Strength for the day. That is all that I ask.
Light for my guidance and zest for my task.
Peace and contentment, a quiet abode
And grace for my soul at the end of the road.
~Partience Strong
By the time we got home last night and got into bed, it was very late. Well . . . not late for most people, but late for us. We never like to go to bed right away when we get in, as Mitzie has been on her own for a number of hours, and so we have a bit of a cuddle time and just watch a couple of quiet and nice shows on the telly while she sits between us and we stroke her. Last night it was Mary Tyler Moore and Leave it to Beaver. We are watching both series again from the beginning. They just never get old do they? Timeless classics.
As a teenager I wanted to be Mary Tyler Moore . . . or at least have her apartment and her wardrobe! And Beaver . . . well, I wanted Wally. haha

It is so nice at the end of the day to sit on the sofa with Mitzie. Our dear Jess was never one to get on the sofa. She couldn't or wouldn't jump up that high and so she always lay at our feet, but Mitzie is a cuddler and she loves nothing better than to be between us on the sofa. That is where and when she is happiest. Todd had taken me over to the Johansen's early yesterday so I could help Sister Johansen get the food ready for last night and he had come home by himself. He said that Mitzie was quite disconcerted that he was on his own and was looking for me, and whining a bit. I said it was more like she was thinking . . . "It will soon be my supper time and the feeder is not here!" haha In any case I had left her tea all ready and waiting for her at the appointed time. All he had to do was give it to her, but then . . . she didn't know that.
From the very beginning we decided that I would be the feeder and Todd would be the walker. That way her loyalties would be divided and two of the joys in her life would belong to each one of us, if that makes sense. I think I got the better deal . . . especially when I think of how cold and wet and dreary it can get in the Winter!

We had such a lovely time last night with our brilliant young Missionaries. I will sahre more when I have the photos done, but in the meantime I can tell you about it. Sister Johansen and I worked really hard and put together a Spooky Shepherd's Pie for them, plus we did Bat Cupcakes and Grape Caterpillars. I had done Spider Dip, Chinese Coleslaw and some Monster Fingers before I went over. The Johansen's apartment was all decorated with some Halloween stuff, hanging spiders and the like and we made Wassail for drinks. Sister Walker had mentioned how much she missed having it and that it was a traditional autumn drink for her back home and so we made some. It's not always easy to do drinks and foods from home over here because we can't get the stuff, but we make do with what we can get and the kids all enjoyed the Wassail, so we must have done a good job on it. Once the zone leaders got there, Elder Newman helped me to make Mummy Mini Pizzas. It was so much fun!
These are really great kids and I really enjoy working with them and spending time with them. Transfer week is coming up next week and we are sure to lose a few, which is always sad because you come to love them so much when you are working with them like we do. Well, Todd and I have always had a heart for the Missionaries anyways, but when you are a Missionary yourself, that love deepens because you get to know them even better and share in their joys and struggles. We are sure to lose at least a couple this time around . . . but I know that the new ones that come in their place will be just as lovely and just as special, and change is always an important part of growth.

I know you must get tired of hearing it, but I do love my life. For sure it is not all rainbows and glitter and unicorns, but the good helps to sustain me through the bad, and I count it all joy at the end of the day. When we are young we are filled with great ambitions and grandiose plans and designs for our lives. We are all going to do great things and experience the light fantastic. Once we get older we realize, and life teaches us . . . that it is the small and simple things, experiences, accomplishments, etc. that mean the most and which have the most value. And there are times when you look back and you think to yourself . . . no, that is not the life which I would have written for myself, but . . . it was the life that I needed to live in order for me to learn and to grow the most in ways that are unique to me and my experience. And the best part is . . . the learning and the growing are not over yet!
Which can sometimes be a scary proposition, but always exciting nonetheless. If you treat life as the adventure it was meant to be, the journey always becomes better. It's like when you go on holiday . . . does your holiday start when you arrive at your destination or is the journey to that desination a part of that holiday. For me the holiday has always begun with the journey..
Well, I have run out of time this morning. I was a whole hour later getting up because I was so much later getting to bed and then I didn't fall asleep right away, so I will love you and leave you now with a thought for the day . . .
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
Follow your star, the star of fate
that leads you know not where.
Follow the secret trail of faith,
made bold by hope and prayer.
Follow the music of your dreams
beyond the last ascent.
Fear not the hazards of the way
for God is provident.
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Grilled Apple, Bacon and Cheese Sandwiches.
I hope your Wednesday is a special one! Don't forget!
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And I do too!!

Hmmm. Wally? You liked the bad boy with a gleam in his eye. Makes me wonder what you haven't told us about Todd. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt's like you have borrowed daughters with those shing happy faces..I bet you have a ball with them Marie..they could be on CTM:)
ReplyDeleteI was up later this morning too as I was reading and stayed up with that book much later than usual. I so agree, no matter how old I get I do find I'm still learning and growing every day. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one !
ReplyDeleteOh, I always thought Wally was rather a good boy Laura! Now Eddie Haskell, he was trouble, but I hear he was very nice in real life! Todd, well, he's just the perfect mix! ;-) xoxo
ReplyDeleteI know Monique! I feel like I have a lot of lovely children now and from all over the world. Elder Newman is so kind to me. He is the one who brought me the sugar free candies and whenever he is around he is always asking me if he can do anything for me. Last night he helped me to make the mini pizzas, and he is just such a nice young man. Oh, if I only had a daughter of marriagable age! ;-) xoxo
I hope you have a lovely Wednesday too Pam! I was reading a new book last night also! xoxo
Oh! You're right! I was mixing Wally and Eddie up. Wally WAS a good boy and nice looking too. I'm sure June was very proud of her boy, well boyS, really. Sorry about the mix-up. I'm sure that Todd is very much like Wally. :)
ReplyDeleteNo worries Laura! xoxo
ReplyDeleteWell a day late but no way could I get commenting yesterday....really odd. And so far today Friday's blog has not appeared as yet and it's usually up by this time it's almost 7 am...hopefully it will appear later...hope you are ok.mand continuing to cope with the new eating plan....hope also that your blood test was ok. The other day...Mary is dong well and getting used to her new walker. She is going to go up,to'Edinburgh next Tuesday to stay with Jenny her friend back on the 5 th November, she is very excited about that, just hope she will be ok..Please Marie can I ask you to pray for my dear friend Joy fromnThetford ......that I speak with every morning.....she is very ill and having tests done at Papworth hospital, we think she has cancer and also a heart problem...she can't stop to chat this morning as she feels so poorly and has gone back to bed, not my Joy at all...she had a biopsy done Tuesday had a call from hospital last night to say go to Addenbrook hospital Tuesday for a PET scan then go to Papworth for discussion with Drs etc on Thursday, the hospitals are sending transport for her...her husband Dave has early onset dementia so all very worrying...please pray for them both ...thank you xxx