Here we are . . . already into the second week of November. However did we get there? This year has just been flowing by at the speed of light! Well, not really, but it does appear to be passing far too quickly! I thought I would share with you today six of my most favourite of all quotes from President Uchtdorf. Funny . . . before he was called into the First Presidency, I cannot recall ever hearing him speak, or even knowing he existed. I can remember thinking . . . ???? who the heck is he???? Now, I hang on his every word. I love the others too, President Monson and President Eyring. They are fabulous men and also very inspiring. I just have somewhat of a soft spot for President Uchtdorf and he touches my heart in a very special way.
Source: louboosandshoes.blogspot.com via Marie on Pinterest
“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.”
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You see evidence of a world gone very wrong surrounding us every day. This is the result of people who have set their hearts on something other than the Lord. They bow down to idols with clay feet. I love these words from President Uchtdort. They remind of of where my heart should be set and who I can become by doing so.
Source: louboosandshoes.blogspot.com via Marie on Pinterest
“The heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth.”
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
None of us are perfect beings. To think that we are, is only to do a large diservice to ourselves and to others. It only matters that we do our best, and the Lord will make up the difference, as long as we look to Him and wear His yoke. I am so grateful for the atonement and all that He did for us . . . knowing when I have done wrong and knowing how to put it right again.
Source: ylvami.tumblr.com via Marie on Pinterest
“As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness.”
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I have long held to the truth that it is only in the giving away of our lives that we truly begin to live them. I find much joy in doing things for other people, and most especially when they are not aware that I am doing them! To have lived and never lifted a finger in service to another seems like a much wasted life to me . . . and very sad.
Source: flickr.com via Marie on Pinterest
“Hope is a leg of a 3-legged stool with Faith and Charity.”
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Where would we be without hope. You cannot have faith without hope . . . nor can you have charity, which is the love of Christ in action . . . without hope. These three things are building blocks in the strong foundation of the Gospel. A stool is not of much use with only two legs, the three balance each other out in equal and beautiful ways.
Source: sjarmerende-gjenbruk.blogspot.com via Marie on Pinterest
“In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance.”
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
We must never lose the opportunity we have to do something good for someone else. We could be their answer to a heartfelt prayer. We will never know until we get to the other side if this is so. I like to think that I have been the answer to someone's prayer, don't you? Praying makes me happy . . . and serving makes me happier. If someone is ill or in need . . . of course, I will pray for them . . . and then I will ask . . . is there something I can do for you . . . now? We must be His hands, that is what we are here for.
Source: louboosandshoes.blogspot.com via Marie on Pinterest
“Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf
There have been times in my life when I have let myself and others down bigtime. It would be easy to dwell on those and to think that I am a horrible person that has no hope of redemption or who can never be forgiven . . . it just isn't so though. That is Satan's big lie. He wants us to think that we are scum . . . to think that there is no hope. He wants us to give up on ourselves and on others. We cannot let him win. Even Satan knows the Saviour, and the power of the Saviour . . . There is NOT one beyond the Saviour's reach. No matter what you have done . . . or how far you have wandered, there is a way back. His hands are held out for you. You only need to grab hold and make your way back, following in His footsteps . . . and if you are too weak to walk, He can and will carry you. I know this to be true. Never give up . . . EVER.
And there you have it, my Sunday Six for today, November 13, 2011.
We went to see "The Help" yesterday. We couldn't really afford it, but it has been a very long time since we have seen a movie in a theater and we just wanted to get out. It was very, very good and we both really enjoyed. No surprise there for me as I am now reading the book for the second time around. I loved it! It is amazing to see how far we have come in 50 years . . . oh sure, there are still some places in America where the undercurrant of segregation still exists, and where prejudice hides in the corners . . . but it is good to know that we now live in an age where it is frowned upon and not held up as being acceptable in any way. If you get a chance to see this movie, do go! It's really good and very entertaining!
There was an older couple that lived across the street from my ex MIL in PEI that used to bake these biscuits whenever we happened to be over on the Island visiting my In-laws. She knew I loved them so and I could always count on her sending over a basket ful. One time I got her recipe from her and this is them. They're the best. She was an Acadian French and a lovely lady.

*French Biscuits*
Makes about 16
Printable Recipe
These lovely biscuits turn out perfectly every time. Light and fluffy they are a cross between a traditional baking powder biscuit and a yeast roll. They hold up well and are incredibly tender and are really quite delicious.
1 TBS yeast
¼ cup warm water
2 ½ cups plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 TBS sugar
½ cup vegetable shortening (Crisco, Trex, white flora etc.)
1 cup buttermilk or sour milk (or regular milk soured with 1 TBS white vinegar)
Stir the yeast into the warm water and set aside for a few minutes.
Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar into a large bowl, lifting the sifter up high to aerate the flour as much as possible. Cut in the shortening with a pastry blenderuntil it is quite crumbly and has the texture of small peas.
Give the yeast a stir to dissolve it and then stir it into the flour mixture along with the buttermilk. Mix it all in well.
Cover the bowl with a clean cloth and then leave it aside somewhere to rise for at least an hour, or up to two hours.
Butter a large baking tray and set it aside.
Scrape the dough out onto a well floured surface. The dough will be really sticky. Flip it over and knead it lightly four to six times. Pat out to ½ inch thick.
Cut into rounds with a biscuit cutter, re-patting the scraps, until it is all used up. (Remember cut with a straight down and a sharp tap, lifting the cutter straight up again. Try not to twist the cutter or you will have lop sided biscuits!) Place on the prepared pan, leaving a couple of inches in between each. Cover with the clean cloth again and let them rise slightly, from 10 to 30 minutes.
Heat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Once it is heated place the pan of biscuits into the oven and bake until lightly browned and well risen, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from the oven and to a wire rack to cool slightly. Serve warm.

Baking in The English Kitchen today, Nutmeg Cake. (Plus I'm testing a silicone snowflake mould!)

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