Wednesday 2 February 2022

Wednesday This and That . . .




Will the ground hot see his shadow?  Only time will tell.  It is said that if the groundhog emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of Winter. If he doesn't, an early Spring is predicted.  Its an old Pennsylvania Dutch superstition. In reality there are only about seven more weeks until Spring officially starts anyways.  I predict it will be a rocky start this year if the winter we have experienced thus far is anything to go by.

On a plus note, the days are getting noticeably longer with it not really getting dark now until about 6 pm!

It is -19*C out there this morning, so the frost is definitely on the pumpkin!  And there is another Winter storm warning in effect beginning tomorrow afternoon.  Heavy rain followed by snow. 



As most of you know I have a Facebook page for my cooking blog. Most food bloggers do. For the most part I have the nicest followers on there. In fact all of my regular followers are nice, but occasionally some nasties slip in.  I guess that is to be expected. I think our world can be a very unkind place at times. It is easy for people to hide behind their keyboard and spout vitriol.  I have experienced it here on the blog as well. That's why I have comment moderation enabled.  I might have to see it, but you don't need to see the negativity, therefore keeping my page a positive place. 

Day before yesterday I had posted a photograph on there for Pork Chops with Mushroom Gravy.  

To me, this just looks like a nicely browned pork chop on a plate with some gravy on top and some mashed potatoes with a veg on the side.  I got some very nasty comments on it, not from my regular posters of course. (Whew!)  I got told it looked disgusting, like dog sick, etc.  I have always tried to make sure my photographs are as honest a portrayal of the recipe I am presenting as possible.  I don't highly edit them. Any editing done is by cropping, that's it.  I don't change the colors or add stuff, etc.  You see the dish as it actually looks. Anyways, some people were less than kind about this.

It makes me sad sometimes that we live in a world where people think they can just indiscriminately spout of whatever comes into their mind, whilst they hide behind the anonymity of a keyboard. About a month ago I discovered a review on Goodreads for my English Kitchen cookbook that had nothing at all to do with the book itself but was instead an attack on my character, but not even that, but their opinion on some of the sad things which had happened in my life over the last 15 years. 


I have to wonder about people like this.  What is it they get from being so nasty?  Are their lives so filled with poison that they cannot help spewing it onto everyone else?   As you can see none of what she has written has anything at all to do with the book, and none of it is true.  I don't think I will ever understand what motivates people like this. 

One expects that children will bully and be bullied from time to time. After all they are just learning to navigate this thing we call life, but adults no  . . .  they should know better.

I might see things that I don't like, start to read books that I don't like, start to watch television programs that are not my cup of tea, etc. And yes, I am entitled to my opinion, but  I would hope that I would never be unkind about it.  What purpose is served in doing so?  If I don't like something I might say, I really didn't like it, or it wasn't my cup of tea, but to unfairly attack the person who is sharing their craft in such a personal way is just not nice. There is enough sadness in the world without us adding to it.


I had a surprise jaunt out and about with my sister yesterday.  We had been talking on the computer and I said how I was really craving a nice piece of fish. She said there was a fish processing plant not far from where I live and  that you could buy fresh fish there, and that actually they had fresh haddock available yesterday.   I said sign me up!  We popped over (and it is literally less than five  minutes away) and picked some up.  Then we went to one of the local grocery stores and then back home.  I don't think we were an hour in total, but it was so nice to spend even that hour with her.  She truly is my best friend.  This is the first time in our adult lives that we have lived this close to each other.  We have had several times where we lived in the same province and were within several hours of each other, but never not really within minutes of each other.  (Save for a brief  few months in Alberta about 40 odd years ago.)  I know you must get tired of me saying how much she means to me, but I never tire of saying it!  Having had to be separated for so long, I will never take our now being able to live so close together for granted.

I just had to show you this. If you are my friend on Facebook you will have already seen it.  This is Nutmeg while I was eating my dinner yesterday.  I was watching Bonanza while I was eating, and he decided I wasn't paying him enough attention and so he decided to get in front of the tv so that I would be looking at him, lol.  (Yes I need to put my candles elsewhere looking at this. It looks messy.)  It was like he was saying "Here I am! Look at me!"  Mr Personality indeed.  Actually as I am writing this, he is laying next to me (yes on the table, sigh . . .) and purring. He is not so independent as Cinnamon.  If he is not playing he is usually found next to me.  

He loves this fleece blanket.  He likes to knead it and suck on it, purring the whole time.  This is usually how he sleeps next to me, not a care in the world.

Cinnamon is usually in her basket, which is almost always next to me as well, but if she isn't in her basket she is on my chest kneading and purring.  Eventually she will flop onto her back and let me rub her tummy and paws.  

They are such wonderful company. I am sure my mom had a hand in me getting them. She knew I needed some furry loving company.  Mom was on her own from the age of 54 until her last few years of her life when my sister moved down from Ontario to help take care of her.  She had her cats, first Ginger and then Pumpkin.  I know now what they meant to her. Ginger was buried with her and my sister inherited Pumpkin.  I miss my mom.  I always will.

