"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."
~author unknown
I've often been asked how ever did I have the courage to come to live over here, in a new country with no family close by to rely on if need be. To be perfectly honest, I didn't even think twice about it when I did it. I just knew in my heart that it was what I wanted to do, and what I had to do, and this is a decision that has served me very well.
I just adore my adopted country. I felt very at home here in the UK from day one and, indeed, it has become my home. I knew that I loved Todd and I wanted to share my life with him, and that it would be a lot easier for me to immigrate here than it would be for him to immigrate to Canada. It was the path of least resistance.

I suppose having been married to a Military man for many years, and having been brought up with a Military father, I was quite used to the idea of moving about, and setting down roots in various places. That probably helped alot as well. I expect it did take a bit of courage to come here, but really, it was what I wanted to do, and I have been happy as larry here, and very settled.
I do miss people such as my mom, dad, siblings and children . . . but you can often live right in the same community and never see each other very often. Being far apart means that when we do see each other the time is more valued and precious, or at least that is the way I think of it, and with all the technology of modern days, we truly are blessed to be in instant communication with whomever we want, no matter the distance or time that separates us. It is not like several hundred years ago when it could take months, or sometimes even years, for a letter to reach it's intended destination!

I have been meaning to show you these beautiful foxgloves that popped up in our garden this spring! I don't remember them from last year, but lo and behold there they were this year! So very pretty and such a surprise! I do so love a surprise like that, don't you? I also love that they are called foxgloves . . . they just look like the perfect sized and shaped little glove for a pretty red fox to slip on!
I am off to my one step program this morning and then will be doing the reading class early this afternoon. I was quite surprised yesterday as he was able to read the whole first book for me! I was amazed. I told him he is a star pupil and will do very well as long as he stays committed to the project! That, I think, is the key. He mustn't give up halfway through, or it will all have been for naught. I don't think he will. He seems pretty determined.
I seriously don't think I have lost any weight this week. I just don't feel as if I have. I am really struggling here. I don't think it helps not being very mobile. Todd and I walked down to the shops yesterday afternoon with the dog and I really suffered for it afterwards. I was hobbling around the rest of the day, and could hardly get in and out of the bathtub last night. I think we need a shower. I will have to start saving for one!

I see the milk float parked on the street delivering milk to the neighbors right now. I love the sound of the glass milk bottles tinkling against each other. I always have done. They don't do glass bottles in Canada anymore, so it is a sound from my childhood. It's funny how a sound like that can instantly transport you to another time and place! The milk floats themselves are very quiet. I think they are electric and they just glide along, very slowly of course. But the bottles, well . . . they make a music all of their own!
That cat was in our garden again yesterday afternoon and Mitzie was cowering away in the kitchen door peering out at it! She is quite afraid of it I think. Our Jess would have been chasing it. She always loved chasing cats and squirrels. Mitzie though . . . she is a different kettle of fish. I wonder how she will be with all the sheep up in Cumbria in the autumn! I think she will be most surprised and probably a bit afraid of them too! I think though, that once she realizes we are not afraid of them, she will be ok. I am quite looking forward to our little getaway with her. It will be nice.
Well, I have gone on long enough about not a lot this morning, so will leave you now with a tasty recipe. I do love myself a good steak. It is the one thing that keeps me from turning vegetarian . . . I could give up just about everything else, but I couldn't give up having a good steak once in a while!

*Beef Tenderloin with Blue Cheese*
Serves 2
Printable Recipe
Beef and blue cheese go so very well together. One of my favourite flavour combinations!
2(6-ounce)beef tenderloin steaks, cut 1 inch thick
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon coarse ground pepper
2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese
1 tablespoon butter, softened
1 teaspoon chopped fresh chives
1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard
Heat a gas grill on medium-high, a charcoal grill until coals are ash white, or an electric grill or grill pan on high until hot. Rub steaks all over with the oil, and then season with the salt and pepper.
Place steaks onto grill, and then cook, turning once, until internal temperature reaches 145°F. (medium-rare) or until they reach your desired doneness (7 to 11 minutes).
Meanwhile, combine all remaining ingredients in small bowl.
To serve, place the grilled steaks onto heated plates and dollop half of the butter mixture onto each.
We like potatoes with these! (And I like salad!)

Hop on over to The English Kitchen to see what kind of equipment Morphy Richard's sent me to test out this month and what I did with it!

Good morning Marie! Lovely post as usual and I for one am very glad that you chose to live in our country...and with Todd of course, how else would I have met you both!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure foxgloves come up every other year, perhaps someone else can confirm this, that's why you wouldn't have seen them last year when you first moved into your house.
Morning Marie, was just thinking about your knees before I opened up this morning and there you are aswering my question. I am so sorry that they have not settled down yet. when do you see the surgeon next ? Good luck at the weigh in. I think you have been doing really well it just takes so long and we get a bit dispondent...but keep looking at an old phot of how you used to be and how you want to see yourself come next year....I agree with you about a nice steak...for me rare but definatley no blue cheese LOL
ReplyDeleteLove Sybil xx
I hope your knees are better today. We haven't had glass milk bottles here for years now and the same with milk delivery. I used to love it as our delivery service also had cheese, bread eggs etc if you needed it you just put in an order. I sure do miss it now. Hope your Friday is a fantastic one!
ReplyDeleteLOVED this cozy ramble today, Marie! So sorry your knees are bothering you though...do take care. Best with your One Step today. LOVE, love, love your foxgloves--they are splendid--so big too! Foxgloves are biannual plants, usually flowering every second year--so could be why you didn't see/recall them from last year. I love foxgloves. I had some pink ones but they didn't fair well, sadly--Charlie laid all over the young plants... LOL! Maybe I'll have foxglove at our "someday dream house." ;o) Your story of moving to England is so much like my own. I had to hesitations about moving here to Norway. (We share so much of our stories, don't we.) The language barrier here didn't last long, and I keep learning the language all the time. I miss my family & friends back home in the USA a lot, but after all this time, not sure I could live in the US again. Hope you, Todd & Mitzie have a lovely weekend ahead! If the rain holds up, we hope to be out & about a bit tomorrow. Sunday hubby has to work. Sorry to slow with email--I've been online a little less this week. Hope we can catch up soon--miss you! LOVE YOU LOTS, dear friend!! ((BIG HUGS))