It's Mother's Day here in the UK and so I thought I would share this lovely piece of writing with you. I have adapted it from a piece I found in an anthology of thought, poetry and prose. Enjoy . . .

(My mother and I circa 1957)
A Mother is a wonderful creature created almost entirely from love. This she expresses in a multitude of ways . . . from hugs and kisses, fabulous meals and patient listening . . . to "it's for your own good" lectures, stringent rules and knowing when to say "no" again and again . . .

(My Great Great Grandmother Ida McNayr Smith
with several of her daughters.)
With all of the intricacies of a snowflake, no two mother's are truly alike . . . although they do share a few things in common. You name the article . . . and a Mother will be found washing it, roasting it, polishing it, getting rid of it, repairing it, disciplining it, packing it, teaching it, redecorating it, loving it, or talking it over with dad.

(Myself with my girls, 1980)
A Mother cares for and about almost anything . . . pets, gardens, the political state of the country, a worn spot on the carpet, hungry people, and a multitude of other things . . . but mostly a Mother cares about father and the children. For these two she can and will do anything, dare anything . . . and fight, if necessary, for their happiness.

(Daughter in law Anne, with grandsons Gabriel and Luke)
Mothers are not always angels. They are often disagreeable and expect too much of you. They may criticize your choice of friends, and come up with a chore or two just when you feel the least energetic. But . . . when it is you that needs help, she is the one who is always ready to lend a hand.

(Daughter in law Kayla with grandsons, Jon, Jacob and Josh)
You may not always be able to tell her how much you love her, or how much you wish the most wonderful things in the world for her . . . because there are not always words that can express feelings which are so tender, so deep and sincere . . . but don't worry. She knows how you feel and understands what is in your heart because . . .
Mothers always do.
~author unknown

(Daughter Amanda with granddaughter Maryn)
I love my mom. There is nothing I would not do for her. When I was a teenager we had some hard times . . . teenage girls, they're so hormonal and difficult to get along with. I regret all those times when I didn't do as I should have, or may have caused my mom to cry, or her heart to ache. And still she loved me, and loves me, no matter what, no matter how . . . a mother's love is unconditional, and I am grateful for that.
Still feeling pretty rubbish this morning. Hope I get to feeling much better soon.
Love to you all, and Happy Mother's Day to you Mothers who are celebrating it. Hope it's the best one ever.

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