FOR TODAY June 18th, 2013
Outside my window...
I think we've have a glorious day ahead of us. It did not rain yesterday, but neither was it full on sunny. It was dry though, and I'll take that when I can get it!
I am thinking...

Letting go is the hard part.
I am thankful...
I am thankful that my sister and her partner are safely ensconced in Nova Scotia. Praying now that the transition will go well for everyone.
In the kitchen...

That's a Chicken and Ham Lasagne, over in The English Kitchen. It was seriously delicious! REALLY delicious. Scrummo!
.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Except today it is a light cotton nightie. I've put away the flannel for now!
I am creating...

A painting I did yesterday. I have been taking an online watercolor class from Tascha. She's another Canadian. This is the second course I have taken of hers and it's good. I highly recommend her classes. They are affordable and you always learn something new. That's not a bad thing, learning something new. ☺

I am really loving these Stones. I used to paint on rock with acrylics all the time. I think a few stones like this in a bowl would be a real conversation starter upper. You can find them here.

Love this idea of freezing wild flowers in ice cubes. They are so pretty and would be perfect for company and it's an easy thing to do!

I also love, LOVE this ruffled Tote. These would be so easy to make and you could color co-ordinate them with your clothes. You can find the tutorial here.
I am going...
I have an appointment with the Dentist this week for a check-up. I hate going to the Dentist. I am sure they are used to people hating being there. I have really sensitive teeth and the cleaning process causes me untold amounts of agony. It really hurts.
We have people coming over for supper tonight. Doing pork chops. Todd will be a happy man. He loves pork chops.
The guy missionaries are coming for their tea on Saturday this week. We have one from Portugal and one from San Diego, California. As you know, I love spoiling the missionaries whenever I can!
I am wondering...
I am wondering whether I should put my artwork back into the gallery or not. I removed it all before I went to Canada. It is tourist season now . . . and we do get a lot of tourists in Chester . . . what do you think?
I am reading...

The Ice Cream Girls by Dorothy Koomson
As teenagers Poppy Carlisle and Serena Gorringe were the only witnesses to a tragic event. Amid heated public debate, the two seemingly glamorous teens were dubbed ‘The Ice Cream Girls’ by the press and were dealt with by the courts.
Years later, having led very different lives, Poppy is keen to set the record straight about what really happened, while married mother-of-two Serena wants no one in her present to find out about her past. But some secrets will not stay buried – and if theirs is revealed, everything will become a living hell all over again . . .
I guess there was a television mini series of this book whilst I was away that I missed. I would have liked to have seen it.
I am hoping...
My mother's memory begins to improve. I can't really say with any assurity that she hadn't been already losing her memory before the operation. I only had a couple of days with her before she went into hospital and one of those was spent sleeping and feeling tired. Talking to her on the phone every day like I did before I flew over for those six months or so, I had noticed that she was repeating herself a bit . . . but then again I do that sometimes myself . . .
I am looking forward to...
Todd is giving a talk on the Plan of Salvation in church on Sunday next. I am looking forward to hearing what he has to share with us!
I am learning...
I am learning to be more patient with myself. That's not easy. Some days it's like taking two steps forward and three steps back!
Around the house...

Oh that I had a closet that I could do this in! This is a most fabulous idea. A closet baking centre. I'd like that Kitchen Aid mixer too!! (A gal can dream, right?)
I am pondering...
There are days when I wonder why I get up each morning and do this. I don't get many readers these days . . . . but then I stop and ask myself why do I do it? The answer is . . . that I do it because I love to do it, and whether anyone reads it or not, it is fulfilling some sort of desire in me and is a form of journaling for me. I do enjoy it very much. In the beginning I blogged because I wanted to share my thoughts with my children. They could not care less. It has turned into something I do for myself and so I will continue . . .
A favorite quote for today...
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer."
~Psalm 19:14
One of my favorite things...

I love chickens. If we could afford it we would have chickens. The expense scares us off . . . that and the thought of what you do with them if you have to go away . . . plus they would ruin the grass in the garden and eat our berries. I do love them though . . .
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Dinner guests today, Dentist tomorrow, Missionaries on Saturday. A bit of work, a bit of play and everything in between. A good week.
A peek into my day...

I do some of this each day. I just don't look as "perdy" when I do it! I do wear an apron though . . .
A thought to carry with you through today:
"Judge not, that ye be not judged."
~Matthew 7:1
Have a wonderful day everybody!

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