We sat out in the garden yesterday afternoon watching the grass grow . . . there is nothing like grass in June, when it grows high in the meadows and fields. Each garden is filled with green lush velvet. The garden in June is at it's height of beauty, perhaps that is why there are so many weddings in June . . .
Our roses are blooming profusely along with a myriad of other blooms. And the strawberries are beginning to ripen as well . . . big, dark, red and juicy. I predict a nice strawberry shortcake within a day or two will be making it's appearance on our supper table . . .

We have been blessed this year with a fabulous June really . . . long afternoons filled with golden light. The sun in June is like a warm rich and glowing Japanese lantern, life giving and dreamy. The grass almost too green to be believable . . . the early lettuces raise ruffled heads, rocket roars, the chard begins to turn rosy and the garden spinach shows it's lustrous leaves. It is at it's best now . . . young and sweet and tender . . .
Everything is quite perfect really . . . wild daisies bloom profusely at the edge of the lawn. Rose petals drop, golden yellow and red beneath the bird feeders, a sweet carpet of scent. The apple tree is filled with small ruby balls that promise us a nice harvest year . . . likewise the pear. The plum alas . . . has only leafed, but we are grateful for that because we know now it has not died beneath the sharpening claws of the neighborhood cats.

Any day now I should be able to pick the gooseberries as they ripen on the stalks betwixt the thorns. I had forgotten we planted red ones . . . and the blueberry bushes look very promising indeed . . . raspberry, tay-berry, black currant. Summer pudding . . .
June days have been filled with poetry . . . from the dew laden webs on the grass in the morning . . . to the golden roofs across the back from us as the sun wanes in the sky at end of day . . . one almost catches a glimpse of the fairies carrying their lanterns home, twinkling in the darkening shadows beneath the hedge . . . and cool night air creeps in . . .
It is hard to believe that June is already spent and July is on the doorstep . . .

A blanket begins to take shape. I have decided to go simple and just do it as a large square, and quilt the square in diagonal lines. I have ordered dark brown edging. The backing is flannel so will be soft and cuddly. I am going to cross stitch a name plate/date for the back . . . hoping it will be a memento to be handed down . . .

Because big sisters deserve to be remembered as well . . . I think a bunny with it's own coat, hat and scarf is a good thing, don't you?

Just because . . .
A thought for today . . .
"Success is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired . . . you quit when the gorilla is tired."
~Robert Strauss

Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Whole Lemon Muffins. Delish!
I wish for each of you a blessed and sacred Sabbath . . .

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