Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



LIGHT - noun

-something that makes things visible or affords illumination: 
All colors depend on light.
 -the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of sight. 
-an illuminating agent or source, as the sun, a lamp, or a beacon. 
-the radiance or illumination from a particular source: 
the light of a candle. 
 -the illumination from the sun; daylight: 
We awoke at the first light. 
 -daybreak or dawn: 
when light appeared in the east. 
Summer has more hours of light. 

We are coming into the darker months now. Each day gets shorter as the nights get longer. This will continue to happen on until the Winter Solstice, when the days will begin to lengthen again, hardly noticeably at first.

With the autumn and the last glorious color and lights from the changing leaves comes darkening days and frost. These next few months are all about bringing as much warmth and light into our lives as possible.  This is done in a myriad of ways, candles, lamps, etc.  


I love my candles. I especially love scented ones and most days over these coming months I will have one or two burning.  I always have to remind myself to blow then out before I go out anywhere.  I have come home a few times to find them still burning and I am dismayed that I left them lit.  I keep them in metal lanterns.  One, it helps to protect curious whiskers from catching alight and burning and two, it keeps the flame contained, and also casts a warm glow about the room.

I don't like dark and dismal days when the dark clouds hover over and cast a dullness about everything.  I don't like to turn on the electric lights as I don't like the idea of people looking in and being able to see what I am about. Not that I am about anything naughty or sinister, but I am a very private person, and I hate feeling spied on.  So, candles help me to be able to add some light into my room without having to draw the curtains and turn on the lamp, if that makes sense.

I prefer the soy wax candles rather than paraffin, and I am really choosy about where I buy them from. I buy Canadian made, from small businesses.  I don't like those cheap scented candles that you buy in the dollar store and Giant Tiger that come from China.  I don't trust that there are not chemicals in them which we shouldn't be breathing in. I will put my hand up and say out loud, I don't trust much that comes from China. Especially things that I am going to breathe in, eat, or put next to my body. That is just me and it might be silly, but it is the way that I feel.

That is why I choose to use only natural fibers in my clothing and my bedding, etc. I do not care if it means that I have to iron things. It is a small price to pay. At least from my perspective.



Here's a question, and it might sound a bit crazy, but  . . .  have you noticed lately that quite often when you have been reading something or speaking about something to people, all of a sudden you will be bombarded with ads or suggestions pertaining to what you have been talking about???? Almost as if somebody has been listening in and paying attention to your conversations and reading habits?  It's weird I know, but it seems to be happening to me quite often.  I do not believe it could be mere coincidence. By having smart televisions and computers, smart phones, and other electronic devices in our homes are we opening ourselves to surveillance? 

I know how crazy that sounds and I promise you I am not a conspiracy theorist. But I have noticed this more than a few times lately. My sister and I will have been talking about something and then, all of a sudden, ads will appear in my Instagram feed or Pinterest feed, etc. pertaining to exactly what we have been discussing.  I hope I am not the only person who has experienced this, or I will think I am really going around the bend, lol  

I am just curious as to whether other's have experienced this as well or not.


Here is another question.  The words "whether" and "wether."  What is the appropriate use of either or?  I am not quite sure, and I have been wondering. Can anyone enlighten me further?

I got a new blood pressure monitor. This one is a wrist one. I have a problem with the arm one.  I had bought one several years ago, but I have never been able to get it to fit on my arm properly. It consistently gives me an error message.  Occasionally it will work, but when it does the pain it causes is excruciating.  And so, I saw a wrist one and thought I would try it out.  So far it seems to be working well and is a lot more comfortable than the arm one. The Doctor had wanted me to monitor my blood pressure for a week or so before my next appointment. I am not going to run into the drugstore several times a day to have it taken and so it just makes sense to have something that I can use here at home.


I've been watching a docu-series on Prime called Jonathan and Jesus. follows Roumie as he explores the impact Jesus Christ had on the world throughout history and how the great weight of playing the Son of God has impacted Roumie himself.  I am a huge fan of the series "The Chosen."  It is probably one of the most realistic series about the Savior that I have ever seen, and it is taken more from the perspective of the disciples and their experiences with Jesus.

