Small and wonderful things . . . I believe if we take the time to recognize and be grateful for them, we will see that we have lives just filled to over flowing with small and wonderful things. Blessings in disguise. This is my attempt to catalog mine each week.

My Daughter in Law, Anne, arrived home safe and sound from her church sponsored mission in Belize yesterday evening. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it and what they were able to do while they were there. I am grateful that she was able to do what she went there to do and that she was returned to our family with no mishaps. God is good.

My very own Indiana Jones. No, he doesn't fight bad guys with a bull whip and sword, and he can't outrun a plane taxiing for take-off . . . but he bears his mantle of the Priesthood in righteousness and with love. With that mantle he keeps our home a holy place. He does his best for me in all things and in all ways. He is not afraid to show me he has a heart. He cries at sad movies. He loves me with all that he is, and he loves the Saviour as much as I do, and is not afraid for anyone to know that he does. For years I prayed that my husband would love the Saviour as much as I do . . . my prayers were answered. I think that's pretty special stuff.
I know it's only a television show, but I love Call The Midwife. I watched the last episode of Season two last night on our telly and was sorry to see it end. I think they have signed up for a Season Three, which is good. I love the stories that this program shares with it's viewers, based on simpler times and simpler values. I have always felt I was born at the wrong time, but I am glad that I was, or else I would be a very old woman now, or dead. I found out recently that my Great Grandmother Best was a midwife. I know I had probably been told it before, but it was only recently that it registered with me. I find myself wondering how many babies she helped to bring into this world. I am reading the book, Call The Midwife. It's very good. I highly recommend.
After about five days of feeling mostly sub-human I do believe I am beginning to feel a lot better. Well, I feel better this morning than I did yesterday morning, although I did cough the whole night last night, which meant I didn't get a lot of sleep. Still really coughing this morning . . . but here's hoping that will improve. Maybe today I will even feel like cooking. We'll see what happens.

It wasn't until I went to feed her her supper last night I realized I had not fed her her breakfast. Bad mommy . . . I felt just awful that I had done so. Thank goodness she is very loving and forgiving.
A loving Heavenly Father who has a sense of humor, and who has thought of everything in this fabulous plan of His for us. There are miracles and hope to be seen from the greatest and largest things right on down to the most miniscule of things. We are surrounded by wonder and miracles every day. I am amazed at those who are able to overcome huge obstacles and succeed despite the odds against them. Each time a flower works it's way out of the Winter ground and blooms, I am amazed all over again. Those who conquer their "Why me Lord?" feelings and achieve great things amaze me. So many who do so much with so little. They are miracles to me. I love that I can see that.
Grateful today for a mind that grows flowers instead of weeds . . . but also grateful for the weeds in my life, which allow me to see beauty in even them.

Grateful for the promise each day brings to me anew . . .
I hope this day is special for you and that you are able to find some small and wonderful things in it too.

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