Wednesday 9 October 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



I remember seeing this film back in 1968 starring Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting.  It was a great introduction to Shakespeare for me and every teenage girl's dream.  Two beautifully attractive young people falling in love under a cloud of family disapproval.  I remember going to see it several times and crying my eyes out with emotion. Part of that could have been the fact that the boy I had a mad crush on was there with another girl, but mostly it was because of the fates of Romeo and Juliet.

I have always thought this was a beautifully done film and to this day remains my favorite version of the story. To me it was a film that had the appearance of a piece of art having been painted by one of the great masters.  A true classic.

A huge surprise ended up on my doorstep yesterday.  I was not expecting anything to be delivered, but a package arrived from Fed Ex and in it was my Turkey Award from 2012 and my wooden recipe box that I had tole painted back in the mid 1990's, with all of the recipes intact. Also, a couple boxes of Iron Tablets.  I was so surprised to see these things. No doubt it was my friend Tina who sent it.  She had said something about having extra boxes of iron tablets the last time we spoke and mentioned sending them to me.  The other two objects were a complete and total surprise. I had no idea what had happened to any of my things.  I simply put those thoughts out of my mind when I walked away, thinking that I would not be seeing any of my belongings ever again. 

That was the only way I could do it . . .  to just walk away . . . to just leave and not look back. Occasionally I will get a twinge of remembrance of something and wonder where it is, or miss it, but for the most part, I have blessedly been able to just dismiss those thoughts and remembrances. After all, there is nothing I can or could have done about any of it. I just did what I had to do, which was to leave and there was no bringing any of it with me.

I had to just let go of it all and as difficult as it was to do so, I did it. This package was such a surprise and a tender mercy. Both items held deep meaning for me. The Turkey Award that I was so proud of winning, and that recipe box that I had so lovingly painted all those years ago. What a sweet, sweet, thoughtful gift from a friend who loves me dearly.  I love her dearly also.

Can you believe that she has still not received the Insurance settlement from that car accident she was in over five years ago now?  It keeps getting put off for one reason or another. The other lady who was driving the car she was in got hers ages ago. But Tina has only just learned that the work being done on her settlement was being done for free, pro bono.  The lawyer actually complained to her that she had been wasting lots of time on it as she was not being paid for it. I think it is appalling. This attitude.


I usually go to bed about 9 PM every night. I will say my prayers and read for a while and then I fall asleep.  It is usually a very dreamy sleep. I always wake up about 40 minutes later.  I go to the loo and most times will fall right back asleep then for most of the rest of the night.

The other night I found myself dreaming about someone breaking into my house and woke up feeling quite afraid.  I could hear noises, etc.  My imaginings. I realized then that really it can be quite scary to live on your own if you are an older woman.  I actually felt very vulnerable.  I had a difficult time falling back asleep that night.

There are no houses in back of mine, just an empty parking lot and a farmer's market. My place is just a slab bungalow which sits right at ground level. My bedroom window, I discovered a while back, does not lock properly. In fact, it is impossible to lock it.  I had thought when I discovered this that I would go and buy a couple of pieces of doweling to put between the top of the lower window and the top of the whole window frame so as to make it difficult for anyone to open the window from the outside. Then I forgot about it.

I think I need to go and get that done so I will feel more secure and much safer. 

I do go round and check all of my door locks every night before I go to bed as a force of habit. Even the one leading into the garage. I discovered once, a while back, that I had slept all night with my front door unlocked.  Anybody could have come in. Since then, I have made sure to check my doors every night. (Sometimes twice, lol)

I know really, I should just get the landlord to fix the window, but I cannot stand his handyman. He gives me the creeps, and I do not like having him in my house.


My oldest son and his family are coming over for Thanksgiving.  That makes me happy. I have booked a room for them in the motel I stayed in when I first returned to Canada. It will just be for two nights. I couldn't get them into the motel which is across the street basically from where I live. That is the second time this has happened. Apparently, they are all booked up. I also thought the lady was a bit rude on the telephone. Perhaps there is a reason she doesn't want to let a room to me? In any case, I do have a room for them, which is all that matters.

I am looking forward to seeing them.  It will be nice to talk to Gabriel and see how he is enjoying University and how Luke is enjoying school this year.  It will also be nice to see my DIL.  I cant wait to see my son. 

I wish they lived closer. He is always wanting me to come and stay with them and would like me to move to live with them. But I like living in my own place and I would miss my sister too much. We always promised each other that we would live out our old ages close to each other, and that is just what we are doing. Later this week, either tomorrow or Friday we are taking a trip up to Jonny's together to get some chips before they close for the Winter.  We will also probably check out the Cambridge Convenience store to see if they have any Costco deals before the weekend.

