Source: via Marie on Pinterest
It is hard to believe that 2011 is now winding down rapidly towards it's end . . . it seems like just yesterday it was a year that was young and full of promise , which we all greeted with joy when it was all fresh and new!
I cannot let it pass away without a thankful thought . . . of all the happy times and all the blessings it lay at my door. I will not dwell on any of the disappointments or hopes that missed the mark . . . for what would that change?
Nothing at all . . .
I think that is the secret to a happy life . . . to dwell on the good rather than the bad . . . on the things we have the power to change rather than on the ones we cannot . . . on the simple pleasures each day brings to us in a myriad of beautiful ways . . . on blessings found, rather than on treasures lost . . .
Source: via Jac on Pinterest
We've had a very enjoyable couple of days. We got caught up with the Christmas Special from Downton Abby that we had recorded on Sunday Evening! Oh my but it was some good!! Just brilliant in fact! I love Downton Abby. If you're never watched it you really must get yourself the DVD's and get caught up. It's probably one of the best television series that has come out in recent years!
Yesterday we were privileged to have a young woman come to our home and be taught by the missionaries. We've had her at our home many times before. She's such a lovely young woman and brings such a special spirit with her. I'm really excited as she is going to be Baptised this Friday evening. That is such a special time and I've been asked to give a talk at her Baptism as well, so guess what I am doing today? Yep! Writing a talk and you know that old saying "It never Rains but what it Pours???" Well, I've also been asked to give a talk in church on New Years day, fifteen minutes! Soooo . . . I shall have to put on my writer's hat over these next few days and get cracking!
Source: via Marie on Pinterest
I was thrilled and excited on Christmas Eve to have been featured over on my friend Miranda's page, A Duck In Her Pond! I've known Duckie for a long time now, since my days over on AOL Journals way back when! If you would like to go and read what she wrote about me, do hop on over HERE to see. While you're there, I do hope you'll also take a gander at her brilliant writing! Why she is not a famous author already I do not know, as she certainly should be!!
I also won a brilliant prize in a Giveaway over on Random Thoughts of a Great-Grannie Grandma! A fabulous MyMemories Suite V3 Digital Scrapbooking Software set! I can't wait to get started on using it! Many thanks to Sandy for hosting such a fab giveaway. I was so chuffed to win!! It is not often that happens! In fact this was pretty much a first and a great way to end the year, feeling a winner!
I am not one to make a lot of year end resolutions . . . I just strive each year to be a better me. This next year though I want to be more creative. I used to do a lot more creating when I was younger . . . oh, I know . . . I paint almost every day, but I want to do even more. There is this yearning in my soul that I can't quite put my finger on . . . I just want to make some things for our home . . . I don't know what though . . . quilts, wall hangings, etc. I am always seeing new ideas and thinking to myself I would love that . . . so why not??? I think 2012 will be the year I create even more!
Source: via Marie on Pinterest
I'm just rambling now and so I'll leave you with a thought . . .
Life offers compensations for our troubles and our care.
Consolations shed their light around us everywhere.
Things that make life worth the living;
Blessings great and small.
The things through which God speaks to us . . .
Take comfort from them all.
~Patience Strong
After all that baking I've been doing lately, I felt the need last night to eat something that at least appeared on the surface to be good for me. We all need to get more fish into our diet and not the kind that is covered with batter and deep fried either. I have been preparing this delicious dish for years. It is easy and always turns out lovely. You can decrease or expand the amounts very easily according to how many people you want to feed.

*Tomato & Herb Crusted Haddock*
Serves 2
Printable recipe
Haddock is such a mild and sweet fish. It is one of my favourite types. Cheese and tomatoes go very well with it. Just be careful not to overcook your fish. It should just barely flake beneath the tines of your fork and still be moist. You can have this lovely meal on your table in less than half an hour depending on what you serve it with.
2 thickish haddock filets, about 4 ounces each
1 slice of bread, crumbed into soft crumbs (I use my blender for this)
2 ounces of cheddar cheese, finely grated
2 TBS finely chopped flat leaf parsley
4 sundried tomatoes in oil, drained and finely chopped
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
a drizzle of olive oil
Pre-heat your oven to 200*C/400*F. Lightly butter a shallow gratin dish.
Wipe your haddock fillets and place them, right side up in the prepared dish. Season with some salt and pepper.
Place the bread crumbs, cheese, parsley and sun dried tomatoes in a small bowl and toss them together until they are well combined. Divide them between the two fish filets, piling it lightly on top of each. Drizzle with a bit of olive oil and then bang them into the pre-heated oven.
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until they are lightly browned and you can gently flake the fish with the tines of a fork. Remove from the oven and serve. I like to serve them with some oven roasted greek potatoes and some lightly steamed green beans on the side.

In The English Kitchen today I'm preparing a Salad of Baby Gems with a Blue Cheese Dressing!
“What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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