Wednesday 2 October 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


I am working on my new laptop this morning. It is a bit of an adjustment for me. The keyboard on my old one started to cock-up a few weeks back. I have a larger desktop kind of a one, but for some reason that one only wants to turn on when it feels like it, so I had ordered a new laptop which arrived at the end of last week. In the meantime, I had been using the old one with a portable keyboard that plugged into it. I can still use it that way of course, but it is very awkward to have your screen in one place and your keyboard in another. Or maybe it just takes getting used to.  

I have never been able to properly use the mouse thingie on laptops.  I can figure it out a bit, but don't know how to use it to scroll down pages, etc. Technology just does not come easy to me, although I do try to adapt to the times.  I need a teenager around here to help show me how to do things!  I think young people today are born knowing how to use all of this modern stuff! It just seems to come naturally to them.

My mother really did not like modern things. She refused to even have a debit card. She wanted to go into the bank to do her banking and she always had her pension cheques mailed to her, not directly deposited.  Nobody was having access to her bank account but her.

I am sure that there are still a lot of people like that in the world. Myself, I like modern technology for the most part. I just can't get my head around some of it. Okay, maybe a lot of it.  But I try. That has to count for something.


One thing which I have been struggling with is video.  I haven't done a new one yet, mostly because I am trying to find a recipe that I can cook in a video that doesn't involve me having to pause the video and then restart it again.  One that I can cook seamlessly in one go, and that is mainly because I don't know how to and haven't been able to figure out how to splice more than one video together without having one play in landscape and the next in portrait, which does not work very well at all for people who are trying to watch it.

My main option at the moment is cooking everything twice. Once, ahead of time, so that I can show the finished product and then in real time so that people can watch it being put together. not ideal. 

I have no idea of what to do for my next video. I am grasping for ideas for things which can be done all in one go without having to stop and start the video. I know consistency is the key for monetization, and I am failing at that. I need to find the key to unlocking the door to producing seamless videos.


I had been told that this week was the week for the fall clean up.  I am not sure about that. I had put out the broken metal shelves from the garage yesterday, but nobody took it away. Although, they did take away the large square flat thing that one of my neighbors had put out.  I don't know what to think of that. The shelving unit is still laying there at the end of my drive, along with the old hanging plastic plant pots.  I see in town lots of people have had stuff laying at the edges of their lawns for weeks now, waiting for pick up and it has been getting picked up. Cindy and Dan had put out a load of stuff and it got picked up. a few weeks back. I am not sure what to do.  I guess maybe try to load it into the car and drive it down to the tip? I am not sure that it would fit.

These are the types of things my son, who has a truck, and who lives just minutes away from me, could help me with. But alas that is not an option.  And the sons who would help live too far away to be able to do so.

Well, hopefully, someone will be around to pick it up soon.  I am remaining hopeful and have my fingers crossed.


About a year and a half ago I got myself one of those Lomi countertop composters. I have found that saving my compost in a small bin and then traipsing it down to the end of the street every couple of days is not ideal. It takes me too long to fill it and the bottom of the compost bag doesn't like it.  Plus, there are the fruit flies which drive me crazy. So I had gotten this composter, which works very well until it doesn't.  About a month ago the change filter light came on. It has two filters on it that are filled with charcoal that you need to empty and refill every so many times you run the program. Not a problem. I changed the charcoal in the filters, but the light would not go off, no matter how many times I pushed the button in order for it to do so.  Anyways, I contacted them, with photographs, etc. and they decided to issue me a replacement unit as it is still under warrantee.  It came yesterday.  I just need to unpack it and set it up and then put the old one back into the packaging from the new one and arrange pick up for it to be returned to the company.

When it is working properly it is a great little machine which is ideal for my small family.  The only things you cannot put into it are hard bones and shells, and cooked potato, liquids, etc.  Almost everything else can go in and it turns it all into a type of soil, which is good for the garden supposedly.  I just put it into a compost bag and take it down to the end of the street.  But it is not messy or smelly and it does not attract fruit flies.


Cats and boxes.  I had ordered some of the newer, smaller sized units of soup mixes from Mitchell's soup mixes. I find that their regular sized packages are far too much for me. Anyways, they came yesterday and after I unpacked the box, Nutmeg laid claim to the empty box.  I suppose it smelled like soup and herbs.  He stayed in it for quite a while and rolled around in it.  I don't know why they used such a large box to hold such a small amount, but hey ho!  Nutmeg really enjoyed it.

