"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.

The roses which are blooming profusely in my garden at the moment. They're so beautiful. We have a lot of different kinds. I don't know their names . . . just that I love them and they are gorgeous. How can anyone look at all of the intricacies and beautify of any bloom and not see God?
I see God everywhere . . .

Meals shared with good friends. We had some good friends over to supper last night and had such a lovely time. I think there is no finer way to enjoy friendship with each other than to break bread together . . . mi casa est sous casa . . .
I just love having company for supper and getting to cook for others. That's what I used to enjoy most about my job down south . . . getting to cook for others all the time. It was like having company every night of the week!

I haven't share a photo of this little dear in a while. She brings so much joy into our lives. She is really enjoying these drier warmer days. She loves to run about in the garden and keep it safe from predators, like the neighborhood cats! They like to hang out in the reeds by our pond and mither the fish. She likes to chase them out of the reeds by our pond . . .
And yet they still come back? They can't be very smart cats.

This little dear warms my heart. She is so sweet. Those boots are never very far from Maryn's feet. I think they are her favourite thing to wear. Her mom's baby is due any day now . . . I think Maryn will be a great big sister. No idea if it will be a boy or a girl . . . but this is one Grandma who is pumped no matter what!

I know . . . it's two minutes of my time that I will never ever get back . . . but the laughs are priceless . . . there is this program on the iPad that you can take distorted pictures with. When I was home recently . . .

Eileen and I had so much fun playing with it! We laughed and laughed.

Tim was not amused . . . although he did enjoy The Ultimate Dog Tease on YouTube.
Family times . . . they're the best of times.

It's bad . . . I know . . . but it's sooooooo good. I confess. I cannot resist having cake for breakfast if there's a cake in the house. I am such a bad puddy tat.
This is probably why I look the way that I do . . .

Dandelion wishes . . . I can never look at one of these without feeling the magic. I know to some they are weeds . . . and weeds which breed hundreds and thousands of other weeds, but I see wishes. Multitudes of wishes and dreams and . . . as we all know dreams can come true, and wishes too!

“Youth can not know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.”
~JK Rowling, Harry Potter, The Order of the Phoenix
I am grateful for my "young" heart which enables me to be silly sometimes and laugh at myself in a multitude of ways. Oh, I know . . . that first look in the mirror in the morning is a real kicker some days, but I still feel inside as I did years and years ago.
That's probably one of the reasons I can eat cake for breakfast and not feel overly guilty about it.

Chives and chive blossoms . . . they add immeasurable goodness this time of year to my salads and dinners. What savoury thing doesn't taste or look even tastier with a smattering of these scattered over the top! Not much . . . in my opinion.

Baked Top Hat Pork Chops. They're whats cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . and they're mighty good too!
A thought to carry with you through today . . .
"Smile! It may never happen. And if it does, well . . . we'll deal with it then."
~The wisdom of . . . moi
Happy Day All!

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