FOR TODAY, March 17th, 2010...
Outside My Window...
The sun is up as are all the birds. I've been getting up a bit later now that I haven't had to go to work. I miss getting up at 5, so I reckon tomorrow morning I am going to kick myself out of bed a bit earlier. The early morning is the best time of the day.
I am thinking...
I am so overwhelmed with everything that has been happening in our lives lately, and all the words of support and comfort I have received from everyone. On facebook, via e-mail, on here . . . every word is so very much appreciated. I don't know if I will have a chance to e-mail you back personally as there are so very many, but I will try. Todd and I can feel your warm thoughts and your prayers helping to carry us through these present trials. You have been a great comfort to us.
I am thankful for...
I am so thankful for the many blessings my Heavenly Father has given us. Despite all that has been horribly painful over these past weeks, there have also been small blessings and miracles. I am so thankful for a heart that sees . . .
From the kitchen...
I haven't been doing very much cooking or baking, but we are having people over for supper tonight so I will be cooking up a storm today. It is good to be busy.
I am wearing...
Having a good clearout, the type that you have when you are getting ready to move is good. You find all sorts of things you had forgotten that you had. I found some pajamas that I knew I had somewhere but hadn't been able to find. (Not sure what that says about me. hmmm . . . do I wanna know??? I think not!) Anyways, they are white flannelette with teddy bears all over them in pinks and browns and with pink trim. I remember them distinctly being tight . . . but guess what, they are almost falling off me. I thought I better wear them while I still could!!
I am creating...

I still have those dolls sitting here waiting to be sold. I guess people are not much in the market for dolls right now. I shall pack them away today and maybe once we have settled in at the other end someone will want them. I will have to close my shop for the period in which we are moving and getting settled as I will not have access to the computer for a week or so. That is going to be very painful!!!
I am going...
The movers are dropping off the boxes tonight and so tomorrow begins the job of packing everything up. We have been trying to organize things this week so that we are better prepared for that. On Saturday we are going to Todd's brothers for the day and to spend some time with them before we leave and go back up North. They are not travelling people so who knows when we will see them again. When we lived in Chester before, we often invited them up and even offered to go and pick them up and bring them up there, but they never took us up on it. They do go on Holidays from time to time but always to the same place in Devon and always to the same holiday camp. I think they are very much creatures of habit. But then . . . I think we all are to a degree.
Saturday night there is a Ward Activity. I think they are also going to use that as an opportunity to say farewell to us. I hate goodbyes . . . the people of our Ward have been like family to us and it is going to be very difficult to leave them all behind. Chester is only 270 miles away though and they all have a standing invitation to come up and visit us and I surely hope that they will. (Not all at once though! lol)
I am reading...

The Pull of The Moon, by Elizabeth Berg
'Dear Martin,
I'm sorry the note I left you was so abrupt. I just wanted you to know I was safe... I won't be back for a while. I'm on a trip. I needed all of a sudden to go, without saying where, because I don't know where. I know this is not like me. I know that,. But please believe me, I am safe and I am not crazy. I felt as though if I didn't do this I wouldn't be safe and I would be crazy... And can you believe this? I love you. Nan'
Sometimes you have to leave your life behind for a while to see it and really live it freshly again. In this luminous, exquisitely written novel, a woman follows the pull of the moon to find her way home. Sometimes humorous, sometimes heartbreaking, always honest, The Pull of the Moon is a novel about the journey of one woman - and about the issues of the heart that transforms the lives of all women. Written in the form of letters to her husband and diary exerpts, I am really enjoying this book.
I am hoping...
I am hoping that nothing more crummy happens to us, at least not over the next couple of weeks. I know that into each life some rain must fall, and that it is all a part of the ebb and flow of life, but I have had just about enough for the moment . . . I jokingly said yesterday that I was waiting for the boils to appear . . . I have got a pimple on my nose . . . I hope it's not a portent of things to come!
I am hearing...
The kitchen is silent, except for the ticking clock and my tapping keys. I need to put some music on to distract me from the silence. If silence is golden . . . well, I'm just not feeling it right now.
Around the house...
The place is a bit of a tip with cupboards being opened and everything being sorted. There are plastic boxes every where and more things waiting to be put into boxes. I once heard that moving was one of the most stressful events in people's lives, and I can well believe it! Oh well, once we get this move sorted that is it. I am hoping to never have to move ever again!
One of my favorite things...
is reading my scriptures each morning. They give my life and heart a special balance and much wisdom and comfort. The scriptures are amazing. They always touch my heart in a special way and tell me exactly what I need to hear at any given moment.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Packing, Packing and more packing. There will be some bits of fun interspersed as well.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Todd and I took a break midafternoon yesterday. The day was so sunny and a bit milder and so we took ourselves off for a walk down through the village. There was a verge in the village just crammed full of oceans of crocus in full bloom. It was so beautiful, I could not resist taking several pictures.

Many of the blooms were being buzzed by big fat bumbly bees! What a beautiful portent of spring. Over in Canada it was always the Robin, but here I have to say it is the Bumble Bee. Big and fat and bumbling from flower to flower. They speak spring to my heart.

And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)
This has been very good for my soul this morning . . . this reflection on all that is good in my life. My Simple Woman posts have always been one of my favourite activities during the week.
Nothing says comfort and home like Rice Pudding. This is one of Todd's favourites.

*Creamy Rice Pudding*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe
This is a delicious, homey and comforting pudding. You can add raisins if you like, which I sometimes do, or you can just opt to serve it warm and topped with a bit of fruit jam, as I have done here.
1 1/2 cups cooked rice
1 cup whole milk
2 slightly beaten eggs
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup heated whole milk
1 TBS butter
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
grated nutmeg
red fruit jam, such as cherry, raspberry or strawberry (optional)
Place the cooked rice, 1 cup of milk, beaten eggs and the sugar in the top of a double boiler over simmering water. Cook, stirring, until the mixture coats the back of a metal spoon. Remove from the heat immediately. Add the 1/2 cup of heated milk and the butter vanilla and raisins if using. Let stand for 30 minutes. Spoon into bowls to serve. Grate some fresh nutmeg on top and serve with a spoon full of jam on top if desired.

Now that's a tasty mouthful!! Over on The English Kitchen today, Whoopie Pies!

I think you are truly wonderful Marie...despite all the trials that you have had these last weeks you can still find things to be grateful for...bless you...
ReplyDeleteLove sybil xx
There are many blessings in every day as you have discovered even in the midst of crummy days. Moving is a big job but I know that you will feel a lot better when it's done and you are settled again.
ReplyDeleteMarie your resilience is so astonishing. I will miss your posts while you move. I certainly hope the pimple resolves quickly and doesn't prove you to be a prophet.
ReplyDeleteTake care and do not overdo things my dearest girl.
In this moment really I will love to be with you and Todd and talk with you, my dear, your words are lovely, really lovely, send you a lot of huggs and kisses. Love yah! xoxoxoxoxo gloria
ReplyDeleteIm thinking in you (both) you and Todd all day, my dears my prayers and love are with you, huggss gloria
ReplyDeleteYou always have the best daybook. Great blog. Keep it up!