FOR TODAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 2008 . . .
Outside My Window . . .
All is peaceful and still, all the wind and rain from the past few days having ended as suddenly as it started. I imagine the grounds are full of fallen leaves and branches which will keep the Estate gardeners busy for more than just a few days. The wind is a curious thing I think . . . you cannot see it, but you can sure see the effects from it and the damage that it can do. A gentle breeze can be most pleasant and cooling on a hot summer's day, but a gale can be devastating and almost brutal in it's touch . . .
I am thinking . . .
About all the wonderful talks Todd and I listened to at the weekend from our church's General Conference. As we sat down to listen to them and were hearing the prelude music, I thought about all my friends throughout the world who were likely doing the same thing . . . Lura, Holly, JenJen, Erin, Eliza and others . . . and I thought about how wonderful it was that we could all be doing the same thing at the same time and the strength we would get, each one of us, from listening to the words, encouragement and admonitions of our prophet and leaders. It made me all goosepimply from head to toe!
I am thankful for . . .
A seeking heart. I am ever so thankful that I had a heart soft enough and seeking enough to have embraced the Gospel and the church. I durst not think of where I would have been led in life had I not had this soft and seeking heart. When I look around me at all those out in the world today that are floundering and sinking in the mire of deceit and willfulness that exists in this fallen world, I am ever so thankful for the Gospel that keeps me both grounded and afloat, and for the knowledge I have of the Saviour who is my anchor and port in every storm.
From the kitchen . . .
I have Tuesday's Dorie challenge sitting on the counter, having made it yesterday in between conference sessions. This one is a doozie and I can't wait to reveal it! I also have a bag of windfalls that is waiting for me to do something with it. I just love this time of year and am thinking that after all the wind and rain we had this weekend, there are sure to be quite a lot more of them to pick up and use! Yummo!!
I am wearing . . .
A new pair of pajamas! Well, actually a nightie. When I went to church two Sunday's ago, one of the members, a really sweet lady came over to me and handed me a bag and said it was a gift that she had gotten for me. This lady reads my words here when she can and she had put into the bag the most beautiful nightie that she had gotten on one of her trips and thought that I might like and appreciate. I do and I did, but not just because it is a most beautiful nightie, but mostly because it is a gift from a friend given in thoughtfulness and love. Thanks so much Angie. You really made my week! It's a lovely pale blue, with a lace bodice and beautiful little pearlie buttons. I feel so pretty in it . . . and blessed by the love of a friend. It's wonderful!
I am creating . . .
I am still finishing off those press packs. It's really hard to come up with 10 different things to do with my art that I can fit into a small bag! I really need to get them finished off this week so that I can send them off to America! I have a painting all packaged up and sitting on the table waiting to be sent to Paris. It's so wonderful that I get to send out little pieces of my heart like this to all the wonderful places that I get to send them to! I have a stack more of sketches to do still and my fingers are just itching to get at them . . .
I am going . . .
To work today and the rest of the week. I need to do a cash and carry run this week as well as we are awfully low on water and other sundries. I may get Todd to do that run for me, if he will. It would sure help me out a lot!
I am reading . . .
I finished The Shack last night and passed it on to Todd. I am sure he will really get a lot out of it as well. I am now beginning a novel by Philippa Gregory entitled "The Other Queen." It is an historical piece of fiction about Mary Queen of Scotts. I have read and liked most of Ms Gregory's books and this is her latest. I think my favourite one of her's that I have read is "The Wise Woman." Her books always make you feel as if you are moving around inside a painting by one of the great masters . . .
I am hoping . . .
That we see some sunshine this week after all the rain and wind of last week. Rain and wind get quite tiresome after a time . . .
I am hearing . . .
Not much but the ticking of the clock and the humming of the refrigerator and the computer, not to mention Jess's quiet snores. It is very still in here, but that's how I like it this time of the day, when I am alone except for my thoughts. It is my time of solitude and reflection. I love it . . .
Around the house . . .
As I look around my kitchen I can see all the cozy things that make this house a home . . . scattered about here and there are pictures of my family . . . my parents, children and grandchildren, constant reminders of the people in my life that mean the most to me next to my Todd. Though they be thousands of miles away I only need to look up and I can see them and I know that they are here with me, held safely in my heart, mind and prayers . . .
One of my favorite things . . .
