FOR TODAY, November 15th, 2011...
Outside My Window...
We've had a few pretty mild days for November. Very different from the November we had last year which was quite unbelievably cold! I am not complaining! Every little helps on the heating bill counts!
I am thinking...
I am trying not to think these days and when I do I ponder the scriptures. I've been reading a book entitled 21 Days Closer to the Saviour. It takes 21 days to form a habit they say. I've always tried to walk close to the Saviour but, like anyone, there is room for improvement!
I am thankful for...
All the many blessings scattered throughout my day that we all tend to take a bit for granted. Puppy dog kisses and my husband's warm arm laying across my shoulder as we watch telly in the evening. Reaching out to brush my hand against his cheek in the middle of the night when we are both supposed to be sleeping, and knowing he is there. Opening my eyes each morning as I unwrap the gift of a new day . . . being able to talk to my sister almost every day this week! (She is on a two week sabbatical from work, and so available, which is great!) I could go on and on, but I am sure you get the picture. My cup surely runneth over.
From the kitchen...
There is leftover nutmeg cake and two muffins. Not sure which is calling my name . . . both are very, very good.
I am wearing...
Pink nightie with pink flowers on it, pink and black PJ pants and my robe and slipper. Warm and cosy. Layering really does work!
I am creating...
I still have a special painting I am working on for a friend, but I still managed to knock out this yesterday:

I did this when I got back from my Visit Teaching yesterday afternoon. I was a tad bit inspired by my own post yesterday morning. You know, most mornings when I sit down at the computer to write, I have absolutely no idea what is going to spring from the end of my fingertips. It's the same with my paintbrush. I just sit down and what happens happens.
I've also gotten quite a bit more done on my crochet afghan.
I am going...
We are popping into town this morning. I have a bill to pay and I think Todd wants to go to the Library. I hope it is dry. I don't mind cold if it is dry. You can wrap up but I hate having to carry an umbrella. It's just awkward and something else you have to think about losing or leaving somewhere!
I am reading...

Snowflower and the Secret Fan, by Lisa See
A language kept a secret for a thousand years forms the backdrop for an unforgettable novel of two Chinese women whose friendship and love sustains them through their lives.
This absorbing story takes place in 19th century China when girls still had their feet bound, and then spent the rest of their lives in seclusion with only a single window from which to see. Illiterate and isolated, they were not expected to think, be creative, or have emotions. But in one remote county . . . the women developed their own secret code, nu shu . . . "women's writing" . . . the only gender-based written language to have been found in the world. Some girls were paired as "old-sames" in emotional matches that lasted throughout their lives. They painted letters on fans, embroidered messages on handkerchiefs, and composed stories, thereby reaching out of their windows to share their hopes, dreams, and accomplishments.
An old woman tells of her relationship with her "old-same," their arranged marriages, and the joys and tragedies of motherhood . . . until a terrible misunderstanding written on their secret fan threatens to tear them apart. With the detail and emotional resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha , Snow Flower and the Secret Fan delves into one of the most mysterious and treasured relationships of all time . . . female friendship.
This is my second time reading this book. I first read it several years ago and I am enjoying it every bit as much the second time around. I have always held a great fascination with Oriental culture, and especially their history.
I am hoping...
I am hoping for good results on Friday when I have my next hospital appointment. And if not . . . well, I will deal with it then.
I am hearing...
Early morning sounds as the world wakes up around me. Every day sounds. Peaceable and comforting. My everyday sounds in any case. Our Mantel clock makes a noise as the hands move around it's face . . . not a tick tick, but a low rumbling. I miss old hand wound clocks. These modern battery operated ones are just not the same.
Around the house...
I hold a particular fascination with door knobs. We have only handles on the doors in our house . . . no knobs. They are plain and utilitarian . . . oh how I would love to have knobs. They needn't be crystal, as nice as that would be . . . just knobs instead of handles. I suppose I should be grateful just to have doors!
I am looking forward to...
I am looking forward to going in to town today. Chester is such a beautiful city with it's white stucco and black beamed buildings. I love to look at the roof tops and chimney's too. It's all so very lovely. I fell in love with it from the very first time that I saw it all those years ago. Only 11 and some, but it seems like forever, and that I have always lived here. When we lived down South I longed to come back and look . . . my wish was granted in a curious and wonderful way.
I am pondering...
Which did come first . . . the chicken or the egg?????
One of my favourite things...
Christmas Music. I could listen to it all year round. I recently got Mindy Gledhills new Christmas Album, Winter Moon. It's lovely, just lovely. I also love listening to my Paul Cardhall cd and Lady Antebellum. I just like listening to music. I tried to pick a sound track for my life one time and I couldn't do it. There were just too many songs and artists that I liked.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
I am going in to town today and I have meetings tomorrow night. Nothing else is certain . . . oh wait, how could I forget! I am having the missionaries over for dinner on Thursday evening! Yay! I love feeding the missionaries.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Source: oursimplecountrylife.com via Marie on Pinterest
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. ~Psalm 91:4
Anyone who has lived on a farm and has had chickens knows that when danger is on the horizon, a mother hen spreads her wings and covers her little chicks with her feathers. Then she pulls her chicks in close . . . right underneath her wings. In fact, she hides her chicks from danger with her wings. Just as a hen protects her chicks, our Heavenly Father safeguards you with His strength and shelters you will His protective power. What a beautiful thought . . .
As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:
"Experience has convinced me that there is a thousand times more goodness, wisdom and love in the world than men imagine."
I think this is true. We should look for the good in people and experiences instead of always dwelling on the bad.
And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!
Todd really loves it when I make pork chops for supper. Last night I was going to make him pineapple baked ones, but when I went to the larder to get a tin of pineapple I couldn’t find one! I found a small tin of pineapple crush but Ineededrings for my pork chop recipe. I was kind of disappointed but never mind, this is what I came up with instead! (Pineapple or no, they had Todd smacking his lips regardless!)

*Pork Chops Romano*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe
Crunchy, spicy and delicious these are real family pleasing pork chops. Really quick to make as well! You can easily cut the recipe in half if there are only two of you (as I did) or you can double it to make more!
4 boneless pork loin chops
1 cup grated Parmesan Reggiano Cheese
½ cup dried bread crumbs (I used Italian ones)
2 tsp cajun seasoning
1 tsp freshly grated lemon zest
¼ cup plain flour
2 eggs, beaten
2 TBS vegetable oil for frying
Lemon wedges for serving
Take your pork chops and trim all the fat from the edges. One at a time place them into a large plastic baggie and pound them with a mallet or the edge of your rolling pin until they are about ¼ inch thick, being very careful not to tear the meat.
Take three shallow pie plates. In one put the flour. In the next, beat together the eggs. In the third mix together the cheese, bread crumbs, Cajun seasoning and the lemon zest.
Coat each pork chop in the flour, patting it in and shaking off the excess. Then dip it into the beaten eggs, again letting the excess drip off. Finally dip it into the crumb mixture, coating each side well and pressing the crumbs in to stay. Set aside on a plate until you have them all coated.
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Fry the chops in two batches, turning once, until golden brown, about 3 minutes on each side. Keep them warm in the oven until you have them all browned.
Serve hot with lemon wedges on the side for squeezing over. Yummy!

Over in The English Kitchen today there are some very delicious Spicy Gingerbread Muffins!
“What you create doesn’t have to be perfect. So what if the eggs are greasy or the toast is burned? Don’t let fear of failure discourage you.”
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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