FOR TODAY, March 26th, 2013...
Outside My Window...
The sun has risen, the day is upon us, and it's cold, cold . . . cold! A day for long johns for sure!
I am thinking...
"True contentment depends not upon what we have; a tub was large enough for Diogenes, but a world was too little for Alexander."
~Charles Caleb Colton
I am grateful that I am a person who is content with where, who and what I am, and with what I have as well. There is a big difference between wants and needs, and I have all that I need. Anything else is a bonus.
I am thankful for...
From the kitchen...
Not a heck of a lot. Can you believe the only biscuits I have in there are Digestives . . . although having said that you can't go far wrong with a Digestive Biscuit!
I am wearing...
The blue nightie with white polka dots Todd gave me for Christmas and my slippers. It's becoming fuzzy now, it is worn so much and I love the fuzziness of it. It's not an annoying fuzzy but a much loved fuzzy. It's fleece and there is nothing like a much beloved fleece anything for comfort don't you think??
I am creating...

Yesterday I "Paper Dolled" our family. Yep, that's me, Mitzie and Todd. Completely articulated so you can move their limbs etc. I think I will make them some accessories. I've always wanted a pair of wings and Todd has been looking for a cowboy hat for a long time. Mitzie, she's just happy the way she is. I had ever so much fun turning us into paper dolls. I think these would make brilliant personalized gifts for people for Birthdays, Anniversaries and other special occasions. I could "Paper Doll" anyone I think. All I would need is a recent photograph. What do you think?? Would you like to be "Paper Dolled?"
I love this Dream banner. I might make one of those to hang on my chair in the craft room. I do a lot of dreaming up there.
I think these little chicks in eggs made using clothes pins are sweet. I am thinking this would make great Easter Egg favors! Or place settings for Easter dinner. Or maybe I am being too fanciful here . . .
I just adore this cherry dish cloth. Have I ever told you I have a thing for cherry anything? NO?? Well I do! If it has cherries on it, I'm there!
I am going...
No plans really for this week. Since I have had two horrible colds/flu in the row I have become a bit of a stick in the mud. It is hard to get me to budge from my four walls. I need to do something about that. Mind you, it's very cold as well and nobody really wants to go out and about in the cold. Todd went into town yesterday despite the cold and the wind and he said it was very busy. I could not make myself go. There is supposed to be a picnic and Easter Egg hunt at the chapel on Friday, but they are calling for more snow. We probably won't go.
My Berlin Kitchen, by Luisa Weiss. I am finishing this up now. It's been a cracking read. If you love "Love" stories and recipes, this is your book.
As Always Julia, the letters of Julia Child and Avis Devoto, by Julia Child. I have always had a fascination for Julie Child, ever since I was a child and saw her cooking on the television. Here was a woman doing what I wanted to do. It's early days yet as I have only just begun this book, but I'll let you know how I get on!
"Frank, bawdy, funny, exuberant, and occasionally agonized, these letters show Julia, first as a new bride in Paris, then becoming increasingly worldly and adventuresome as she follows her diplomat husband in his postings to Nice, Germany, and Norway."
Source: goodreads.com viaElise on Pinterest
When the concierge of The Alexander, a historic Atlanta apartment building, invites his fellow residents to join him for weekly screenings of Downton Abbey, four very different people find themselves connecting with the addictive drama, and—even more unexpectedly—with each other…
I am hoping...
We should get the firm date for mom's operation today. Then plans will be made and I believe that things will happen very quickly. I will be honest. I am not looking forward to flying over there all alone. It is scary to me. I am a lot older than I was the first time I flew over here. I have bad arthritis now and I not in great shape. There is a lot of walking involved with switching terminals in London, etc. I'll do it, but I'm not feeling that confident about it. I also hate to be away from Todd and Mitzie for that long. However I know that with any operation there is an element of risk. My mother is 80 1/2, and has a bad heart. I can't NOT be there, and so I will go. It may be the last thing I am ever able to do for her. I am hoping that it isn't. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. They will be removing 1/2 of one of her lungs.
I am hearing...
Ordinary morning sounds. My play list, Mitzie snoring . . . the clock ticking. My fingers clicking on the keys. Nothing changes . . .
Around the house...
I wish that I had a kitchen large enough that I could do this in it. I so need extra counter space. Believe it or not, all of the magic in my kitchen happens in a space about 12 inches square.
I love this lighting idea. It would be so sweet in a bedroom don't you think?
I found this this morning. Now to find an old door! I think it's brilliant! I love it! I am continuously amazed at the brilliant minds out there who come up with this type of thing! Thank you Pinterest!
Source: Hannele Athanasia on Pinterest
I am awfully fond of tea cups and saucers. I only have a few, but I love them. I know I don't drink regular tea or coffee, but anything drunk from a tea cup seems special, and so sometimes I like to indulge myself and drink from a tea cup, even if it's only soda pop. Call me crazy . . . but that's the way I roll. I love to use pretty things and will find a way to do it irregardless of it's intended use.
Something new about me ...
I have been very successful with dieting through the years and have lost countless pounds and ounces . . . however I've also been very successful at failing with dieting through the years and have always eventually gained back those countless pounds and ounces . . .
One of my guilty pleasures ...
I just adore peanut butter and this is my peanut butter of choice. I have to buy it from an American Grocery Supplier at a premium price, but a big jar lasts me a long time, so that's okay. I especially love it spread onto toast and served with a few slices of crisp streaky bacon on top. If I was asked to choose between that and a steak . . . I'd have a very difficult time to choose between the two.
Pet Peeves...
I am not against immigration. I am an immigrant. I love this country. I am against people who come here to rape our economy and send all their money home to their home countries. That is not immigration. That is theft. I am against the immigrant parents who are claiming child tax benefits for 40,000 children who don't even live here in the UK. I am against the 27,000 Eastern Europeans who have committed crimes in this country over the past 3 years, and I am against our Government allowing in even more immigrants from Europe no matter how skilled they are . . . we have lots of British citizens who are in dire need of employment. I believe in taking care of our own first because I believe if we don't . . . we will soon be in very big trouble and unable to take care of anyone else at all.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
“It's just a bad day, it's not a bad life. Smile!"
~Patti Hegdal
Since the beginning of time there have been bad days. I am sure that when Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden of Eden they thought they were having a really bad day. It has been ever so. It's not the bad days that count, it's what you do with the good ones which are scattered all around them, and in abundance.
As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:
Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life you will have been all of those.
~Lloyd Shearer
And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!
In The English Kitchen today . . .

A delicious Roast Dinner . . .

Monday Night Meat Pie . . .

Hot Roast Beef and Cheddarwich . . .
Happy Tuesday!

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