“I sustain myself with the love of family.” ~Maya Angelou
Family is really important in the church I go to. We believe that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children. Indeed the very bedrock of our society is hinged upon the stability of the family . . . and much of the ills of these modern days can be traced back to the breakdown of the family. My family is very important to me. I love each of my children and grandchildren with all of my heart. It is amazing to me that something which starts with just two people can grow and take on a beautiful life of it's own. First two become one . . . and then they become three, and four and so on . . . and so on.
It's a wonderful gift.
I can remember my eldest son crying one day after having had a visit with his birth father. When I asked him what was wrong he replied that he didn't know if it was okay to love two dads. I told him that of course it was and that he was a very lucky little boy, because he had more than one, and that the human heart was built to expand and grow to take into it and love all sorts of people and all of God's children.
Probably my one greatest sorrow in this life of mine is that I failed at marriage not once but twice. Children deserve more than that. But . . . wisdom is really only 20/20 in retrospect, and what is is what is. I would hope that each of my children know how much I love them and how important they are to me. They are my everything.
And so what is the purpose of all of these musings on family this morning . . . well, it's because I have a beautiful announcement to make. My family has just grown again . . .

Welcome, welcome to Cameron David. Born Saturday June 22, 2013 and weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces. Born into a family build on a strong foundation of love which goes back generation to generation . . .
A family with a heart which is large enough to grow to encompass one more after another . . . again and again. I love that.

A baby brother to Maryn . . . who I know will be the bestest big sister ever!

Congratulations to Amanda, Tom and Maryn on the arrival of this beautiful little boy.
We are indeed blessed beyond measure.
My cup runneth over.

“To you who are parents, I say, show love to your children. You know you love them, but make certain they know it as well. They are so precious. Let them know. Call upon our Heavenly Father for help as you care for their needs each day and as you deal with the challenges which inevitably come with parenthood. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them.”
~Thomas S Monson

Just a little something I painted late yesterday afternoon. I've been trying to stretch my vision to something beyond just little girls. I don't know . . .
A thought to carry with you through today . . .
Beware of a man who knows the answer before he understands the question.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious tart which hails from Basel, Switzerland. I'm cooking with the Titan Supper Club! Beautifully tasty Basel Tart!
Have a simply wonderful Wednesday!

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