I'd like a little corner to myself,
A little niche that I can fill,
By honest toil and quiet strength,
Where I can build and plan until,
I see the shape of things to be
Answering some inner urge in me.
Where I can plant a flower bed,
And watch the first unfolding leaf,
Pushing its way above the earth,
In wonderment beyond belief,
That seeds so very small could hold,
A flower with a heart of gold.
Where I can watch a honey bee,
Begin its labour for the day
Resting a bit, then taking off
To some small garden far away,
With knowledge in its little mind,
Beyond the grasp of humankind.
Where I can see from day to day,
The seasons in their measured stride,
And count the fruits of blessed toil,
And see my labour sanctified,
The rich reward of sun and soil
That Nature pays to those who toil.
~Edna Jacques, Wishful Thinking
Roses in December, 1944
Looking back on the past week, it's been a cracker of a week. The weather has been just beautiful. We have had tons of sunshine and a bit of rain. Nature is exploding into full leaf and bloom. I would imagine we will soon see the fledglings appearing from the nests. I love to watch them. The bird song from the open windows has been just beautiful.
I had put seed in a small feeder out front and had gold finches, but it is emptied within half an hour of me filling it. I don't know how or what is emptying it. I suspect a much larger bird is just tipping it and everything is falling onto the ground. That's okay . . . the morning doves have been enjoying it.
They deserve to eat too. I love to listen to them. Their cooing is such a comforting sound. A Home Sweet Home kind of sound . . .
I got myself a garland of white roses and leaves to fill in the space in my electric fire. It hides the cable box and the dvd player. I quite like it. I have an autumn one with autumn leaves and I have a Christmas one as well, although I think the Christmas one may not be full enough to hid anything. I may have to rethink that one.
I am really liking how my home has shaped up.
I have all the artwork now that I want on my walls. Much more and it would look crowded I think. Of all the art I have accumulated and aside from my sister's pear painting I think I love the paintings of Eva Koleva Timothy most of all. There is so much meaning in them, and she is a genuinely nice person.
One of the paintings that I had ordered from her never arrived and I messaged her to tell her and she was very quick to put it right and in fact sent me an extra painting as well. I thought that was very kind of her.
Whenever you order one of her paintings she also includes a small four in square one as a thank you. I have been including them to send with my monthly notes to the sisters I am minister to each month.
I think at one month shy of being a year old, Nutmeg has almost outgrown the crows nest. Although he certainly likes to cram himself in there anyways. Normally Cinnamon is in it, but he jumps in as well and like a cuckoo bird, forces her out of the nest with his vigorous bathing techniques.
This was her this morning, laying on the carpet near to the crows nest. She is about half the size of him, but so much braver and a lot quicker on her feet. She is my mouser. Not that she has caught any (thank goodness!) but if I did have mice, she would be the first to catch one, she is so quick!
I wish I could accurately photograph the colors of these rose bushes across the way. I loved our rose bushes in the UK. We had quite a few of them in all different colors. Roses in England are synonymous with beauty. The climate is very kind to them. We often had roses blooming right on into November before the frost got them.
I just love his colors. He is such a little Prince. I call him my little Lion King. He is pretty much my constant companion and often jumps up beside me just to say hello and he does it vocally. His is the first voice I hear in the morning. Meowing on the other side of the bedroom door. And then when I let him into the bathroom, he always jumps up onto the toilet meowing and begging for a cuddle. (Note, I am not on the toilet at the same time, and the lid is down. I don't keep the lid up because he likes to play in the water and I don't like that.)
Cinnamon is not as orange as Nutmeg. She is more of a caramel color. They are both beautiful cats. She is not as needy as him I don't think. She's much more independent but she still like a cuddle as well, on her terms not mine. When she cuddles you know she means business. God bless them both.
You are probably wondering about the braided carpet. I moved it into the bedroom. I was worried about the cats eating loose threads from it. It suits my bedroom very well and it is nice to have a carpet to step out of bed onto in the mornings, instead of the cold floor.
My bedroom is pretty much as I want it now. I bought myself two matching lamps on Wayfair. Same with the nightstands. Dan and Cindy helped me to put them together. That is just a coverlet on the bed. My bedspread is white white and I didn't want the cats mucking it up. Or me for that matter . . . I know . . . why have a white bedspread if you are going to cover it. I need to think about that!
I love little coverlets though. I have a thing for them. They make great accent pieces and they are awfully handy when it gets cold.
I actually have a thing for fabric. I especially love vintage looking fabrics. I had gotten two sets of fat quarters of vintage fabrics and I finally opened them to look at them all.
They make me think of the kinds of dresses my grandmother wore. And of the quilt she had made. I don't think my grandmother ever wore a pair of trousers in her life.
These are destined to become rabbit clothes . . . I think Luna is going to be a very well dressed rabbit indeed, and why not. What can it hurt.
I've been looking at doll house rooms that you can build, such as this one, on amazon. They are very cute and apparently everything is included. I am sorely tempted, but am not sure how the cats would be with it, or even if they would let me be long enough to make one. Perhaps that is something I can shelve until the future when they are not so kittenish and more settled. Right now I cannot even crochet around them, and they get all excited. They can be fast asleep and as soon as they hear me get my yarn out they are wide awake and wanting to be involved, no matter how quiet I try to be!
Not that I am complaining because I am not.
Cindy is bringing home Little Mac tonight. Very exciting! He is the only kitten left now at my cousin/s and the mother has stopped feeding him. He is going to a very good home. The best home. My sister is a great mother to all.
The reason I am late posting today is because Cindy and I went out together this morning. I haven't been long since back. I have some biscuits baking in the oven now and am putting the finishing touches to this. Cindy and I have done a lot together this week. It cheers my heart. I love her so much, but . . . you all know that anyways. The important thing is that she knows it.
And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . .
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*Love is not determined by the one being loved
but rather by the one choosing to love.
~Stephen Kendrick•。★★ 。* 。
In The English Kitchen today . . . Airline Cookie Snack Cake. Very delicious! Very nice.
Have a wonderful Saturday and Sunday, I will be back on Monday. Whatever you get up to stay safe and be blessed, and don't forget!
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And I do too!

Your home is looking lovely, love all the bright colours throughout. The cats are so big now, and look very, very happy. Love those doolhouse rooms, off to check them out. I have a wooden doll house that hubby made for the girls when they were little. I've always said it would be a project of mine to furnish it. This might be the time. Enjoy the weekend.
ReplyDeleteyour home is looking lovely..you have come so far!Wow those rose bushes look photoshopped lol so full Love them to bits.
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ReplyDeleteHi Marie! I have missed you! I can't believe how much your beautiful kittens have grown...they are beautiful! I just love your coverlet, it's so pretty and colorful. Your home is cozy and peaceful, I can see why you love it, so pretty! I also love old fabric and plan on making a quilt with some fat quarters...I'm really excited! It may not look as pretty as some, but it will keep me busy and I will love it. Enjoy your week. Hugs and Love, Barb