Thursday 8 April 2021

My Favourite Things



A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥    


Angels  and the idea of angels being around us to protect us . . .  Emissaries of God . . .  sometimes they come in the form of friends and family . . . sometimes strangers.  They are there.  Angels.    


The love and support of good friends.  I have always surrounded myself with good people, or at least tried to. I have some friends that I have had since childhood, albeit only a few . . .  but wherever I have gone/lived I have been blessed to find myself some good friends. Men don't seem to need friends as much as women do.  I could live without a man, but I cannot imagine ever being without a friend.  


 Starry Starry Nights  . . . it has been a very long time since I have seen a sky filled with stars like this, but I have always loved looking at the heavens at night and seeing the stars.  As a child I could name for you the constellations, and I can still find the main ones.  There is something very beautiful about a clear star-lit night sky.  


Recipes from old magazines.  I have a bazillion of them clipped out and stored in my big blue binder. They are a wonderful peek into the history of cooking/food/recipes from the early 1960's onward.  They are also great inspiration for creating new recipes with modern twists.  A lot are also still really viable and family favourites.  


Old photographs.  Who were these people?  What was their story . . .  everyone has a story.  What were their hopes, dreams, etc.  They fascinate me.  


Old bottles and jars. This one is particularly fascinating with its bee hive, etc. My Uncle Harold collected old bottles and jars.  He had a whole room dedicated to it.  


Millinary Flowers.  They are very difficult to find today. I haven't seen any in a long time.  I would love to have some for my crafting.  


Pretty soap . . .  luxury soap . . .   


Soap that's too pretty to use and spoil  . . .  they had pretty soaps like these at the Manor  . . .  


The linen cupboard (a small room) was filled with them.  So pretty and they smelled so nice. Each one wrapped in tissue  . . .  I love pretty soap. 


Beatrix Potter anything  . . .  


Ornithology  . . .  the study of birds.  I love watching birds, watching television programs about them, feeding them, etc. I find birds fascinating and they bring me so much joy.  I hate to see birds in cages.  I want to open all the doors and let them fly away . . .   


White picket fences  . . .  oh how I would love to have one.  


Window boxes filled with red, white and blue flowers.  Love this combination.  It says welcome home to me!  


Tea Pots. Especially Brown Bettys.  I only drink herbal tea, but I do love to pour it from a nice tea pot and drink it in a nice tea cup. 

Dark Chocolate Covered Ginger  . . .  so yummy.


Truth and Honesty.  We live in a world sugar coated with lies. It is hard to find the truth sometimes and there is not a lot of honesty about.  We read blogs and look at instagram, and we see only what people want us to see.  A lot of it highly edited, colourized and distorted.  Its not real and it can cause people to feel like they are always falling short, creating envy and covetedness. I really want realism.  I think you can show people the reality and they can still enjoy seeing it.  


This is still my all-time favourite tea cosy, from Jane Brocket's book, The Gentle Art of Knitting.  I need to knit another one.  Best get a teapot first.


Window Seats.  Have always wanted to have a bay window with a window seat, so I could sit in there and watch the world walk by. 


Old quilts  . . .  and family  . . .  


Toast and jam  . . .  especially strawberry jam.  My favourite breakfast is a bowl of rice crispies with a slice of toast spread with strawberry jam.  Heavenly bliss  . . . 


Cluck, cluck, cluck . . .  chickens clucking in the yard.  Such a comforting sound  . . .  


Antique dolls  . . .  well any doll really. I just love dolls . . . 


Pillows with ruffles, flowers and buttons  . . .  but especially buttons  . . .  I love pillows with buttons on them  . . .  


Lily of the Valley, but I've never been able to get it to grow . . .  


Fresh Garden Tomatoes  . . .  can't wait.  All sweet and warm with the sun still on their skins, thickly sliced, salted and peppered and served with bread and butter  . . .  


Sink skirts  . . .   I love sink skirts  . . . 


Pretty lace curtains  . . .

And those are my favourite things for this week.  Maybe some of them were yours as well???