Is chocolate, and I am trying desperately to stay away from it for the time being. I so need to lose some weight and having chocolate around does not help. I am grateful for a husband that hates chocolate in some ways as I know he won't have much around to tempt me with! Unfortunately, chocolate is not the only thing I love! (In the way of culinary temptations that is!)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week . . .
I have scriptures to study and a Seminary lesson to prepare for Thursday night. It's hard to condense a weeks worth of study into a one hour lesson. You don't want the kids to miss out on anything and yet at the same time you want the lesson to be interesting and informative and something that they will take into their hearts and minds. It's an awesome responsibility. As well on Thursday night I shall be alone with the YW Mutual activity. The girls want to make pizzas. Our other leader is off taking her son to the MTC to begin his mission, both a proud and also sad time for them. They will not be seeing their son for two years, no communication except for letters and the odd e-mail, and of course a call at Christmas and on Mother's Day. It must be so hard as a parent in so many ways, and yet at the same time such a blessing to know that your child is working to further the kingdom and will gain so much from doing so.
Here is picture thought I am sharing . . .

Make sure you visit Peggy's page, The Simple Woman, where you will find all the other day book entries for today. Who knows, you may even make a new friend or two!
I love to cook, as you know. NO surprise there!!! I love cooking complicated recipes and stretching my talents, which is probably why I love my job so much. I also love to take ordinary ingredients and turn them into something fabulous such as this recipe I am sharing with you today. My Todd loves these and so do I!

*Crispy Baked Fries*
Serves 4
This is a delicious way to take ordinary frozen French fries and turn them into something special. They are very similar to the loaded fries that you can get in some restaurants in North America. I usually buy the McCain's low fat rustic oven chips. They are chunky and still have the skins on, and are less than 5% fat. You end up with lovely tasty potatoes, with crunchy brown bits, all totally delicious!
1 (24 ounce) bag of frozen French fries
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp chili powder
½ tsp onion powder
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese
2 TBS chopped fresh parsley
½ cup single cream
Pre-heat the oven to 230*C/450*F. Lightly grease a 13 by 9 inch baking dish, and set it aside.
Toss the French fries together in a large bowl, along with the garlic powder, chili powder, onion powder, parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Make sure the spices are well distributed. Pour the coated chips into the prepared baking dish. Sprinkle the cheese evenly over top and then pour on the single cream.
Cover the dish tightly with foil, and then bake in the pre-heated oven for 45 to 50 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for 10 to 15 minutes longer, or until they are bubbly and slightly browned.
*note -You can add bacon bits as well if you want. They are a delicious addition!
I've been slacking on my reading and have finally caught up with you. I do so enjoy coming to your journal, Marie. I always leave with a smile or a good thought....
ReplyDeleteGreat daybook, Marie! I love reading about your life and those fries look to die for! Much love, Raquel XO
ReplyDeleteI love the daybook posts. What a sweet gesture from the woman at church. I love a new crisp pair of PJs to welcome in the colder seasons. What a great idea to doctor up some frozen fries. I'm using this idea for sure.
ReplyDeleteMy cousin has the book you just finished and I'm hoping to borrow it! Enjoy your new sleeping attire! See how greatly you are appreciated! We need more people like that woman, especially in these trying times. Bet those fries are so yummy in the tummy! Silly question, but I don't know what single cream is...what is it? Is it like evaporated milk?
ReplyDeleteSending bushels of blessings your way!
It's awesome that you are teaching Seminary. It was the best assignment I ever had with the youth several years ago. I feel as though I learned more than they did and at times I thought they weren't paying attention and well... they were and you see the fruits of your labor years later. I have attended many a temple wedding, baby showers and baptisms to come. It's a wonderful way to learn the gospel. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to more in the future. love cyndi
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Phillipa Gregory and have read all of her books, haven't read her latest one and now you have me wanting to get it as soon as possible :)
ReplyDeleteLove the fries recipe, thank you :)
I love your Mondays Marie you know!! Im so glad you have a new payama!
ReplyDeleteAnd thsi dish is wonderful, Nice begin of week dear Marie, huggsss!!!Gloria
I have frozen fries in the freezer, great idea Marie!
ReplyDeleteHi Win, you'll really enjoy the book I am sure. Single cream is like half and half I think. It's not quite as thick as regular cream and not as thin as milk. Evaporated milk would probably work quite well also. You could use the skimmed evaporated milk too and cut down even further on the fat!
ReplyDeletehow thoughtful of that sister to bring you a new nightie! that is so sweet. and i LOVE that picture of you and your siblings-you guys were cuties! and thats one awesome chair! :)