I started reading this book a couple of days ago.  Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren.  I am finding it very interesting. It grabbed me right from the beginning.

"Prayer, I've come to believe, is more craft than feeling. 
And prayer is our chief practice in the craft."

It has been my experience that I am a woman of prayer. Prayer helps me a great deal in my life, but sometimes I find that I cannot find the words to express out loud the things my heart is feeling. I have had many moments in recent years where I just feel broken and the words won't come. It is at times like those that I have found being able to pray the rosary or the compline really help me, to feel less anxious, less broken, more connected to God. He knows our hearts and our brokenness.  He hears the words even when we cannot express them.  He is patiently present in all things. 

There was a time when I thought there could be no value in the prayers of the Catholic faith . . .  that all of my prayers needed to be actual conversations with God.  My brokenness has allowed me to discover that this is not so, and that meaningful spiritual contact is very possible and accessible through other means and ways of prayer. This is a lesson which I have been most grateful for.  And one which has humbled me.

I had a very successful day making applesauce on Monday with the apples I had bought from Spur's. The Sweet Tart ones.  I made the applesauce here at home and then took it hot, over to Cindy's where we processed it in her water bath canner.  It turned out lovely. While it was processing, we did some sketching together.  This is a pink lady slipper that I sketched from the Newcomb's Wildflower Guide. It is not finished yet, but it is a good start.  I love sketching flowers and plants.

That is only the third one I have done in that watercolor sketch book.  I have not yet inked any of them. It is just difficult to find the time to do so. And the cats usually want to be involved whenever I sit down to draw or whatever.  I need to just be firm with them and chase them away. I hate to do so however because they have very limited lives here in my small home and I know how exciting it is for them whenever anything new occurs.  And, no, letting them go outdoors is not an option.  I have a very busy road that runs alongside of my street, and I would be devastated should anything happen to them.  I believe there is also a by-law here that you are not allowed to just let your animals wander. This is the only safe option for them, and they seem to be quite content and happy, just very interested in everything that I do. 

And with that I best get off here and get started on my day.  I am going to supper with my dad tonight at the Big Scoop. It will be my first time there since their recent renovations. I believe they also have quite a few new things on the menu as well.  So there is that to look forward to later today.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Nothing is ever an accident,
it all happens for a reason.
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° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

making applesauce

In The English Kitchen today there is a complete tutorial on making and processing/canning Applesauce. Don't you just love the color of those apples?  They are so beautiful, and the applesauce turned out to be delicious. 

I hope that you have a beautiful day!  Whatever you get up to I hope it sings the song of your heart. Be happy, and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Happy your son will be there! TG for certain:)Yes fix that window you will feel far better.:)

  2. How wonderful your son and family will be there for Thanksgiving. An easy fix for the window and it will give you so much peace of mind. Dreams sure can spook us out sometimes.. I saw the applesauce post, looks delicious. I don't have all that is needed to do what you and Cindy did so just make batches at a time to use. What a lovely surprise to arrive in the mail, that is something you could share on youtube. Enjoy dinner tonight, perhaps you will be tempted to try something different with the new menu.

    1. I did the same old same old. Fish and chips, lol. Tiger and its stripes. I am really looking forward to the weekend! xoxo

  3. Marie, for a number of years, esp. living in rented places, we have used these type bars under the door handles: and they work quite well. If you ALWAYS replace them, when shutting the door, even if you forget to lock the door, it would be very hard to open the doors!! Heh, the repair guys here at our apt have tried to open our doors, without even waiting for us to banana, heh heh. Some people need to learn as good manners were never taught them!! I am sorry to hear Tina still has not received her due...what we have seen in our lives in this country is that ONLY CRIMINALS truly have rights...they will stomp all over us good folks, every single time. Enjoy your night out and hope the food is worth the trip (I so wish we had even 1 decent place in this town...but so far we have not found it).
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Sad but true, weak laws have emboldened criminals especially in blue states. Case in point the issue of "squatters" just taking over people's homes when they are on vacation and the laws protect them. God bless Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who quickly signed into law anti-squatting laws protecting home owners.

    2. I try to lock my outside doors as soon as I close them. I just don't want to chance forgetting to lock them Elizabeth. I enjoyed being out with dad. He is getting a cold however. He seems to get one this time every year, but he gets over them quickly. I, on the other hand, struggle, so I hope I don't catch it! xoxo

  4. There are a couple of things you could do to feel more secure. One would be to get a big dog like a german shephard, a young one who would be trainable and get used to the cats. Big dogs need daily walks and exercise, however no one will mess with your house if they hear big dog bark (little dog yapping won't deter anyone). You could also get a gun, take lessons and practice at the shooting range. I'm not familiar with Canadian imminent domain laws, in Texas and Florida you can just blow an intruder away before they can harm you.

