Saturday . . . the end of the week. Most people's first of a two day off weekend. Time to relax and do not a lot if anything at all. Time to have a bit of a lie in, extra kip, an indulgent breakfast, and to catch up on all of the news of the previous week. I think a little good news helps to cheer anyone's day!

This is a story that I have been meaning to tell you about for several weeks now. "Fear, Faith and Miracles for 10 Sister Missionaries Trapped in the Philippines.
"The water was rising fast. In the darkness of early morning, Amanda Smith moved away from the window to shield her face from the slashing rain. She had shut it just moments before to ward off the raging storm whipping through the palm trees outside. But now the wind had ripped it open, and the wooden shutters were slamming violently against the wall again and again. Sister Smith, an LDS missionary from Elk Ridge, Utah, couldn’t see anything outside, but she could smell the sea, which seemed to be getting closer and closer. They had to get out of here."
Prepare to be inspired as you read the rest of the story here. It truly is an amazing story.

What would you do if a "decrepid looking homeless bum" showed up at church tomorrow morning and sat down in the front row? A congregation in Utah got to experience that for real when their Bishop engaged the help of a make-up artist to help make him up to look like a homeless man. He showed up on Sunday morning and made his way to the front row of the chapel.
“As a bishop I try to always be as giving as I can, and I was surprised at my own inability to have compassion,” Bishop Musselman said in an interview with the Deseret News. “I thought about some ways I could somehow convey the importance of not being critical … and sometimes the best way to do that is through experiences that go beyond just a talk in church. And so I just laid awake many nights just thinking about what I could do, and then this kinda popped into my brain.”
You can read the rest of this fascinating story here. I, for one, hope that I would be compassionate were this to happen in our own ward, but you never know do you? And yet, as I say that, I think of the times I have grumbled inwardly when someone with really noisy and active children sits next to me . . . I need to kick my own arse. Makes me feel ashamed.

There is a very touching story about a five year old's reflections on life and death that you can read here. Out of the mouths of babes and all that. It will make your heart tweak.
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.
~Khalil Gibran

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you chose to give away or sell everything you have in an effort and bid to live more simply? I found this blog about a couple who actually did that. Called Rowdy Kittens, it's inspiring and amazing. I found myself thinking about all the stuff I hang on to, but could live without. I am a real pack rat. Intellectually I know that there is a whole lot of stuff that I could and should get rid of . . . but the minute I try and start to look at it, I begin to rationalize all the reasons I should keep it. Am I alone in this? There is a part of me that would love to be able to do this . . .

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
~Mark Twain
One of my favourite all time writers has to be Mark Twain. His books are filled with wisdom and I've never found a quote from him that I didn't immediately fall in love with. (I adore quotes!) I found a fabulous article which outlines Twain's top 9 tips for living a good life. It's a jolly good read and filled with some incredible insights about people and living.
I was kind of dismayed this year to see many shops in the UK adopting the "Black Friday" idea from America and it was amazing to see how many shops were offering "Black Friday" discounts, etc. yesterday. Surely Thanksgiving should have been celebrated first? Is it just me, or does this just seem totally wrong???? It doesn't make sense to me . . .
I did get my lesson finished pretty much yesterday. I banned myself from the computer for most of the day so that I could accomplish this. Except for a few little tweaks it is all done. Whew! I even managed to create 36 handouts to give to the ladies that they can hang on their Christmas Trees this year as a reminder of the main point of the lesson. I hope it goes down well.
I am also almost finished my English Kitchen newsletter for December. I am hoping to have it completely done by tomorrow. There is no rest for the wicked, and with that thought I shall leave you with an inspiring thought for today . . .
We are all inventors,
each sailing out on a voyage of discovery,
guided each by a private chart,
of which there is no duplicate.
The world is all gates, all opportunities.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a simple dessert/brunch dish. Chocolate Sauced Banana Brioche Buns. Delish!
Have a great Saturday!!

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