A thought to carry with you   . . . 
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You cannot shake hands 
with a clenched fist.
~Indira Ghandi •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Sour Cream Coffee Cake.  Delicious!  I found these photos in a folder on my old laptop. I had never shared because I thought the photos were not that good.  I am struggling with the food blog, trying to post new content. I really need people to keep visiting it or I have very little income. It is a vicious circle.  Can't cook a lot of new content until I get my own place. Can't get my own place unless I can pay for it. I am working hours each day to try to put up posts that people might enjoy using things I already have for the most part. I am able to manage a few new recipes a week at the moment and will be able to post fresh content every day once I get into my own place, but in the meantime, its a bit of a battle for me. I will persevere. 

Have a beautiful day. I hope its filled with some of your favourite things!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Love all your favourites especially the antique dolls. I have a beautiful little one given to me by a friend but her little porcelain head is damaged. I Iooked into having her repaired but it couldn't be done. I love her anyway. Hope you get your own place soon, Marie. I'm off to make your jam squares. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine!! What a shame you cannot get it repaired. I would love to see a photograph of it anyways. I hope you and Larry enjoy the squares! Love and hugs, xoxo

      PS I wonder when Susan is going to post again! I am missing her little bright spot on the www!

    2. Susan's 74th birthday is coming up on Monday (April 12th) so perhaps she will have a new post for us then. I miss her, too. I follow her on Twitter and I know there has been a spike of Covid cases on Martha's Vineyard. She and Joe have had their vaccines. Finger's crossed she will post soon. Love and hugs, Elaine

  2. You have named some of my favorites too. Quilts passed down through the family are treasures and fresh tomatoes can't be beat. Right now the only ones we have come from Florida and by the time they get to us they are not as tasty, but I still love them.

    1. My sister has a beautiful quilt that my father's mother made. My father has one as well. I am hoping that maybe one day I will be allowed to have it. I love fresh tomatoes anytime. If you leave them out on the counter they continue to ripen! xoxo

  3. I can no longer open The English Kitchen website. When I google it or use your link the little round wheel just spins. I didn't mention it before but maybe others are having this problem and that may account for fewer people visiting your site. I used to be able to access it with no problems.

    1. I don't know Isobel, perhaps it is the speed of your internet? I don't have a problem, nor does my sister. I am not sure if anyone else does. I am sorry that you are having problems. xoxo

    2. Yes, it does take me a LONG time to actually get on the page there too...going from your link in the article, Marie...but of late, there has been issues with our perhaps that is going on elsewhere too...that is why I never mentioned, as I just assumed it might be our internet.
      Elizabeth xoxo

  4. I surely do hope your binder and other very special books will be in those boxes too, Marie!! But nonetheless, at least you have found this on your old computer!! The photo of the coffee cake is plenty fine I think!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I really do as well Elizabeth! Thanks so much! It is a very delicious cake to be sure! xoxo

    2. You mentioned gelatin recipes...can you feature some of these sometime, some of your most favorites?? I use gelatin in making gluten free bread for Hubby, but I wish I could find more ways to use it in a salad like way. I have a couple of very yummy gelatin recipes, but using the store flavored and HEAVY sugared ones...which is a huge no-no for our diets...thanks! We sure enjoyed them in summer especially!!!
      Elizabeth xoxo

  5. If I visit the blog twice in the same day from the same device,which I often do if I’m checking a recipe, does it count as two visits?

    1. NO, each visit would count as an individual visit. You do need to stay on the page and scroll down for at least a minute I think. Every little helps Angharad! Thanks so much for your willingness to help! xoxo

  6. I read your food blog every morning. You inspire me. I often visit it during the day as well, if I'm looking for a particular recipe. Much love - Raquel XO

  7. I am trying to check out several of your recipes a day, Marie and I don't mind if you take some from the archives. 😊 There so many that I haven't even looked at.

    Lily of the Valley is my birth flower and a few years ago my daughter shared some for me to grow. They can really take over a bed once they get going,but they smell so good! ~Elaine


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!