It was quite frosty when I got up this morning. All the rooftops across the way were covered as were the cars, but it didn't take very long for it to burn away with the arrival of the sun. Its only 1*C/33.8F but that will soon change as the day progresses. Its supposed to get up to 18*C/64.4 today. These are temperatures I am very happy with. I like that is cool and comfortable for sleeping at night, and warmish during the day without being stinking hot and humid. Hot and humid saps me of my energy and drive. All of my get-up-and-go wanes and disappears. I sure hope they have my heat pump fixed by then. I will just have to keep hounding them.
I did call yesterday, so we shall see what happens. Its a simple thing, but I do pay quite high rent and having a working heat pump is a part of the service promised.
I called my friend Jacquie yesterday to see how she was. She hadn't been feeling too well last week. I usually sit next to her at church on Sundays. It was Jacquie's husband who baptized me in 1999. I had not gone to church on Sunday as I had a bit of a ticky tummy and it was really windy and rainy. I was not wanting to drive my car in that kind of weather. Usually if I don't go to church she calls me. She didn't call, so I just thought she was busy. To be honest, I was a bit relieved because I don't like having to explain to people why I wasn't there. But then she didn't call again on Monday, but her son in law was supposed to be visiting her last week and I just thought he had stayed on a bit longer. I finally gave her a call yesterday.
I called in the morning, but there was no response. I thought, she has gone out to do some shopping after the long weekend, so I called again later in the day. This time she did answer. She'd only been in the hospital. She had ended up dehydrated after her illness last week and they had admitted her to rehydrate her. She sounded pretty rough. I felt so bad that I had not known this. It made me feel a bit like a bad friend. I get so busy with my work that I don't leave myself time to do other things, or to check in on other people. This was a reminder to me that I need to slow down if possible and not let work rule so much of my life.
I know that she has expressed to me in the past that she gets very lonely. She lost her husband a few years back and they were a couple that did everything together. I am a person that doesn't mind being alone. I don't get lonely. My ex-husband was in the Military and was away more often than he was home. I learned to be content with my own company. I did not get lonely, and I don't get lonely. I can always find plenty to fill my hours with.
If I have any complaint at all, it is my lack of creative motivation at times. That I need help with. I would get ever so much more done had I not this problem. Its something I have been dealing with since we lost mom. A little bit of my creative mojo went out of my life when that happened and then, with Covid and what happened in the UK coming right on top of that, I have struggled a bit to get it back. Every once in a while I catch a glimpse of it however, so all is not lost.
Oh what beautiful things have been written through the ages. Timothy, Archbishop of Alexandria died in 385ad, and this was translated from Upper Egyptian in 1914 by a man named E.A. Wallis Budge. I thought it to be quite beautiful.
How can it be that we are here, almost at the end of the month of May. We will soon be into the month of June which marks the halfway point of the year. This year, like all the others, is seemingly passing away far too quickly. When I was a child time seemed to drag on, but now it passes in the blink of an eye. I want to lasso it and hold it close so that I can catch my breath. Just for a bit.
I watched the second episode of Queen Charlotte last night and was a bit disappointed at the smut that was brought into it. And after I had recommended it to you. If you are offended by smut, don't watch.
I find myself asking why they have to ruin what was seemingly good by injecting stuff like this into an otherwise very entertaining program. It happens all too often these days.
Jane Austin was able to portray adventure and romance in a way that was exciting and not smutty in the least. Have we come so far in our journey as human beings that we need to be shocked and assaulted in order to be entertained? I sure hope not. Or am I just a prude?
The weeds are appearing back in the garden. I think I must go out and purchase a long handled hoe or spade so that I can turn the earth over in between the plants and keep them at bay. I cannot get down onto my knees to do such. I would not be able to get back up again, my knees are in such a state. I do hate that it has come to this.
Yesterday I took my ant/bug spray and did all along the back and front of my place. I had seen a few ants in the back bedroom. They were keeping the cats quite occupied. I don't want ants in my place. The valley is bad for ants.
I can remember when I took my very first job away from home. I was working in Kentville and boarding at a woman's house in town. Her house was a big old Victorian at the top of a hill a fair walk from where I worked. (Not a nice walk on a rainy day.)
She had ants in her pantry. I can remember eating my supper and them crawling around the edge of my plate. I was, of course, back then far too shy to say anything.
I look back on those days. Here I was, only 18, living away from home for the first time. I could have been partying and enjoying myself, but I was not. I got up, had my breakfast, went to work, came home, had my bath, and was in bed by 7:30 every night. I would read and be asleep by 9 or 10. I sowed no wild oats. I would go home at the weekend and hang out at the same rec center that I had hung out with my friends at before I left home, and then I was married just a few weeks after my 19th birthday.
I often wonder why I was in such a rush to get married. I think it was because I had been brought up to think that I needed to have a man to take care of me. That I needed to go from my Father's house to the house of a man who would care for me. I wasn't encouraged to ever have a career or do anything else. Men had careers, women got married, men took care of women. It all seems to be so very narrow minded and old fashioned when you look at it from today's perspective.
I do not regret marrying and having my family young. I perhaps could have made some wiser choices when it came to husband material, those choices are perhaps a regret, but I have never regretted having my family. I love all five of my children dearly. Given the chance to do things over again, I would probably do the same thing because I love my children and wouldn't have my life or them any other way. I am who I am because of the life I have lived, and I would be a completely different person otherwise. Maybe I would not like that person.
And with that I best leave you with a thought for today . . .
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In The English Kitchen today . . . Waffled Raisin Bread French Toast. This was fabulous. My sister was my inspiration. She had made something like this at the weekend. I thought it sounded delicious and so I made some for myself. It was every bit as delicious as I had imagined.
I hope you have a lovely day today. I am off to see my friend Jacquie this morning and then out to supper with my dad tonight. It will be a very busy day in between. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!
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And I do too!

A dull and rainy morning, good for the plants. I like the cooler nights for sleeping too, it will get hot soon enough. Hope your friend is feeling better, a visit will be nice.
ReplyDeleteYes, rain is good for the plants. No rain here since Sunday! xoxo
DeleteI think the dearth of great reading (or watching) these days stems back to a lack of great education and even in my opinion a complete lack of reason...and now we are being ruled by the ignorant and proudly stupid, frankly!! You know why I feel so strongly this today!! So no, I am with you...smut up a show and I am more watching for me. No reason to fill one's mind with less than stellar things. We did so enjoy the movies of the books written by Jane we no longer have ANYONE left who can write as she did? I wonder... So often my youngest daughter and I have discussed different things we LEARNED in those books and movies by Jane Austen. So sorry about your friend's illness...don't feel badly you did not call sooner. We are all so busy these days it is hard to always be available to others. And frankly, the curses brought on us by covid, etc still endure. I have not been able to return to my former strength, nor has my husband. But we are alive, in spite of it and small thing!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
I think any of us who have had Covid will never be the same Elizabeth. ((((hugs)))) I love Jane Austin anything! Quality literature. xoxo