I've been thinking about hope this morning. Hope is something we all live with, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. When faced with trials and uncertainty, we all hope for positive outcomes. The alternative to hope means giving into despair . . . giving up.
I have been down to the lowest of lows. Emotionally, it was only the faint glimmer of the light of hope that enabled me to climb out of the pit, and I am most grateful for that. Physically . . . tangibly . . . I had the arms, wings and prayers of a thousand others to help. God's angels on earth.
I will be on your right hand and on your left,
and my Spirit shall be in your hearts,
and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
D&C 84:88
Angels do exist. More often than not they are not winged creatures that we cannot see, hear or touch, but rather they come in the human form of those put in our path and lives to help and support us when right we need it the most. This whole life I am living is tangible proof of that. Where would I be without my angels . . . you all had a part to play, and I am grateful for all of it. I was truly lifted up in many, many ways. It will be three years now, in just a few short months, that my life began to unravel at an alarming speed. The tender mercies of the Lord were, indeed, around me, even if I was too shell shocked at the time to see many of them. I see them now.
I had a very good Doctors appointment yesterday. I walked out of it feeling like a million bucks. My blood pressure was normal, which was good. My feet are all a.o.k. except for my bunions, but I have been living with those for a very long time. I even lost 10 pounds! Not really but they wanted to weigh me and measure my height. I usually resist that because in all honest I really don't want to face the truth. I did allow it however and I was 10 pounds less than I thought I was, so, in a round about way, I did lose 10 pounds, lol. Round about or not, I'll take it!
Afterwards, I picked Cindy up and we went on a little jaunt. I wanted to pick up a few things at the grocery store and she needed a few things also. I enjoy our little road trips so much. We don't go to anyplace spectacular, but it is the time we spend together that I enjoy most of all. We talk, we laugh, we sometimes cry. We have an easy friendship and companionship based on love that is priceless. Above all else I am grateful to my parents for having given me a sister and a brother.
We were supposed to get torrential rains last night and possible thunderstorms. When I went to bed, I was a bit worried that if we got the thunderstorms the cats would be upset and so I decided to leave my bedroom door open so that they could snuggle next to me for comfort.
It wasn't long before I was scooting them out and shutting the door I have to say. I think that my bedtime is their runabout time, and I didn't fancy being a springboard for their antics. It became very clear shortly after I tried to settle down that they were not having it. Perhaps they may have settled eventually, I don't know. I did not give them a chance I suppose. I probably need to give them more time than just a few minutes to settle down.
Maybe some night when I don't have a lot to do the next morning . . .
I was listening to a podcast from the Church News yesterday and they were interviewing/talking to the New General Young Women's President, Emily Belle Freeman. I love Emily Belle Freeman. I have a number of her books and have followed her for a number of years via Instagram and through Don't Miss This, the scripture study program on YouTube. One thing that has always impressed me about her is that she loves the Savior as much as I love the Savior. She just has a better way of articulating it. She will serve for five years in her calling as the General Young Women's President.
"If at the end of five years, every girl I could touch had a witness of three things, it would be these three things: First, you are a beloved child of Heavenly Father. Second, Jesus Christ will be your greatest strength in your lifetime. And third, the Holy Ghost will never fail you, and learn to listen to His words."
It was a very good podcast, and as I pondered the things she shared, I could not help but wonder about what a difference knowing these things could have made to my life as a young woman. I have always believed in Jesus Christ. I cannot remember a time when He was not real to me. I just never thought that, in the scheme of things, I mattered very much or that I had much worth. I never saw myself as a beloved daughter of a Heavenly Father who counted me as being important.
Did I know these things to be true, my choices in life might have been a lot different then they were. I know these things now, and can tell you that knowing them has made a huge difference in my life. Better late than never they say, and that is true. Better late than never to acknowledge these truths and knowing them does make a change in your life, for the better. No, the hard times don't go away, but they way we handle them and think about them changes appreciably, and for the better. Knowing and feeling these things to be true has helped me to become a much better person. I truly believe that.