The more I think about it, the more I feel the urge to write a novel, even if it is only just for myself. I have always wanted to write a novel. My sister and I both used to talk about it with each other.  We would share plots, etc.  Even if I am the only person who ever reads it. I am feeling the compulsion to put down the words . . .  we will see.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today as my day is calling out to me to come and enter in. Time's a wastin' and before you know it, it will be done. 
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *It is what I was born for to look,
to listen, to lose myself inside
this soft world - to instruct
myself over and over in joy.
~Mary Oliver  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Baked Haddock with Buttery Cracker Topping. This was incredibly delicious. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. A shame about the review and very personal info.
    I have to say I find people getting meaner and menaer..this FB..the people are outright nasty towards one another with their totally different views.
    Who would think..even think..of desecrating Terry Fox's statue..etc..I have never been so down on what I am seeing in people.They are sad..angry..:(I guess you were her target.Mean.Mean mean.

    1. And none of it true either. Like grossly embellished I guess! Except for the last bit about Todd and I don't know what that has to do with my book. People are sad and angry and I need to grow thicker skin I guess! xoxo

  2. I think if we don't have something good to say then we should just shut up. Sorry about the comment. I think your pictures are wonderful and always make me hungry. Our Ohio groundhog says we'll have an early Spring. Good news for us! I'm very tired of winter.

    1. I have not heard if the groundhog saw his shadow here or not Pam, but I suspect he may not have. It was not entirely sunny. Thank you for your kind words. xoxo

  3. People who spew garbage are either jealous or insecure. Ignore them. I read your blog every day and love your stories and recipes. Please be safe out there. We're getting the storm later today. Yikes, will spring ever come?

    1. Thanks very much Paula. I don't know what motivates people to be like that. I couldn't be like that even with someone I didn't like. We are getting your storm tomorrow! You stay safe and warm also! xoxo

  4. At least in our country, for the most part, good manners have gone bye-bye...sadly!! Sorry about the nastiness Marie...seems one could have such a review removed!! I would try at least...maybe get that dingbat removed from the Goodreads entirely.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I have complained. It was a while ago now that she wrote that. I only just stumbled onto it. I need to get a thicker skin! xoxo

  5. No self respecting groundhog would show his nose today with a winter storm about to hit our area. But regardless of the fun prediction, in 6 weeks time the calendar will say spring, but whether it is the first spring day will be another think.
    I agree with Diana, there are so many mean spirited people posting dreadful things and doing dreadful things these days. I live more and more in my own bubble.

    1. I am like you Linda, I keep more and more to myself as well. I know in six weeks it will be officially spring. Here's hoping it comes in gently! xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    I will never understand why people feel the need to be just doesn't make sense to me. I think your porkchops look delicious, all of your photos look fabulous to me! You have so many readers who love your recipes (me included), so as hard as it is, just ignore them, they are sad people in pain for one reason or another, so making other feel bad somehow makes them feel better...very sad.

    Spring is just around the corner! The high today is only going to be about 13 degrees, but the sun is shining, so that is wonderful!

    Have a good day and stay warm...the kittens are adorable by the way, I can't believe how much they have grown! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks very much Barb. People just are hurting I guess and they take it out on others. You are right about that. Spring is just around the corner. I don't mind winter really, so long as I am safe and cosy indoors! Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. Oh Marie you simply MUST write a book. Even if no one reads it - although that would be nice ! It is extremely cathartic to put words onto paper ( yes I am that old). It will help you sort out your feelings of loss, love, dreams, animal friends and family. Just for fun why don't you write a chapter and then your sister the next ? What fun you will have !

  8. P.S. the majority of people are kind and thoughtful. Then there are those few who are just horrid. Hard not to take things personally. DON'T. You are brave loving and forgiving

  9. I just want to say it’s too bad and so sad that people have to be so very mean. Life is too short for such terrible comments and actions I see these days. I so enjoy your blog and recipes. I was on Twitter for about two weeks when I realized I was reading very unkind comments and cringing at raw foul language….I got off very quickly. I’ve never been on FB or instagram. I am old and didn’t know what a blog was until a few years ago!! I hope you continue to share your cooking expertise, words of wisdom, poems, quotes, photography, faith, stories and observations with the world. We need more of YOU and ZERO of the trolls in the world. Thank you for letting me comment, it is a privilege. I don’t have a blog, I’m not a writer, just a happy reader who enjoys your positive attitude and recipes -even if I am on a diet. ;-) Stay warm and strong and happy. xo, V.

  10. I can't believe how big your kitties have gotten. They are both beautiful.
    Animals add so much joy to our lives,all they ask for is a little food and love.
    I wouldn't worry about that review,anyone reading it can see it for what it is.
    Keep cooking, blogging and enjoying each day.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!