My mother's cat Pumpkin had a box that she used to like to sit and sleep in. It had tissue paper in it. It was always there for her.


It is hard to believe that we are already into the month of October.  This year has just flown by.  October is always a busy month, with my church's General Conference, and then Thanksgiving and then Halloween.  It is also one of my favorite months for exactly those reasons, as well as the leaf change and the cooling temperatures.  I do not think that the Octobers of today are as cool as they were when I was a child.  I can remember having to wear Winter clothing in October when I was a child.  Our Halloween costumes had to be able to fit over a snowsuit. It does not seem to get that cold these days.

My cousin posted some photos on his FB page of a bear that comes to visit his place frequently.  It looks pretty big. I was surprised when my sister and I were up the mountain the other day that we did not see any bears as they are quite common in that area.   I am not overly fond of being that close to bears. I find the idea quite scary to be honest.

I have recently moved my cats over to a lower fat dry food that I got at the Vets.  It is the same one my sister feeds her cats.  Its not cheap. I paid $109 for the bag. Hopefully it lasts a bit. At the moment I am mixing it half and half with their old food.  (They also get a quantity of wet food every day.) I will gradually decrease the amount of old food until it is only the new one they are getting. I am not sure how well they like it, but they are going to have to like it as I think they are both getting a bit overweight. I want to nip it in the bud before it gets too hard for them to lose weight, and they develop health problems.  I do have a Vets appointment for then at the beginning of December for their shots and a checkup. I really want them to be healthy as well as happy cats.

They sleep a lot.  I don't want them being too bored. That's why I have bird feeders and such. I enjoy watching the birds myself, but they enjoy watching them even more. 

And I guess I have run out of things to talk about this morning so I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

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 *.˛.Do your little bit of good
where you are; its those
little bits of good put together
that overwhelm the world.
~Desmond Tutu
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Turkey Stuffing Meatballs

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Turkey Stuffing Meatballs.  This is a sheet pan supper that is quick and easy to make and comes out really delicious.  The meatballs bake on a separate sheet pan as the vegetables.  I chose to roast potatoes, brussels sprouts and carrots as a side for my meatballs. It is a full-sized recipe (at least for the meatballs) but no worries as they freeze well.

I hope that you have a beautiful day.  I am going up to the Farm Market a bit later on to pick up some fresh local cranberries.  I want to make some of my Christmas Chutney. Maybe that would be a good video to do?  Anyways, I so hope you have a great day. Stay safe. Be blessed. Be happy. Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. On of my cats is a fat like yours, he likes his food and is not as active as is mom. You might want to let them go outside for a little while each day when you are out to supervise, so they can run around a bit. I let mine out only when they are hungry, that way I lure them back in with a slice of smoked deli turkey. Works every time, cats are gluttons for sliced turkey. Bears can be dangerous, I always take pepper spray on outings just in case.

  2. Marie-you can get an external mouse for your laptop. Wireless. Much easier to use than the built in ones and fairly inexpensive.

  3. I'm sure you will figure out the new laptop soon, I did not like the mouse pad when I got mine, but figured it out. Now I love it. Have you looked into video editing programs now you have the new laptop. You can stop and start videos, edit out what you don't want etc. A learning curve but you will figure it out. Cats and boxes and little children and boxes, what an attraction. Hope you find the fresh cranberries, Christmas chutney would be a good idea for the next video. We had rain overnight and it is very overcast today, plus temperatures have dropped down to the mid teens. Have a good day.

  4. Is it an apple laptop? I always use a mouse with a mouse pad on any tecchie things wee have.I always thought I liked PCs most until I bought a desktop Imac 2 yrs ago.We had to buy a new Microsoft desktop for all of J's tax programs ,my Adobe CC..and such..Windows gets obsolete..So now that I can compare..Windows acts like it will age....Even the portable keyboards..I never thought I would say this.But Apple has it.
    OMGEE cat food is $$. even vets I see our daughters with their dogs..and wow.I think we would be mortified..How aboutscones..? Can you do that short and sweet? You should not have to bake twice:(

  5. I am sure I know a lot less about computers than you do...but at least with my laptop, you have to use 2 fingers to run the control pad on it, instead of a mouse. Using 1 or 3 etc seems to do nothing.
    Elizabeth xoxo


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