FOR TODAY, March 19th, 2013...
Outside My Window...
It's cold and grey. Looks like it might rain actually. As we were driving by the old rail station in Blacon yesterday, I noticed that all the narcissus are in bloom. Yes, tomorrow is the first day of Spring. Yay spring!
I am thinking...
I have seen flowers come in stony places
And kind things done by men with ugly faces,
And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races,
So I trust too.
~John Masefield
Expect the unexpected! Life is magic if you allow it to be.
I am thankful for...
From the kitchen...
There is not a heck of a lot in all honesty! But I did buy some limes yesterday to make a lime and ginger cake.
I am wearing...
My red and white Grammy nightgown that my son and his family gave me for Christmas a few years back and my slippers.
I am creating...
Nothing new yesterday, but I hope to create something today.
In the meantime here are a few new and interesting finds!
I just adore these Giraffes, especially the red and white polka dot one! I think they are so sweet and they don't look hard to make. I know a little girl who would love, LOVE one of these!
Check out this flip circle card. I think it's so pretty. I'm going to try to figure this one out!
Isn't this just the cutest little coin purse??? I love it!
Cute, Cute, CUTE pin cushions, and you know how much I love pin cushions!
The sweetest little baby booties!
I am going...
I am going to the hairdressers tomorrow to get my hair cut. It's long overdue. I had postponed it because I thought I was going to Canada, but am still waiting for that trip, so will now have my hair cut anyways. I should know by next Monday when I am going to be going over to be with my mom. Who'd a thought it would take so long!
I have our Relief Society Additional meeting for March on Thursday evening, which should be fun. They always are and it's nice to be with the Sisters in a setting outside of Sunday mornings.
Mitzie has the dog groomer on Friday
In The Company of Angels, by David Farland. I am totally in love with this book.
This is a novel based on the true life story of the Willie Handcart expedition of 1856. This was a group of Mormon Pioneers, having gone to American from the British Isles and a few other European Countries, who then make their way across America pulling handcarts to Zion in Utah. They encountered many obstacles along the way and all suffered, and many of them perished. It is a moving story, told through the eyes of three historical characters: James Willie, the handcart company’s captain, Eliza Gadd, the agnostic wife of a faithful British convert and a mother with several children, and Baline Mortensen, a Danish child, sent ahead to America by parents who feared persecutors in Denmark might target her. I am reading it on my Kindle and Todd is reading a copy he got from our library. We are BOTH enjoying it very much. He's a brilliant writer!
Source: deseretbook.com via Marie on Pinterest
To The Rescue, by Heidi S Swinton
The Autobiography of Thomas S. Monson. I have only just begun this book, but it is compelling reading. It's a slow slog for me though because this is not on my kindle and it's a really large book and I have a hard time holding it with my arthritic wrists. He is such a fascinating man, truly. He is the Prophet and President of our church. Called as a Bishop at the age of 22 and as an Apostle at age 36, this is a man who has spent his entire life serving and leading others, sometimes flying halfway around the world just to give a blessing to one individual. I think all of the Presidents of our church have been fascinating men. I love reading about their lives.
Nothing has changed here!
I am hoping . . .
I am hoping that I am finally over that last flu/cold thing I had. Still coughing, but not as badly now. It has taken me a long time to shake it!
I am hearing...
I hear a black bird out front peeping. The birds are becoming very active now, a sure sign of Spring. Mitzie is snoring, but she'll soon be poking as it is almost time for her breakfast. My computer keys clicking, oh and there has been this really weird sound which occurs every morning just prior to 8 am. I've been timing it. It is a sound just like one you would hear in a cartoon when something magical is about to appear . . . it's really strange. I cannot figure out what it is or where it is coming from and I have not been able to get Todd to hear it either. I am dying from curiosity!
Around the house...
I am getting into a de-cluttering/organizing mood again, which is a good thing. Have you ever watched Secret Hoarders?? Wow . . . scary stuff. I don't know how they get that way, but expect it didn't happen overnight. I have a tendency to hoard, so I am constantly working on cutting back. I never want to get that bad. My heart breaks for those people.
Fantastic idea for the junk drawer! And I know we all have one, some of us even have two. I only have one, but could very easily have two if I allowed myself to have them!
Loving this idea for cleaning materials storage! I think these people are genius who can find storage for this type of thing. It's a real talent I think! I'm glad they don't mind sharing their ideas!
I need this, maybe it would help me to find more time!
I need this too! It's amazing what you can find out there!!
I just love Art. No surprise there. I could spend hours looking at all of the wonderfully creative things that pop out of people's minds. The human brain is a masterpiece I think. It's just amazing what it is capable of and the new and amazing things it can come up with. I love this cat. I wish I was so talented as that.
Something new about me ...
I am incredibly shy in person. Yes, it is very true. Being shy hampered me most of my life. It meant that I was afraid to do things that a lot of other people do without even thinking twice about it. I am not as shy as I used to be, but it has taken me a lifetime to get where I am now, and I still have a long ways to go. It is easy not to be shy when you are hiding behind a keyboard.
One of my guilty pleasures ...
I do so love popcorn, but it doesn't love me. Every time I indulge I suffer. I used to love the smart pop cheese popcorn back home, which we cannot get over here in the UK. I also love the smell of popcorn in the movies. We never buy any though because it never tastes as good as it smells and it is far too expensive.
Pet Peeves...
Politicians. If any of them had two clues to rub together, they'd be dangerous.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
“The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers.
*Is it true?
*Is it kind?
*Is it necessary?"
~Arabian Proverb
We must learn to think before we speak. The tongue is the strongest muscle in our body and it can be a double edged sword, incredibly good and insanely bad and sometimes both at the same time. I always ask myself what would Jesus say, do, think, etc. If I try to do or say what I think He would, then I think I am on the right path.
As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:
"Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul."
~Henry David Thoreau
And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . insanely delicious Braised Red Cabbage. Yummo! Very simple too!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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