You just wouldn't believe what my past couple of days have been like. About midway through the day two days ago I got slammed with the worst case of influenza I have ever had. I was literally burning up with fever and aching from my head down to my toes. I took myself off to bed and spent most of the day there and all of that night and most of yesterday. I am beginning to just feel a bit human again, but my sides are just aching from coughing and I am quite far from being 100%.
I am feeling somewhat disappointed because I had planned on going to the Lady's Breakfast Get-together at the pub near our church this morning, but to be honest I don't feel like going and have not had any appetite the past few days. Also a lot of the sisters are somewhat elderly and it would be irresponsible for me to spread my germs around like that.
I have watched more daytime television in the past couple of days than I ever want to again! What a dearth of anything worthwhile!! Seriously. Or maybe it is just that I am rather picky. I did quite enjoy a show on the crime channel about a girl who had been killed in New Zealand by her boyfriend, but I know the girl's Aunt. She is a close friend of mine so there was some personal interest on my part and I am glad he was convicted and sent down for it. Another good program was a film called "The Lucky One" based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks, about a Marine that finds a picture of a woman when he is in Iraq. He reckons the picture is like a lucky charm and helps to keep him alive like a Guardian Angel of sorts and when he gets back stateside, he sets out to find the woman in the photograph. Zach Efron, all grown up and bearded . . . not too hard on the eyes for sure, despite my wracking cough.
The fact that I am sitting here writing this this morning though tells me that I am well on the road to recovery, and that things may soon be back to normal, fingers crossed. I cancelled my Dentist Appointment on Thursday because of this illness, so I still have a toothache going on, but hopefully I will be able to make the one I rescheduled for Tuesday.
In the meantime I am getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of fluids, and hoping to be fighting fit soon. I have missed you all. Happy day . . .
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get the flu from reading this post, however your heart may race at the sight of Zach Efron, all grown up, with a beard. You have been warned!
Also, if you are Zac Efron your stomach might be turned by the thought of a woman old enough to be your mother, with the flu . . . thinking you are a hunk. Meh . . . deal with it!

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