A traveler on a dusty road
Strewed acorns on the lea;
And one took root and sprouted up,
And grew into a tree,
Love sought it's shade at evening time,
To breathe it's early vows;
And age was pleased, in heights of noon,
To bask beneath it's boughs.
The dormouse loved its dangling twigs,
The birds, sweet music bore . . .
It stood a glory in its place,
A blessing evermore.
A little spring had lost it's way
Amid the grass and fern;
A passing stranger scooped a well
Where weary men might turn.
He walled it in, and hung with care
A ladle on the brink;
He thought not of the deed he did,
But judged that Toil might drink.
He passed again; and lo! the well,
By summer never dried,
Had cooled ten thousand parched tongues,
And saved a life besides.
A nameless man, amid the crowd
That thronged the daily mart,
Let fall a word of hope and love,
Unstudied from the heart,
A whisper of the tumult thrown,
A transitory breath,
It raised a brother from the dust,
It saved a soul from death.
O germ! O Fount! Oh word of love!
O thought at random cast!
Ye were but little at the first,
But mighty at the last.
~Charles MacKay

Charles Mackay (26th March 1812 – 24 December 1889) was a Scottish poet, journalist, author, anthologist, novelist, and songwriter, remembered mainly for his book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
The Roman Statesman Seneca wrote that, wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness. No selfless act is insignificant, a truth which is perfectly described in this poem today.
Small and simple acts of kindness take very little effort on our part, but can make a significant difference to someone else. Great trees from little acorns grow . . .
Oh what a wonderful time we had with our friends Jan and Glyn yesterday. We met up at the Gordale Nurseries Cafe for a drink while Mitzy was being groomed and talked non stop the whole time. The only down side was that the time passed far too quickly. Hopefully we will see each other again more sooner than later! They are such dear people. We really enjoy their company.

Mitzie is all puffed and fluffed and smelling sweet now, which is good. Since we had the shower room put in we don't have a bath so haven't been able to bath her like we normally do. We are on the look out for a gently used baby bath tub so we can give her the occasional bath. She doesn't seem to mind not having one . . . but there are times when you just want to be able to bath your dog, so . . .
I shall leave you with a happy thought now for the day. Whatever you are doing or getting up to, I hope it brings you joy!
"When God measures the man,
He puts the tape around the heart instead of the head."

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Gifts in a Jar!
“That light is bright enough to light up a little speck of the night sky so a man can see it a ways away. That's what God expects us to do. We're to be lights in the dark, cold days that are this world. Like fireflies in December."
~Jennifer Erin Valent

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