I have found this docu-series to be very fascinating.  There are people from many faiths speaking in it.  There is one evangelical Christian who talks about how life changing this learning about Jesus, truly learning about Jesus, and the way that He loved people, has been for him. It really resonated with me.

He spoke about the judgement of many mainstream Christians towards others and how very divisive it was.  About how that was not the message that Christ preached.  That Christ wanted us all to be one, even as the Father and He were one. One in purpose and thought and action, and how everyone was welcome.  How Christ welcomed everyone into his circle and loved everyone. His only criteria being, "Follow me."

That is how I feel.  And that is one of the main reasons that I left my Baptist roots to join the church that belong to now. I did not like the exclusivity of my old church, and I had actually been brought up in it and its teachings.  As I grew and studied, it became clear to me that it was not for me. It did not fit my view of the Savior I had come to know through my studies. A Savior who loved and embraced everyone, and especially those who were outcast and on the fringes of acceptance. A Savior who loved all as they were and invited them in. A Savior who loved and ministered and embraced.

Anyways, it is a really fascinating series.


I heard them the other day, but I could not see them. The cloud cover was too thick, but they were up there.  Their cries echoed through the air above me.

I can remember one time when I was in the U.K. and I had been out in the shed in the back yard and they flew overhead just as I was standing in the doorway.  The sunlight was shining on them in such a way as their bellies were golden. They looked close enough almost too touch, but they were not. It was a special moment.

My life has been filled with special moments such as that. Moments when nature came so close that I was able to touch it with all of my senses. I love that I am as aware as I am. It adds a special depth and beauty to my life.

I am not sure what I will get up to today. I do need to go to the store at some point.  I will have dinner out with my father later today.  Same old place. I will have to check the specials out later on this morning and see what they are. 

It is supposed to be quite warm today but then it will start to get colder again tomorrow.  October is a very transitional month where the weather cannot quite catch hold of where it is supposed to be, some days bringing us a touch of all the seasons. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛.The sensitive suffer more
but they love more and dream more.
~Augusto Cury  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Baked Macaroni & Cheese with Sausage & Tomatoes

In The English Kitchen today, Baked Macaroni & Cheese with Sausage & Tomatoes.  This is a small batch recipe but still makes enough for about three generous servings.  I sent half next door to Sheila, and she really enjoyed it. It is delicious. 

I hope that you have a wonderful day.  Be happy.  Be blessed.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Same weather here:) For for the rest..
    Happens often ..speaking of something then it's on FB etc.. weird..Enjoy your day!

  2. I prefer to buy food produced either in USA or Canada, (or it used to be we could get some awesome veggies from Israel...tho have not seen that in like forever now). For one thing, hopefully at least, there is a higher standard of cleanliness in these countries. It makes more sense to shop, for fresh stuff especially, closer to home. Otherwise, we are getting mostly calories and one wonders if much of any nutrients. As to China, good grief they poisoned the dog food and baby food...that is not acceptable!!
    I also got a wrist blood pressure cuff years ago, had to replace it recently. They like to say you must use the arm ones that cause incredible pain, but I have found the wrist one works close enough to the arm ones to be helpful. Since I am eating 1/2 to 1 banana a day, even though not using meds anymore due to stupid Pfizer stopping making a great one that I took over 20 years, but thankfully just that much banana usually keeps it good enough!! Of course, if I could loose more weight, might help a bit more too. know how easy that is!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

  3. You need to go to settings on your computer/phone/ipad and find the spot to turn off tracking, that should limit what shows up. Hope the wrist blood pressure monitor works for you. As for whether and wether I use whether (choice or alternative), wether is actually a castrated sheep, unless you meant weather as in The Weather Network. Our weather is going to change to more seasonable tomorrow. Enjoy the company and dinner tonight.

  4. We too have noticed what seems to be spying coming from our TV and cell phones. This is very dishonest, unethical and should be made illegal.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!