The grass grows high this time of year . . . in meadow and in field . . . and in the back garden. Mitzie comes in smelling all green after a romp through it's lush green velvet surface. I love it . . . not sure Todd does though . . .
Lush green velvet equates lawn mowing for him . . . but really??? Is there anything on earth that smells nicer than a freshly mowed lawn? I think not! Mow on Todd!
Our strawberry plants are just loaded with growing berries. I can't wait! We are supposed to have a nice sunny and warm week this week, so I predict we'll be able to begin enjoying them before the week is out. Likewise the gooseberries.

I predict a tasty Strawberry Shortcake in our near future! I like to make the biscuit kind. I know some find the sponge cake ones to their preference, but my mother always made hers with biscuits and so do I. If there isn't a biscuit involved in one way or another it's not strawberry shortcake to me!

I love this Strawberry and Mozzarella Salad too. It's deliciously different and quite refreshing. You get the salty bits from the ham, the peppery flavour of the fresh rocket, the sweetness of the berries and the milky mildness of the cheese. An early summertime favourite in this house to be sure!
Oh, I do so love strawberry season . . .strawberries and June go together like peas and carrots! Whether you grow your own, or go out to pick them in a sunny field . . . or even if the shops is where you have to get yours . . . strawberries ARE June!

A big blue bowl heaped up with fresh berries is about as beautiful a centerpiece for the table in June as you could ever find, don't you think? Especially when it is accompanied with a nice jug of Jersey cream . . . UN-whipped and ready to pour . . .
"One must ask birds and children how cherries and strawberries taste."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Not a lot on today . . . I have the re-run of my fasting blood test this morning. My tummy is grumbling and here I am thinking about eating berries! I do know how to torture myself!
My sister arrived safe and sound at my mom's on Saturday evening. I spoke to her briefly yesterday. I didn't keep them on the phone for long. I imagine there is plenty of adjusting going on. It will be difficult for mom as she has lived on her own for 30 plus years now . . . and my sis, well . . . she has given up everything to do this. It's hard when the person you are caring for doesn't recognize that they need caring for . . . I think it can be somewhat of a thankless task. She has our family's gratitude at any rate. In truth my mother's memory is really failing her. Statistically speaking, one in three people over the age of eighty that have been given general anesthetic suffer from some form of "short term" memory loss. And that is from one dose of it . . . my mother had three. Best case scenario is that it is temporary memory loss, and we are hoping this is the best case scenario . . . but with each day that passes and no sign of improvement, our hopes are becoming somewhat dashed. It must be very frustrating for mom too . . . please to keep them in your prayers . . .
A thought to carry with you through today . . .
"Poetry and music are very good friends. Like mommies and daddies and strawberries and cream . . . they go together."
~Nikki Giovanni
You get two in The English Kitchen today . . .

French Dip Burgers . . . .

Deviled Appetizer Meatballs.
Check them out here . . . and have a fab Monday!

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