Autumn has well and truly arrived here in the UK. Although our colours don't get as brilliant as they do in North America, they do get really pretty. I don't think I could ever be truly happy living in a place where the seasons didn't change. I have so many things that I love about each season I would be sure to miss the changes!
The grocery stores now have pumpkins. I'm not sure how successful growing pumpkins in the UK would be . . . it's so wet, but we do have them in the shops now . . . I don't think that they are really eating pumpkins however, but Jack O'Lantern pumpkins. I don't remember ever carving pumpkins when I was a child, but I do remember carving them with my own children. Messy but fun . . . and always the concern that they might cut themselves . . . but there are some things you just have to let your children do and carving pumpkins is one of them.

We did another street display with the Missionaries in Chester yesterday during the day. It wasn't too awfully cold, but it is definitely getting colder. I wore my thick black stockings that Todd hates because I knew they would keep my legs warm. We always seem to set up downwind of this guys burger and hotdog stand . . . and so you can smell frying onions the whole time. They always smell so good. I have never had one of his burgers, but two of the elders did yesterday (not being able to resist that gorgeous smell) and they looked really good.
Most people are not really interested in talking to you, and that's okay . . . for the few that are, it's really worth it. You feel so good when someone stops to speak and listen to even a little portion of what you have to share. It does take a lot of courage however and I so admire these young people who do it all day every day.
Todd and I have been praying about what we might do. We are not exactly called as proselyting Missionaries, like the younger ones, but we are certainly more than welcome to go out and teach with them when they go. We're not even exactly like most of the Elderly Couple Missionaries out in the field . . . because we are serving from our home and our own Ward. We're not Ward Missionaries though . . . because we come under the umbrella of the Manchester England Mission and it's President, but . . . and I suppose it is because we are serving from our own home, we don't seem to be taken that seriously by people. We thought we might contact some of the Care Homes and the Hospital and see if there was a way we could serve in either of them a couple of days a week. I know that they are really struggling in these places even just to help people get fed. We'll just have to see what happens, even if all we do is go in and play cards with them or chat with them, it would at least be a service.
We are having a Baptism at our chapel this morning, so that's pretty exciting. ☺

Quite a few Thanksgiving pictures were posted this week on facebook of some of the Grandchildren enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend. Looks like they went to an Orchard of sorts . . . oh what I wouldn't give to be there one year. I don't think that will happen somehow and I doubt it would really live up to my expectations. They are all very set in their ways of how they do things and I wouldn't want to interfere with the traditions that they have already established. In fact, I know I would probably just end up feeling left out. I would hardly be welcome at my ex's for the day, nor would I want to be there really . . . and I am sure that all of the kids and their families would not have as good a time being anywhere else. So it's probably for the best that things are just as they are.

It does make me feel a little sad though when I see photos of them with the step mom's parents and family . . . knowing that my own mother, father, sister, etc. are just five minutes down the road and that they never get to see them for the most part. I think mom got to see Cameron when he was a few weeks old, but that is all. He will be three next June and she has never seen him except for that one time. I, personally, cannot understand it. My parents were a huge part of their lives when the kids were growing up and now . . . nothing. My oldest and middle son do take their families to see my mom and dad, but that is all.
At the end of the day however . . . I am probably the only one who is truly bothered by it. C'est la vie!

It's probably better that I just live over here and not have my feelings hurt, because from this far away, I can always dream about what it might be like and those dreams are probably far better than what the reality would or could ever be! Look at those darling faces . . . I wonder what they were looking at?

Something terrifically exciting no doubt! I am also curious as to what is going on here. Juice samples perhaps?

And I am quite sure the conversation around this table was quite scintilating! This is the table I would have liked to sit at. For sure.

Six more felt ornaments have been pumpked out this week with more in the pipeline. I like to keep my hands busy when we are watching the telly in the evening, and these are just the trick. They don't photograph nearly as nice as they actually look in person. You can't see the sparkle of the sequins and beads. I do love every aspect of creating them, and I do hope that the grandkids will one day treasure them. Hope springs eternal! I know I would have loved getting something like this handmade by my gran when I was a child!

(Source My List of Lists)
We are combining our District Meeting with a bit of a Halloween Party for the Missionaries on Tuesday next. Sister Johansen and I have big plans. Witchy Fingers, Grape Caterpillars, Bat Cookies, my Spooky Shepherds Pie and I am going to make my Mexican Dip but with a decidedly spooky theme! We have a few other bits and bobs planned as well. We have left the decorations and any games up to the youngsters! It should be a good evening. I know it is a bit before Halloween, but transfers are the next week and we are pretty positive we will be losing a few, so wanted to have it while these kiddos are still here. They're such a good bunch . . . but then again . . . ALL of them are!
I am really going to miss Sister Johansen when she and her husband go home in April when their mission is over. I just wish I could crazy glue them over here so they could never leave . . . but I think their family would miss them.

Oh, and I have to go back in and have my bloods re-tested on Tuesday because something was wrong with the last ones. Sigh . . . should I be worried? I dunno . . .
And finally I had a lovely facetime with my dad and sister last night on the iPad. It was great. I wish they would do it more often, even if they do always catch me in my night clothes with my face wiped off!!
A thought to carry with you through today . . .
Keep your mind continually
turned toward God
so that your every work
and all of your activities,
physical and mental,
may be prayers.
~Ven. Louis of Granada, 16th century

I baked Chocolate Chip Cookies for the Missionaries on Tuesday . . . check out THE RECIPE today in The English Kitchen.
Have a wonderful Saturday! Don't forget!
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And I do too!

Hello Marie..cute pics of the kids..
ReplyDeleteI understand..all your question marks..
and wish I had answers..
There are great things about FB and less great..like seeing things that hurt our feelings..such as the grands being w/ other great grandparents and not your parents..
sometimes..it's just convenience..proximity..heck I don't know..
The young dermatologist that died in NY.. her FB pages were still up and running..so much info on FB
I can imagine many brojen hearted people seeing exes..etc..
youths getting bullied..like I said..good and bad..
In the long run though..many post TMI.
wow..what a diatribe from me..
Just wanted you to know I get it..;)
and the felt ornaments are darling!
I wear black wool leotards all winter!
Oh for sure there are plusses and minuses. I see all that you mention and more. A lot of people live their whole lives out on FB, bad and good, down to the most minute details. I keep it and on it because that's the only way I find out anything that is going on! It is a double edged sword for sure. xoxo