In My Father's house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am . . . you will be also.
I have been daydreaming this past week . . . about what I would do if I ever had the money. I've always done that. When I was a child, I used to pour over the Sears and the Eatons Catalogues and dream about the clothes and things and toys that I would love to have from their pages . . . and as an adult, and young mum, I used to dream about the clothes I would buy my children, or the toys . . . and how I would furnish my house. Those couple of hundred of pages brought me hours of day dreaming pleasure, and they never cost a dime.
Even now, in my later years . . . and too quickly approaching so called "Golden" years . . . I still put myself to sleep nights, thinking about the type of house I would love to have and how I would furnish it, beginning on the front porch. I never, ever make it as far as the kitchen!! Never . . . I get to the living room and before I know it . . . I am zzzzzz . . .
Now, of course there is Pinterest. You can find pretty much anything on Pinterest and I have been known to waste more than a few hours in it from time to time (almost every day truth be known). It, too, costs nothing but time, and is a way of collecting "things" without cluttering up the house. I think at last count I had something like 174 boards . . . filled with all sorts of things, from soup to nuts. I have my favourites of course . . . and I have no secret boards. What is the point of having a secret board? I don't know! I have no secrets. I bare it all!! What you see is definitely what you get with me, and I like it that way. No surprises.
One of my favourite boards is my "Inspiration From the Word of God" board. I just love scripture and I love to read scripture and take it into my heart. This is a fun board for me, because I can pin to it some of my favourite ones . . . in unique and colourful ways.
One of my favourite scriptures is 1 Corinthians2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."
It is this thought which is uppermost in my mind as we stand here at the closing of the door on the old year which passes, and on the clear threshold of the new year to come.
We can not know the future which is in store for us. We can dream and we can plan . . . but ultimately our hope is in the promises of God's word, which stands true for each of us. When we put our hope and our faith in Jesus Christ . . . we seal our destinies and we need not fear anything that life has to throw at us.
Having our faith centered on Him, means that we can rest in His promises and know that they are true. The Scriptures tell us that we can spend eternity with him . . . that one day He will come and get us and bring us home to live with Him forever.
I love the fact that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me . . . for my future and for every tomorrow of my life on earth and beyond. This is a blessed assurance to me . . . I know that I am loved and safe, no matter what. Despite the slings and arrows which life can and will throw at me, my future is bright. God knows my course and God knows me. He loves me and He will provide for my ultimate tomorrow.
I can daydream . . . and I can plan, but at the end of the day, I trust in Him for all things.
Knowing these things to be true brings me a great Peace of heart, and gives me all the confidence I need to face tomorrow and the coming year . . . and whatever it may bring me. I need not fear a blank page for the words which may be written on it . . . if I let Him guide my pen.
There is nothing as inspiring to me as a new and clean page.
I don't seem to be shaking this cold of mine at all. I just think it is getting better and bang . . . it knocks me back again. I am wondering if maybe I should see the Doctor. If I don't see any improvement in the next couple of days, I think I will.
We have no exciting plans for New Years Eve. Yes . . . we are those boring people who go to bed early, and then winge at midnight when the fireworks wake us up! hahaha My parents always used to go out to a New Years Eve Dance at the mess on New Years Eve. My ex and I never did. For one thing hiring a baby sitter was far to much of an expense on top of everything else and for another he always used to work New Years Eve, having had Christmas off. The married guys used to get Christmas off so they could be with their families and the single guys New Years so they could party with their friends.
I never minded. I would always plan a little party with the children. Some years we were able to stay awake until midnight, but mostly we weren't. We'd have our finger food buffet and watch films and laugh and enjoy the evening together as a family. I never ever felt that I was missing out on anything, and I still don't. Well, except maybe for a hangover, and that's not something I think is to be desired in the least!
And so for this last day of 2012 I'd like to close in wishing each of you a very happy, blessed and fulfilling 2013.
“Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”
~Thomas S. Monson

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Cowboy Casserole. Tasty and economical.