“The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day.”
~Dr Seuss, The Cat in the Hat
We had a terrifically wet rainy day yesterday. I didn't complain too much because the gardens need it. Looking out my window I can see that today we are going to have more of the same.
So yesterday I did rainy day things . . . as you do . . .

I played with Mitzie and took lots of photos of her. She kinda looks the same in all of them . . . slightly aloof . . . like a Queen being tolerant of my pestering . . . oh yes, she is very long suffering, although I have to say my photo taking of her has slowed down a lot since she first came to live with us . . .

She was long-suffering even then . . . and slightly aloof looking.
I could never pick her up now . . . she's far too big . . . She looked mostly white back then . . . now she looks mostly black. She's still pretty.

I did a bit of cooking for the activity we were having at my church for the ladies last evening . . .
a tasty corned beef casserole and . . .

A baked coconut custard . . .
They both went down a real treat. Simple things often do . . .

I started to plan this new baby quilt I want to make for wee little Cameron. I found this one and liked it. It looks simple to make as well . . .

These are the fabrics I have . . . what do you think???

I had a bit of a ticky tummy when I first got up yesterday morning . . . and so I went back to bed for a while and I read . . .
Sometimes that's a good thing to do, don't you think?

The rain knocked over and broke our only Delphinium . . . which made me kind of sad . . . but also gave me the opportunity to sit and study it . . .
And take pictures of it . . . I love all of the layers. Isn't that magical. How can people not believe in God . . . when we are surrounded by such majesty and wonder . . .

I called my mother and sister and marveled at the wonder of miracles . . . and the power of Priesthood Blessings . . .
When they had done the bi-opsy of my mother's tumor in March, the results had come back as clear as a bell. She had cancer for sure. The first evening I was there prior to her operation I was able to arrange a Priesthood Blessing for her. Two young missionaries from my old Ward came to the house and administered a Priesthood Blessing to my mom by the laying on of hands. It was beautiful.
They operated to remove the cancer two days later and removed a mass from my mother's left lung. They took three samples of it and sent it to two different Mayo Clincs in the US and one in Toronto, Canada.
On Wednesday this week my mother and sister traveled back to Halifax to meet with her thoracic surgeon for a follow up appointment. The surgeon asked my mother at the beginning of her appointment did she believe in Divine Intervention. She said she did. All of the results had come back . . . no cancer was present.
The power of Prayer, Priesthood Blessings and yes . . . Divine Intervention. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

So then . . . when I got off the telephone. Todd and I . . . we had a picnic . . . to celebrate like.
Rain or not. We had sunshine in our hearts . . . I don't know why some people experience miracles and others do not . . . I am only grateful that we did.
“Of all treasures of knowledge, the most vital is the knowledge of God,
his existence, powers, love, and promises.”
~Spencer W Kimbell, Faith Precedes the Miracle

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Pressed Picnic Sarnies. Deliciously tasty!

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