This is my newest piece of work. I did it yesterday afternoon and I believe it just may be my favourite of all the pieces I have ever done. You cannot see the girl's faces . . . but you just know that they are the best of friends . . . kindred spirit friends . . . eternal friends.
Can you remember when you were young and at school . . . when you had a best friend, who was such a best friend that you just had to have the same boots to wear . . . or coat, or dress . . . someone to share your deepest innermost thoughts with???
Source: uktv.co.uk via Marie on Pinterest
My sister has always been my best friend. She is the one person in my life that has always been there for me, through thick and through thin, no matter what . . . even if she didn't always agree with what I was doing. She has always supported and loved me, regardless of anything.
I have known her, her whole life and most of my life, and loved her for the same amount of time. We share a history together that I share with nobody else on earth, save my brother . . . and even that is not exactly the same . . . because he is a man and I am a woman, and we see things quite differently.
I can tell my sister anything and I know she will understand, and even if she doesn't . . . she will try to understand as best that she can, and never judge me or find me wanting in any way. Her love for me is unconditional and eternal. We may not always see eye to eye . . . but we always see heart to heart . . .
Source: Uploaded by user via Marie on Pinterest
She always gives me the best advice . . . even if I don't always want to hear it. She has always looked up to me . . . even when I wasn't behaving like someone worth looking up to.
There was a time . . . before divorce, and jobs and life which got in the way . . . where we spoke every single morning, for at least an hour and sometimes two. I cherish those moments for what they were . . . and treasure them close in my heart. With time and distance, we seldom have the chance to talk these days as we did then, but she is always in my heart and on my mind. This past week we've been able to talk almost every day . . . just as in the old days. Not for hours, mind . . . but for long enough, and it's been wonderful. I cherish these moments too.
Source: elmwoodcemetery.org via Marie on Pinterest
On these days when my heart is that little bit more tender and my strength wavers that tiniest little bit more . . . and while I am not feeling the bravest that I have ever felt, these conversations this week have been a gift to me, and I am grateful for them and to my Heavenly Father who knows how very much I need them.
I've been carried through these past few weeks on the wings of love and I can feel it. All of your prayers and thoughts are so very much appreciated. Only one more sleep.

*Italian Stir Fry*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe
Quick, easy and delicious!
2 TBS olive oil
4 medium courgettes, washed
1 large onion, peeled and sliced into wedges
½ cup vegetable stock
2 medium tomatoes, cut into wedges
¼ cup fresh basil chopped, or 1 TBS dried
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Cut the courgettes in half lengthwise and then cut each half into ½ inch thick slices.
Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat just until it starts to shimmer and then add the courgettes and onion. Stir fry for two to three minutes, just until it starts to brown slightly. Add the stock, reduce the heat and simmer for about four minutes, just until the stock is evaporated and the courgettes are crispy tender.
Throw in the tomatoes, basil, garlic and black pepper and stir gently. Heat for about one minute to combine flavours.
Sprinkle with the grated Parmesan and serve!

Cooking over in The English Kitchen today a delicious Digestive and Marshmallow Custard.
“Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!”
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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