I suppose that is why I love The Chosen Series so much. I think I have watched all of the episodes about 4 or 5 times now and each time I do, I take something different from it. I love the way that the Savior is portrayed in this series. Each time he says, "You are mine." "I know you." "I saw you." I feel the impact of those words. It is as if he is saying them to me. I believe this is the closest representation of Jesus Christ, to who the real Jesus Christ was/is that I have ever seen. If you have never watched it, you really should. It is done so very well.

I am reading
this book again for about the fifth time. Every time I read it, I take away even more. This is such a great book. It has helped me to be able to see and find God in all of the moments of my life. I find myself wishing that I had been intuitive enough to have taken notes about His presence in my life all through the years because I just know He has been there. He has met me in my lowest places and been with me always. I just did not always have the eyes to see Him there. Reading this book as taught me to trust Him in even the smallest of my moments, and to look for Him in all things, and to trace Him throughout the goodness of each day of my life. And there is goodness in each day. I totally see it.

I had seen this Strawberry Tennis Set on Etsy a number of weeks back and decided to buy it for myself as an early Birthday gift. I like to give myself something special each year for my birthday. I love these teatime Tennis Sets. I am collecting them. This would have been my fourth one. My goal is to have enough sets that I could invite a number of ladies over for tea, sandwiches and cake and have one for each person.
It arrived yesterday, but alas . . . the handle was broken on the cup. My heart was sorrowed by that fact. I can glue it back on and perhaps use it as a prop, but it can ever actually be used for its intended purpose. I do so love strawberries on china. The seller has refunded me my money, which is good, but I am sad that I don't have my strawberry cup. It was so pretty. As soon as I saw it, I fell in love with it.
Can anyone recommend a good china glue that will hold up well and won't discolor? It is a porcelain set.
This afternoon is the knit and natter at the chapel. I will go and bring my blanket. It is from 1 to 3. It will be my first time going. I am looking forward to it. If I want to feel as much a part of this congregation as I did my old one in the U.K. I need to make an effort to join in on things. My problem is I don't like going out at night, or driving at night by myself. I also don't like pot lucks and eating food that I don't know who has prepared it. This is something which has come to me later in life. I don't think I was bothered so much about that when I was younger. I have taken so many food hygiene courses through the years that I am not all that trustworthy when it comes to prepared food.
In any case, this is a get together that doesn't involve any food, just crafting and socializing. And in the daytime. I can handle that.
Then, of course later I will be meeting my father and Hazel at the Big Scoop for supper. Something else to look forward to!
In the meantime I have a ton of things to get done before then so I best leave you with a thought to carry with you for the day!
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★ *.˛.Go placidly
amid the noise & haste
& remember what peace
there may be in silence.
~The Desiderata•。★★ 。* 。
I hope that you have a beautiful Wednesday! Be safe, be happy, be blessed and don't forget!
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And I do too!
So glad you had a good doctor's appointment. Sad your pretty tennis set arrived broken. Enjoy your afternoon and evening. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Elaine! Love and hugs, xoxo
DeleteFeeling like a million bucks but golden:) So that IS disappointing..:(. E6000 glue..great stuff...Have a good day!
ReplyDeleteThanks Monique! I have ordered some. Fingers crossed! xoxo
DeleteGood news on your health Marie...no small accomplishment!!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Elizabeth xoxo
Thanks Elizabeth! xoxo
DeleteI really enjoyed your post today - well, I always do! - but it was inspiring and really full of goodness. Thank you, Marie.
ReplyDeleteAnd happy to hear your medical report was good. Wonderful.
Have a good meal out with your dad and his friend. A blessing to be together.
Thanks very much Mary! You are right, a real blessing! xoxo
DeleteI agree that E6000 is a great glue, but I would check with the seller to see if they will exchange it. Enjoy your knit and natter, it will be nice to chat with others. Cindy is your angel. Have a lovely day.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it was a one of a kind. Yes, Cindy is my angel. Would not want to be without her. xoxo
DeleteLovely post! Enjoy your day, wish I could join you at Big Scoop!
Now wouldn't that be grand! xoxo