I have never had a professional manicure or pedicure, but I have always wanted one. When I was married and raising five children, there were always other things to spend the money on. The children always came first. They might disagree with that statement, but it's true. Any money we had went to take care of them. Then as a singleton, I didn't have the spare money to waste on anything so frivelous. Once I got married again and was working, I didn't have the time. Now that I'm not working . . . I don't have the spare money! It's okay. Things like that are a luxury anyways and I would never be able to justify the expense when there are so many other things we need. I do admire pretty fingernails however. Maybe one day.
Yes, it's another five things about me post! Can you stand it?

These last three or four years have been the first time in a very long time that I haven't been working with some kind of children's group. When my girls were younger, it was Brownies/Girl Guides. Then it was the church Youth Group and Awana, then another Church Children's Group . . . Primary in the church I go to now, and Young Women's. I have always worked with children, and secretly . . . I have always never liked it deep down. I am deeply intimidated by children. I am never quite comfortable with them. I think it goes back to my own childhood and having been bullied and teased. I think I am actually quite afraid of other people's children for some strange reason. Working with children is not in my comfort zone. I am actually quite thankful that I haven't had to do it for the past couple of years. Whew!

I have visited every province in Canada except for Newfoundland/Labrador, theYukon Territory and the Northwest Territories. I have never had any desire really to go to any of those. I have lived in six provinces, some of them several times . . . Nova Scotia (lived there three times), Prince Edward Island (born there), New Brunswick (lived there once), Ontario (lived there four times), Manitoba (lived there twice), Alberta (lived there in three different locations). I have also been to almost all of the Northern States, even if it has only been to drive through them on the way to someplace else. I have never been to the state of Washington.

I used to be able to take shorthand at the speed of 140 wpm. It's been many years since I have taken shorthand and I can only now remember a few symbols. I have never had to use it and I guess that old adage is true . . . if you don't use it, you lose it.

I've always been an over-achiever . . . . driven to be the best, do the best. I have always tried hard and it has taken me a life time to recognise that I don't HAVE to be the best at anything, that sometimes it's okay to come second, or third or whatever, just so long as I have done my best. Todd says I have a temper when things don't work out the way I want them to. And perhaps I do. I know it does drive me to distraction to think I have failed at something.
And that's it, my five things about me for this week.
We are having the Elders for supper tonight. I am making the chicken dish that my friend cooked us for lunch on Monday. It was ever so delicious! I am also doing baked potatoes, vegetables and an apple tart for dessert. I don't really do salad when we have the lads as it never gets eaten. (except for me.) It's been a while since we have had them over for supper, so I am really looking forward to it.
A thought to carry with you through today.
The only person you should
try to be better than is . . .
the person you were yesterday.

There are Barbequed Spareribs in The English Kitchen today!
Have a wonderful Thursday. I hope the sun shines wherever you are and that your day is filled with blessings, large and small.
Don't forget!
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And I do too!

Good morning Marie,
ReplyDeleteI am pleased that today is over. Beth has been a little unwell. That means argumentative. However, I did get many jobs done. I have loved the cooler weather as I have slept well. It is great to snuggle down.
God bless you all.
All teenage girls can be stroppy at one time or another! Hormones! Glad you are sleeping well and got a lot of work done. That's a bonus! Love and hugs! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI received a manicure as a gift for my 60th birthday.
ReplyDeleteOver rated.
They don't last.
Takes time out of your day.
Just take a few minutes and do your own:)
Even Walmarts do manicures here..
I guess you do feel pampered..but I have never gotten used to that so I don't miss it..
you wouldn't either.
Looks like you have lived a nomadic life as have I. Nothing like being a military family to see the country. Like you, I have never been to the real north. My son, a newly minted pilot in the RCAF chose Yellowknife for his first posting. He has truly revelled in the sights and sounds of his time there, including seeing the just-discovered Franklin ship under the ice. It all appeals to his true adventurous spirit and going where none of his peers have been. I have enjoyed sharing his adventures and hope we can visit him one day soon. All the ladies in the family treated ourselves to pedicures last year for Mother's Day, a first for us all. What a treat the massage and soak! No, it doesn't last but makes your feet pretty in sandals for a while. Have a lovely visit.
ReplyDeleteI used to go to a Chiropodist all the time when I was working Monique. He took any hard skin from my feet and clipped my toenails. I went every 8 weeks. It cost £25, which is pretty close to $50, but it was worth it as I spent all day on my feet. I could not justify that now. I did always feel like a million bucks afterwards even if he didn't paint my toenails! These days I am lucky if I can reach my toenails, let alone paint them, lol xoxo
ReplyDeleteMy son is in the RAF also Colleen, he is an avionics systems tech. He's been in about 5 years now. He loves it. Yes, the military sure prepared me for a nomadic life. I am grateful that I was able to see all the places I have seen and to meet the people I have met. xoxo
The dinner for the missionaries sounds so good. I know what you mean with the salads; they often aren't good salad eaters.
ReplyDeleteI do hope you get a real manicure or pedicure someday; you deserve that one.
I have all of these grandchildren and great grandchildren and now I serve in the Primary. I have three 5 years olds and I can't handle them. Honestly, it has been a big struggle for me. I love them but I don't enjoy teaching them. I don't know why I think this way. I think I am getting old and tired. There's my confession.
I'll bet with blogging and writing you are still fast at typing. I learned shorthand and I can't remember anything.
I can say that when I have a project I can getting really intense.
I really think we are like in some ways; except I have no creativity at all.
I loved this one. Blessings, love and hugs for you dear friend.
Oh yeh, I am still really fast at typing LeAnn! Part of why I am not fond of other people's children is probably I am old and tired too. I think there is a reason you are supposed to have your children when you are young! lol xoxo
ReplyDeleteI hav enever had a manicur eeither Marie. In fact truth to tell I have bitten my nails for ever....until about 6 months ago and suddenly I stopped !! no one would ever have knowm I bit my nails as I only ever did it to keep them short I have never managed to use clippers or sissors,,so now I just keep them a wee bitty longer but still no nial varnish etc !! one day...but like you I would kind of grudge spenng that kind of money on myeself...I have been to lot sof places in Canada as I think I have said..but I can beat you on one !! I have been to Newfoundland from the farhest north St Anthony.. down to the south St.John and lots of placed inbetween also sailed up to Labrador just can;t for the life of me remember where we sailed into..We went up there with the mail ship and it was then I saw the huge ice bergs for the first time such excitment...Anyway love am now away to catch up with today's Fridays blog !!