"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.
I am a bit late getting on here this morning because I had early morning blood tests at the hospital. As they say, better late than never!
I saw in the weather forecast that there was going to be snow overnight and into this morning. I was quite nervous about that as I know they are a bit slow to do snow removal here and then when they do it is not the best. I have not really driven on Winter roads for well over 20 years. I prayed last night that I would be able to drive safely to my appointment at the hospital this morning and back again. It was a bit slippery, but I drove slow (the heck with anyone behind me, lol) and I managed to get there safely, park, get out of the parking lot safely and get home safely. I did it! Yay! God was with me. What a great blessing. I know it may seem silly to some for me to be so nervous driving in snow, but to me it is a huge thing. I expect that the more I do it, the more confident I will feel.
My television is being mounted on the wall this afternoon by the Missionaries. (we will all be masked and social distancing and have all been vaccinated.) I will be so grateful to have it done. I have been worried that the cats (Nutmeg) will knock the television over at some point and I can't afford that to happen. I am so pleased that someone is going to do this for me. They have experience in doing it as well, so that is good. Another great blessing for me.
I have grandsons who love to cook. Jake and Josh (Josh is camera shy, obviously Jake is not) like to cook and were cooking a casserole at the weekend. This makes my heart smile. I am not sure who he was channeling here, but it was obviously Julia Child. Does this not make you think of Julia Child? ( the stance) He has good knife skills already.
This made me smile also. A never ever list:
- Eat a hotdog
- Eat a bug on purpose
- Eat raw fish, aka sushi
- Force an animal to be vegan
- Go cliff jumping
- Get an office job
- Get a job with a lot of paperwork involved
Oddly enough I agree with all of them, except the hotdog one. I like hotdogs.
It has inspired me to think of my own never ever list:
- Hurt somebody on purpose or knowingly
- Jump out of an airplane
- Eat squid or octopus (or raw fish)
- Let anyone see me naked on purpose
- Wear a bikini
- Shave my head, except for medicinal purposes (I hope that never becomes an option.)
- Have a boyfriend or get married again
- Stop praying, hoping, believing, trusting
- Cut anyone's toenails or fingernails (too afraid I would hurt them)
- Get a bikini wax (what would be the point)
And many, many more things.
My brother sent me this photograph of myself. I think it must have been taken in 1981 when I was pregnant for my middle son and was living back home with my parents temporarily. I always hated having my photograph taken. (I wish I was that thin now). Looks like I was wearing a man's t-shirt. I probably was. Maternity clothes were not an option as we did not have a lot of money. We had been put out of our home in Alberta (long story short, they needed it for incoming personnel and we were outgoing personnel). My parents said I could come and live with them until my husband got a place for us to live. I was pregnant for my fourth child, and had an 18 month old, a 3 year old and a 5 year old. I had to fly across Canada all by myself with three children on a Military Aircraft from Calgary to New Brunswick where my in-laws were supposed to pick us up. We got bumped off the plane in Trenton and had to sit around and wait for another flight to pick us up. That did not happen until 10:00 PM that night. I had no money to buy anything to drink or eat, but I had some sandwiches and snacks in my bag. I also obviously had a lot of courage. I can't believe I did that now, but somehow I did. I have two children who think I have never done anything for my family. They have no idea of all the things I had to tolerate and put up with through the years. Life has never been easy for me. Never. But somehow I have gotten through it, and am still getting through it. I am a Kintsugi woman, and come from a long line of Kintsugi women. I am grateful for their examples.
I am so grateful for my faith. It has gotten me through many a tunnel and over many a mountain. It has helped me to cross many a deep ocean and helped me to weather many a storm. I do not know where I would be now without it.
I am ever grateful for a Day By Day God. Who helps to get me through each day, day by day.
I have so many blessings in my life. Far too many to count. My cup literally does runneth over. One thing which I have learned from the many knocks in life I have endured is that there is nothing that I cannot conquer, overcome, or get through. Weeping may remain for the night, but joy always cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)
I know you must get tired of hearing about the goodness of God in my life. I cannot help but share it. I feel I must. A joy shared is a joy multiplied.
A thought to carry with you . . .
•。★★ 。* 。
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*Prayer isn't to remind God
what your problems are,
it is to remind your problems
of who God is. •。★★ 。* 。
In The English Kitchen today . . . Portuguese Style Roast Chicken. Delicious!
I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with an abundance of small and wonderful things. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!
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And I do too!

I remember that story!!Bravo to have gone through a whole heck of a lot
ReplyDeleteWe are going through a rough spot physically now in our lives, Marie...so of course, all encouragements as to how GOD helps us are good!! I need to learn to drive again...have not in 6 yrs now...cause not sure Hubby should anymore now. I am scared witless here living amongst those who drive like bats outta hell, frankly!! I APPLAUD your making it to the hospital and back and doing ok!! I am with you...if snowy roads and people behind don't like it...tough!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
I'm really late today had a busy morning, snow this afternoon, a brief power outage. I don't like driving in bad weather either, and usually stay home, unless absolutely necessary. Well done on getting there and back today. Hope all went well.
ReplyDeleteMarie, I don't get tired of hearing about the goodness of God in your life. It's a testimony to how much He cares for each of us when we reach out to Him. ~Elaine
ReplyDeleteLife is tough …. sometimes…. but so are you. Counting your blessings is easy when you see that adorable photo of Jake! ♥️♥️Congratulations on the snowy road trip, you did great. Happy new week, V.
ReplyDeleteI never tire of hearing of the goodness of God. I drive slow in the snow too, despite having done it all my life. Stay warm! Raquel XO