc...it looks so lovely. I am lucky I do have a couple of window boxes ...actually they are fence boxes ! They are hooked over the fence which runs in fron of the window, I love red geraniums as well, in fact any colour is fine by me. I just cannot seem to be able to keep them from one year to the next and they are quite expensive to,buy new ones each spring, thankfully I have. Garden voucher to spend this year..l.its going to be fun trying to decide what to get....hope all still going to plan for you Marie...take care. God Bless. Xxx