Monday 21 October 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

We had our delayed Thanskgiving Dinner yesterday. My son wasn't there but the rest of us were. Cindy, Dan, Dad and myself.  We had the Mary Brown's Fried Chicken and taters, with mom's stuffing, Cindy's sweet potatoes, vegetables and gravy.  The best part was that we were there together and that everyone was feeling well again.  Not the most traditional Thanksgiving dinner but it was delicious. We had Cherry pie for dessert. Again, not traditional but my father does not like Pumpkin pie.


Prayer.  I do not know where I would be without prayer.  This open communication between myself and my Heavenly Father, through the name of Jesus Christ . . .  a conduit of my love for them both, and a very vital part of my faith. It is said that we are to pray unceasingly, and I do, or at least I try to. Throughout the day my thoughts are almost always turned upwards.  I am thankful in all things.  And my prayers are mostly answered. Not always right away, but often they are.  Some prayers take weeks to be answered.  Not all prayers are answered in the way I want them to be or hope them to be. Some prayers are ongoing and may never get answered here on earth. But I have a deep faith and a belief that all will be answered in God's own time. 


All the Halloween decorations are going up.  I don't have any myself, but I do enjoy seeing others.  Some people make a huge effort when it comes to decorating for Halloween.  I used to love seeing all of the really far out Halloween decorations when I was a child and again when I used to take my own children out trick-or-treating.  My husband always had to work on Halloween night, so I was the one who took them. It was often very cold.   Especially as the parent who wasn't doing a lot of running up and down the pathways to the houses.  But I did enjoy the decorations.  Some people had spooky music. Some people went so far as to dress up as pumpkin people and sit in chairs in the garden ready to grab the trick-or-treaters as they wandered up the path and make them scream. (Not my favorite.)  Still others handed out the treats dressed as witches, etc. 

We always went through all of the candy when we got it home, just to make sure it was safe. We never ever found anything that wasn't.


Creativity.  Imagine dressing the top of your pie in little ghosties. It's just wonderful. I can well see the joyful smiles of those who were treated to a piece of this pie! What a labor of love.


The leaves are really coming down fast now.  Each time I go out in the car I am treated to a kaleidoscope of autumn color dancing through the air in my wake.  Oranges, golds, reds, auburns.  Skittering across the pavement and raining down from above.  It is so beautiful.  

Last night  . . .  the smell in the air when I went outside at my sister's to get into my car. Autumn at its very best.


Poetry.  I just adore poetry.  Poets wax their words in such beautiful ways. It is a real art.  Poems that rhyme, poems that don't.  All touch my heart and soul.  It's like they get into the very essence of what being human is all about.


Being able to enjoy a hot drink on a cold day. If it is in a pretty cup, so much more joy filled that pleasure is.  I need to bring my cups and saucers over from cindy's/mom's one of these days. I just don't have anywhere to put them, and they are safer where they are.


Every time I drive by that camp down by the river, I feel more grateful for my home. I know how very blessed that I am to have a home and a roof over my head. A place where I can be safe and warm.  A place to call my own.


To be able to say I have enough . . .  I am blessed to have enough. Of everything.  Love. Home. Faith. Family. Health. Friends. Food. Warmth.  Pets. Purpose. Peace. Joy.  I am living a life of grace and abundance.

I am blessed.

A thought to carry with you ...

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 *There are always flowers
for those who want to see them.
~Henry Matisse  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ 

Sticky Toffee Pudding

In the kitchen today, a small batch of Sticky Toffee Pudding.  Simply fabulous.  Four fabulously decadently delicious servings of a rich and indulgent dessert.

Have a beautiful day.  I hope it is filled with love, hope and all that you need along the way.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. There seem to be more homeless people in western countries, in spite of all the wealth and soaring stock markets which is very unfortunate and inexcusable. My brother knows a couple of homeless guys in his neighborhood, often has them over for lunch and they appreciate any small kindness. You might want to consider sharing some of the abundance with a couple of these unfortunates, maybe invite them to your home for a meal during the Christmas holiday.

    1. Actually, I do a lot to help the homeless and those less fortunate than myself, and not just on the holidays either. I do it all the year through. There are lots of people reaching out at the holidays, but I like to keep the rest of the year covered as well. Just because I don't talk about it on here doesn't mean that I don't contribute to their wellbeing whenever and however I can. What I do is between me and my God though, and that's how I like to keep it, but thank you for your suggestion.

    2. Mercy, horridly risky inviting homeless people into your home when you are a single woman!! (The greatest many of them in this country are druggies). Many other ways to do things without taking that much risk!! Just saying...
      Lovely meal you and kin had...seems anyone would enjoy such a meal even if not turkey!! Glad all seem well again!!
      Elizabeth, xoxo

    3. Quite right Elizabeth. As an older woman, and living alone, it would not be a smart thing to invite someone like this into my home, which is not to say that homeless people are not honest and decent people, but I cannot take chances like that living on my own as I do. The meal was lovely as was the company! xoxo

    4. I agree with you Elizabeth, it would be risky. Many are addicts and can't be trusted to not steal from is the nature of the disease and no reflection of the person they would be under better circumstances. They still deserve our help. I prefer to give them money, with no strings attached. They are adults and can make their own decisions, good or bad, but free from judgement.

  2. So glad you had a lovely time at your Thanksgiving family dinner, it is the time spent together, whether on the actual day or not. You do what works for your family. We are having a nice few days of weather, sunny and temperatures close to if not in the 20's. Hallowe'en doesn't mean as much to us anymore, no kids to come knocking at the door and the grandkids are all grown up. The best part of October 31 is that it is our granddaughter's birthday. Enjoy Monday.

    1. It was just nice being able to spend the time together, knowing everyone was well again. We are having some nice days here this week as well. Indian summer. It is +20 at the moment! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter on the 31st! xoxo


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