I thought it would be fun to do another five things about me post today. So long as I can come up with five things about me that is! I think I can. I love to share and I love a bit of self examination too. I hope you don't mind!
I had one of these when I was a girl. It is the Jolly Green Giant from the Green Giant commercials. Yo ho ho! There was nothing special about it. It was just a rag doll, screen printed to look like the Jolly Green Giant. I wish I could tell you I saved can labels for months and years to get him, but it's nothing so fantazmagorical as that. My best friend moved away the summer between Grade four and Grade five. We had been best friends since kindergarten. She had to give away some of her toys and she gave it to me. I loved it because it came from her, not because he was the Jolly Green Giant. The next year we moved and we ended up having to give away some of our toys as well, so Jolly found a new home, once more.
These I did save up soup tin labels and my allowance for. Campbell's Soup Dolls. I remember being really excited when they came. They were just made of vinyl, but they had cute chef's hats that you could take off and put back on. The same with their clothes. I wish I knew what had happened to them. I expect they would be worth some money now! I don't think many companies sell character dolls these days. They have gone the way of tea cups, dish towels and facecloths coming in your detergent boxes. There are the meer cat dolls from Money $aver $upermarket and the monkey from PG Tips, but I think that is all. I would love a PG Tips tea monkey.
Oh how I wanted one of these . . . a Tressy Doll who had hair that would grow with the push of a button. They looked so gorgeous on the telly. I once dreamt that I had one and I can remember being so excited in the morning and running to the cardboard box in the closet that my sister and I shared, thinking that it would be in the box. I was so disappointed when it was not. It had seemed so real. I can't remember how her hair grew shorter again, probably because (like Chatty Cathy) I would never ever own one, but I do remember watching them push the button and pull her hair out on the commercials. I so wanted to be able to style her hair.
My sister and I both got one of these Marlene Fashion Dolls for Christmas the year I turned ten. She came with a beautiful vanity set and a bed. She was wearing a fancy negligee and was fully jointed so her legs and arms could bend and she could turn at the waist. Her body was of really hard plastic. You could store things in her padded hassock that she sat on and her vanity was filled with tiny bottles of perfume and pretend lipstick, etc. Everything a fashion model would need to stay pretty. She even had a little molded pink princess phone. She wasn't quite as pretty as Barbie however.
Keeping with the doll theme another Doll I would have loved to have and coveted was the Tammy Doll. She actually had a whole family with a brother, mother, father and baby sister. There was a girl in my class who had one when I was in Grade Three. She got it for her birthday and brought it for show and tell. She was the envy of all of the girls in our class. She even had her very own locket, Tammy did. She reminded me of Cissy from the television program A Family Affair. I wanted to be like Cissy for a while. She was so stylish, sophisticated and cute and Uncle Bill was so handsome. She had a beautiful bedroom and beautiful clothes and went out on "dates."
I know this is more than five things but another doll my sister and I did have was actually a little set of molded rubber dolls of the world, just like these two dolls here. They came in a set of about six or so and were of hard rubber and they were wearing costumes of the world. Their clothes were glued onto them and would not come off. We used to pretend they were Barbie's children. Barbie took them for drives in my brother's GI Joe Jeep, back when GI Joe was the size of a Ken Doll.
We had a lot of fun with my brother's GI Joe actually. We used to take his head off and put it onto one of our fingers and then the other two children would have to ask him questions and he would either nod or shake his head. We called him Dean Martin. I can remember asking him stupid questions like, "Dean Martin, do you eat telephone poles?" His answer was always yes and we would laugh our heads off.
The innocence of childhood when anything was possible. Sigh . . . This was more of a doll list today, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways and that maybe it brought back some memories of your own!
A thought to carry with you through today . . .
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The place where you are right now . . .
God circled on a map for you.
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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Navaho Tacos with Navaho Fry Bread. These were gorgeous!
Getting to finally speak with a special friend today, it's been far too long! Speak later Yasmeen!
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I don't know how it happened, but it's Thursday already! I hope you have a great one!

Hugs Marie,
ReplyDeleteHow I wanted a Barbie doll but my mother hated them. My brother had a GI Joe.
Enjoy your day,
I had to buy my own Barbie Suzan, but it made me cherish her all the more! You have a good day too! xxoo
ReplyDeleteMaybe one day I will have the doll house I have always dreamed about. Not now as the time is not right.
ReplyDeleteI had to wait a long time to get mine Suzan! xx
ReplyDeleteOh I remember having a little German doll like your pair but I only had the little girl doll. I always loved anything really small and that doll played a role as baby to my larger dolls. My mother loved the Hummel figurines and I think the doll reminded me of those. Nice strolling memory lane with you today.
ReplyDeleteThey were lovely Colleen! We each got a box of them, and there were about six in the set. Only about 3 inches tall maximum. I Loved them. They do remind one of the Hummel Figurines!
ReplyDeleteWe grew up eating fried bread as my grandfather was Indian my grandmother made it often. We ate it with ham and beans and also with fried chicken dinners. My husband's grandmother make it also but in his family they called it belly bread....maybe because it will produce a belly if you eat it a lot like we like to with lots of butter!
ReplyDeleteMy first time eating this Linda and it was some good! I know I'll be making it again! Yes, and it was awfully good with butter and golden syrup. *blush*
ReplyDeleteYou bring out memories from the cobwebs of my mind and I thank you for that!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Monique! It's good for me too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post about the dolls of my youth. I too had a Tammy doll with 3 outfits and I had a canopy bed, wardrobe and blanket box from Suzy Goose. My sister and I played it all to death. But when I sold my big house years ago, I invested a little of my earnings into replacement Tammy and furniture and clothes. A silly thing to do but it gives me a lot of nostalgic pleasure to see them.
ReplyDeleteI was never into dolls. I had several though and I would line them up in beds and play hospital with them. I was never the nurse, always the doctor writing out the diagnoses and prescriptions. Not surprising that when I went to college, I went to Pharmacy School and was a hospital pharmacist for 20+ years.
ReplyDeleteMarie, It looks like you were a foodie even when you were very young since those two pictures of the dolls were associated with food. How funny is that?! I'm enjoying your 5 things each week. :-D Thanks for sharing! xo
ReplyDeleteDoris, that is like me and my doll's house. Never had one as a child, always wanted one and now I have one and I get immense pleasure from playing with it from time to time! And why not! xxoo
ReplyDeleteFlorence I think our futures are pretty much determined by what we love when we are children. Clearly you had leanings towards something in the medical profession! xxoo
Valerie, I have always been a foodie! No surprise there! xxoo