"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.
Friendship. My sister posted this photo of Little Mac and mom's cat Pumpkin on her FB page. When Mac first arrived we never thought that Pumpkin would accept him. (She is notoriously difficult to get along with!) But she has surprised us and surpassed all of our expectations. There is actually a friendship developing there.
Everyone needs a friend to look out for them. Someone to share your confidences with. To relax with, to laugh and to cry with. To do things with together. I have my sister. Little Mac has Pumpkin? Who knew!
Little Mac is growing into one of the most beautiful cats. He has the most engaging personality. You should see him snuggling into my sister. He purrs and purrs. Its so cute to watch. Everyone should be so loved.
Gathering together Sunday nights as a family for dinner. Its become a bit of a habit, but I never want to take it for granted. My sister is so kind to include me. I love being there with her, Dan and my dad. This was something I missed for so long. To have it back . . . . family times . . . . is such a blessing to me. How did I get so lucky! To have such a close knit family is an extra special joy.
This has been such a beautiful summer. We have had brilliantly sunny days. Its been quite hot as of late, but will be a bit cooler today. We are expecting rain. The hummingbirds have emptied my feeder in just a few days. I made some more food for them last night just before I went to bed. I will go out soon and wash and refill the feeder.
We sure enjoy watching them and their antics here in my little home. The cats and I. They keep us entertained for hours.
It occurred to me this morning that I had not given my little place a name. I think every home should have a name. And I am going to call mine "Bountiful." The meaning of the word Bountiful is liberal or generous in the bestowing of gifts. My life has been filled with bounty over these past months and my life and home have been great gifts to me. So I can say with my hand on my heart that I live in the land of Bountiful.
The Book of Mormon refers to a city on the American continent called Bountiful. It is known as the place where Jesus Christ is said to have visited the people in the Book of Mormon civilization after his resurrection.
The spirit of the Lord has certainly dwelled within the walls of my humble abode. I am blessed, and this is my own little "Bountiful."
I should get a sign made to hang over the door, so that everyone knows that when they are entering my home they are entering a place called Bountiful.
Fresh local beans. They are in abundance at the moment. I cannot get enough of them. I could sit and eat a whole plate full of them and nothing else. Delicious!
It has been almost a year since these two came to live with me. They were a year old on the 8th of July. They have brought immeasurable joy into my home over these past 12 months. I love them so much. Each time I return home after having been out they are right at the door to greet me. When I am at home, they are never very far from my side. They have filled my home with life and happiness. My little treasures.
The days are starting to become noticeably a bit shorter and I am able to enjoy watching the sun set each evening from the comfort of my sofa. There is a special golden glow that covers everything. It is a peaceful golden glow, sometimes purples tinged with russets and reds. Mom always said, Red Sky at night, Sailors' delight.
Did you know that Sunflowers always have their faces turned towards the sun? They do, and like a magical thing the heads of the flowers follow the sun through the day during the day. It is a reminder to me that if I keep my face (and heart) turned towards the "son" I cannot go wrong. No matter what life throws at me.
I believe this to be true. I have felt it. I have known it. Time and time again, His presence has been known to me, and shown to me. So much so that I cannot deny it. I make it a habit every night as I lay in bed, so listen to a conference talk. I was feeling a bit despondent the other evening and I decided to listen to a talk by President Henry B Eyring. I have always loved to listen to his talks. The talk I chose was "Steady in the Storms," from the last general conference. "When the storms in life come, you can be steady because you are standing on the rock of your faith in Jesus Christ."
It is a faith that has not let me down yet.
No, things have not always worked out as I have wanted them to, but the alternatives have blessed me in immeasurable ways. It can be the same with any challenge we are given to face. All of our trials are lined with silver and gold, if we choose to seek them.
I do not know where my present challenge will lead me yet. It is very much unknown at present, But what I can know for sure is that wherever it leads, I can find a silver lining . . . a streak of gold . . . a blessing of one kind or another. Of this I can be sure of.
I am so grateful for my faith which leads and guides me and helps me to traverse troubled waters on this journey we call life.
Yes I know . . . I am predictable and boring . . . faith, family, friends, home . . . I would have it no other way.
A thought to carry with you . . .
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*I pray because I can't help myself.
I pray because I'm helpless.
I pray because the need flows
out of me all the time, waking and sleeping.
It does not change God. It changes me.
~ C. S. Lewis •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。
In the English Kitchen today . . . Deep, Dark & Delicious Chocolate Cake. A bake-shop quality cake that is simple to make from home. Yummilicious!
I hope your week ahead is filled with plenty of small and wonderful things. May your cups run over with joy. Whatever you experience remember this . . .
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And I do too!

Bountiful is perfect! Make a little sign:) Cats are so photogenic:)
ReplyDeleteMarie, your porch looks very pretty with your red geraniums. What a cutie Mac is. Lots of ginger cats in your life. Still very hot and humid here but cooler tomorrow. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeletePS love the name you have chosen for your home. I always liked the idea of naming a property, so prevalent in England. My parent's farm was called "Twelve Oaks" because of the oak trees lining the lane. Sadly, the farm is no longer in the family. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteBountiful is a wonderful name for your home, a sign would be a lovely addition. I'm sure you can make one. It's still very humid and hot here, little going on outside except for a few minutes at a time. Enjoy the day.
ReplyDeleteMy mother, who knew this from her life, used to tell me to make the best lemonade I could from the lemons dealt to me. We do try. So glad you have your little close-knit kin group to be included with there...there is nothing like having a place you BELONG!! So glad for you!! And the cats are a hoot...interesting that even your mom's cat has accepted the new kitty.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
Bountiful is a lovely name, love the red geraniums…enjoy your day. xo, V