Welcome to my Sunday Six Smile Makers for the first week in November 2011. It's sure been a different sort of week this week. One that I might not have anticipated even just a few weeks ago, but life is like that isn't it? We never know what lies around the corner. Despite anything this past week which may have caused me some concern, it was still a week filled with lots of smiles and plenty of good.

Is this not the cutest little ladybird you have ever seen? This is my granddaughter Maryn on Halloween. If she had come to my door she would surely have gotten lots of treats, cuddles and kisses too! (Not the candy kind!) That is one thing that I miss living over here in the UK . . . being able to see my grandchildren frequently. Thank goodness for the internet as it allows instant communication! What a blessing that is. Seeing this picture of Maryn in her Halloween Duds surely made me smile!

Here's another little girl that surely makes me smile. We have had lots of cuddles this week, as we always do and lots of walks and treats and playtimes. She sure brings lots of joy into our lives. Last night was bonfire night. Our Jess used to be very upset on Bonfire Night, but not Mitzie. She looked at the window wondering what all the ruckus was and then as we were not bothered she wasn't bothered and so she went back to doing what she normally does with no fear as to what all the noise was about. She is so laid back. The only time she goes spastic is when someone comes in that she hasn't seen before. She is sooooo sociable and wants to be their friend RIGHT NOW! This can be a bit of a problem when it is someone who doesn't necessarily like dogs. We are working on it!
Source: google.com via Marie on Pinterest
My family has surely made me smile this week. The love and support of those nearest and dearest has been a great comfort. From my mother and my Todd to my sister and brother and my oldest son . . . all have been reassuring and loving and kind . . . and most importantly of all, positive. My family means the world to me. I love each of them with all of my heart. I know that I have been blessed in a very special way to have the family that I do. I wish sometimes that some of them were a bit more communicative, but . . . they do their best. That is all anyone does and I am grateful for whatever. My family makes me smile.
Source: google.com via Marie on Pinterest
All of your love and support and prayers have surely made me smile in a very big way. Keep it coming! I need all that I can get. I do so appreciate every one of you and all that you do for me. I was able to talk to Lura on the telephone this week, not once, but twice. She always makes me smile. I talked to my good friend Hazel from down South twice this week also. All of your messages and e-mails . . . they all mean the world to me and have brought a smile to my face. I love you all and you are all so special to me. You make me smile.
Source: Uploaded by user via Marie on Pinterest
This made me smile. As you know I am a great believer in Faith and in Miracles. In fact Faith often precedes a miracle.
“Faith precedes the miracle. It has ever been so and shall ever be. It was not raining when Noah was commanded to build an ark. There was no visible ram in the thicket when Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. Two heavenly personages were not yet seen when Joseph knelt and prayed. First came the test of faith–and then the miracle. Remember that faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other. Cast out doubt. Cultivate faith.” ~Thomas S Monson
I love the leaders in my church. They always make me smile. Which brings me down to another smile for the week.
Getting a letter in the post from this man surely made me smile big time! This is Dieter F Uchtdorf, the second counselor in the Presidency of my church. He is an apostle of the Lord. To get a personal letter from him, handsigned was a really big thing for me. It arrived the same day as my hospital letter and I know that was meant to be. Things never happen by accident. This is how our Heavenly Father manifests Himself in our lives at times and how He lets us know He is there. It is called a Divine Signature . . . not a co-incidence. I lay in bed that night reading it again and again and his words spoke to my heart, helping to allay the fear that I had felt when I had read the hospital letter. "Your Heavenly Father loves you, is proud of you and is mindful of the desires of your heart." Oh what a wonderful reassurance these words brought to my heart. They made me smile. I have no words to explain how very much they meant and mean to me.

This man means the world to me. He is the Yin to my Yang. He is my everything. I waited a lifetime to find him and he was worth every minute of the wait. I am so glad that we have been sealed to each other for time and all eternity as I could not imagine anyone I would rather spend my eternity with. I am so thankful for his loving presence in my life . . . for his calmness and his steadfastness. I know he will help to carry me through whatever I have to go through. He, like the Saviour, and my Heavenly Father . . . will be with me every step of the way. I love him dearly. He makes me smile, every moment of every day of my life. Ok . . . so perhaps there are times when I may get a bit annoyed with him . . . but they are truly far and few between. He is all that I could ever have hoped for and ever will be.

I had ever so many more smiles this week as well. Dinners out with the ladies from church, taking up an old hobby (crocheting), being able to create (painting) . . . and many more blessings both large and small. You see, that is what life is all about . . . that is what brings joy. Faith, Family, Friends and Love. Nothing else is as important as those four things. If you have even one of those, you have everything . . . and if you have all four . . . well, you've won the lottery my friend!
Happy day everyone. I wish each of you a wonderful, safe, happy and blessed Sabbath day!

*Roast Chicken Pie*
Makes one 9 inch pie
Printable Recipe
When we were growing up we loved pies. My mother could have taken anything and put it between two crusts, called it a pie and we would have inhaled it. She often made pies with leftover chicken and gravy and we loved them most of all!
3 cups of leftover cooked chicken, cut into cubes (you can use turkey as well if you have it)
2 TBS butter
1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 stick of celery, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, peeled and minced
1 cup leftover chicken gravy
1 TBS chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
2 tsp finely chopped fresh sage
Salt and pepper to taste
Pastry for a two crust pie (your own recipe or storebought)
1 egg yolk, beaten
Melt the butter in a skillet and heat it until it is foaming. Add the onion, celery and garlic. Cook over medium heat, stirring from time to time, for about 10 minutes or until the vegetables are quite soft. Add the chicken, gravy, parsley, sage and salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F.
Roll out half of the pasty and use it to line a 9 inch pie tin. Pour in the chicken mixture and smooth out. Roll out the other half of the pasty and cover the mixture. Trim the edges flush, seal and then flute decoratively. Brush the top with the beaten egg yolk and cut a few slits just in the top with a sharp knife to vent, or stick in a pie bird if you have one. Place on a baking sheet and pop into the heated oven.
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes until the pastry is nicely browned and the filling is bubbling. Remove from the oven and let sit for about 10 minutes before cutting into slices to serve.
Sometimes if my mother also had leftover vegetables she would add them as well. I sometimes cook vegetables just to put in. This helps a smaller amount of meat go further. Just cut the amount of chopped chicken down to about 1 ½ cups and then add an equal amount of cubed cooked potatoes, carrots, peas, corn and green beans. Delicious!

Baking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Chocolate Cola Cake!
PS - I am sorry if I have not been able to make it around to all of your pages to read this week. I've been a bit distracted and unable to settle. I promise to do better in the week to come! I love you all and you are all important to me!

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