    1. Ordinary people don't really own guns here in Canada. Also a big dog would be far too much to have in my small place. Maybe just recording of a big dog, lol xoxo

  5. Wonderful news to have your son and family visit soon…also what a nice surprise to receive in the mail! Hope you can secure that window … and have a great time with your Dad and adventures with Cindy….they are lucky to have you as well as the other way around! Best, V.

    1. Thanks V! I was really pleased to get the package. Talked to Tina last night. We sure miss each other! xoxo

  6. Hi Marie, you are so smart to not let your cats out to wander around. I didn't realize how much harm can come to cats that way, and my dear old cat had to be put down when hit by a car. There are some wonderful places that cats can roam and be happy, such as country homes with barn yards. Oh Lucky Cats! Even then, they can get hurt. If I had a large house, I would have a "cat porch", screened in securely, and a climbing branch for them, where they could look out onto an interesting yard. xoxo

    1. Plus we have coyotes here. My neighbor across the street was telling me last evening about some friend's of hers cats who got taken by coyotes just recently. Indoor cats live longer and happier lives than outside cats do in my opinion! If I had a larger house and my own, I would have one of those cat porches also! xoxo

  7. Do follow your feelings, Marie, about when you are creeped out over something, or a person. Putting the wedges in the window frame will be a good thing to do, and sooner rather than later. When you chat with a neighbor next time, you could ask how they feel about the handyman. If this is something that has any substance, then several of you could bring this to the landlord's attention. xoxo

    1. Thanks. My next door neighbor doesn't like him either! xoxo

  8. Couple of things I wonder about. First, has your friend, Tina, looked into the accountability of her claim? Could this have actually been settled a long time ago, and the check was never received by Tina? Tina might contact the insurance company by registered letter, and inquire after the claim, being sure to be detailed and non-blaming, and only asking after what happened to her claim. The other thing I want to ask you about are the iron tablets. Are those a supplement that you take? Iron tablets can be very upsetting to your system, causing nausua and other effects, if you are sensitive to them. There are non-reactive iron tablets, such as "Easy Iron", which can be found at health food stores on online through Amazon, or on the Country Life website. When you go in for your checkup and blood work with your new doctor, could you please ask about taking iron tablets, especially ask about the effects they can have on the system?

    1. Everything is kosher about her claim. It just keeps getting passed back and forth between the doctors and the lawyers. First it was delayed because the woman who hit them was claiming it wasn't her fault. Then the delay was the insurance company wanting her to go through every possible type of test and treatment to make absolutely sure it was the accident and not old age causing her problems, etc. She will get it eventually, but it has taken a long five years so far! I am anemic and was told to take these iron tablets every second day, but they are over $100 for me to buy them here. Tina had some extra and sent them to me to use. They are exactly what I was taking in the U.K.

  9. I wonder if Tina did actually get her settlement, but never received the check? Also, iron tablets (supplements) can cause nausua in sensitive individuals and also other symptoms. It's the reaction to the iron.

    1. No, she hasn't gotten it yet. Hopefully it won't be much longer! Iron does make me a bit nauseated from time to time. That is why I only take one every second day. I am anemic. xoxo

    2. Yes, supplemental iron can create a toxic reaction, I've read, and I noticed it too when I took them. Liver, eggs, and cooking in an iron skillet will add iron to your system. I have a small iron skillet in which I add olive oil, and then crack an egg into it. It's good, and I hope I scrape up a little of that iron from the skillet. xoxo

  10. What a lovely surprise in the mail from Tina. I love your painted recipe box. And great news Anthony and his family will be joining you for Thanksgiving. Do everything you can to give you peace of mind in your own home, Marie. I love that red apple sauce. I’ve never seen those apples for sale in Ontario but I’ll be looking for them. I just made a batch of your Hermit cookies. Proud to say they look exactly like yours. Haven’t had one yet, though . Enjoy your dinner out tonight with your Dad and Hazel. Will Cindy be joining you? Enjoy your preparations for Thanksgiving. We’re having a roast chicken instead of turkey but will make all the traditional sides . I saw the Romeo and Juliette movie in 1969 when we visied England. Thought it was great. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

    1. I was very touched to receive it. She is such a dear friend Elaine. I am so happy your cookies turned out and I do so hope you enjoy them! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU AND LARRY!! Love and hugs, xoxo


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