"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.
Nutmeg had not been acting like himself for a couple of days. Not eating, etc. I was going to take him to the Vet this morning if he was still not eating. He did vomit once yesterday. When we woke up this morning however, he seems to be back to his old self. He ate both his breakfast and Cinnamon's. I had been quite worried. I even went out and bought all new cat foods for them, thinking I could tempt them with a different variety. Cinnamon has a tendency to be really fussy anyways, but Nutmeg would eat anything pretty much that isn't tied down. I just hope and pray it continues. (His improvement that is.)
Cinnamon is keeping me company here this morning. Laying right next to the computer. My goodness but these two little munchkins are great company for me. I love them to bits.
I just called my father to wake him up. So he can get ready and go out for his breakfast. He likes to get to the A&W at a certain time so he can get his regular seat, etc. Its his birthday today. He is 88 years old. My next door neighbor Sheila says he doesn't look near his age, which pleases my father to know end. Most people think he looks a lot younger than he is. I am grateful that I have had this last year to spend with him. Its been an extra special blessing to me. My sister and I went yesterday and picked up a few groceries for him and then to his place to deliver them. She made his bed and took care of his garbage. I did his dishes up. We visited for a little bit. Now today I am making his favorite Lac Saint Jean Tourtiere for his supper tonight. Cindy got a cake yesterday and we will all be having a birthday celebration supper for him here later today.
This was him enjoying last years. I hope he enjoys this years just as much!
I am grateful for the men who worked so diligently to dig us out this weekend. It took them all of Saturday. I have not seen this much snow in a very long time. My sister says she hasn't seen this much snow here in a number of years. I heard we got a whole Winter's worth in the one day.
I can well believe it, looking at the huge piles of snow in every front garden on the street. I still can't open my back door. I was actually quite surprised when we managed to get out yesterday and go to my dad's. The roads are covered with packed snow pretty much, but it was not too hard going so long as you drove cautiously and not at the regular speed. The first grocery store we went to had empty shelves. It was crazy. My sister said she would not be going to the Superstore again on a Sunday. (We shouldn't have been shopping at all on a Sunday, but we couldn't do it on Saturday due to all the snow.) We ended up having to go to another grocery store to get what dad needed. I actually think the other store (Sobey's) is a better store anyways. None of their shelves were empty. They were well stocked up on everything.
I am ever grateful for the power of prayer. I do not know where I would be without it. I was so worried about Nutmeg last night. I said a prayer over him and this morning he appears to be all better. That was a prayer answered. I pray daily for us to remain safe and healthy. I pray continuously for the world. I just pray. I have a prayer running through my head and my heart most of the time. My channel of communication with my Heavenly Father is always open. I have received many answers to prayers. Some would say a happy co-incidence, but I feel very differently. I know God answers prayers. Maybe not always the way we want, or in the manner we expect. But answers come and they are always the right answers for us. I believe that. And if we don't understand the answers right away, then I have faith that we will one day be able to understand.
I am so grateful that my printer is up and running again. It wasn't broken per se, it just wasn't hooking up to the Wi-Fi and because it is a wireless printer I couldn't use it. Its been working fine since Elder Child got it up and running on Friday.
I am also grateful for new friendships made and family discovered. What an amazing thing to discover a new cousin, a ninth cousin once removed. That is truly remarkable to me.
This is Tina's new dog, Bear. He is a long haired chihuahua. I think he is just adorable and I could not resist showing him to you. He will be great company for her and Tony. Their Grandson's dog Honey had puppies a month or so ago and he was one of them. So sweet.
Grateful that we have all had our boosters and none of us suffered any ill-effects from them. Grateful to live in a country where such things are free and for a Government that is doing its best to protect us. I know not everyone believes in this and that is their right, but I will always do what is asked of me if I can.
I have so much in my life to be grateful for. Small things. Huge things and everything in between. I don't know what I have done to be so blessed, but I am truly grateful for all of it. I hope I never ever take any of it for granted. May I always know that I am blessed.
I am reminded of that song Kris Kristofferson sings, Why me Lord.
A thought to carry with you . . .
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*Blessed is she who has believed
that the Lord would fulfil His
promises to her.
~Luke 1:45 •。★★ 。* 。
In The English Kitchen today . . . Chicken Fajitas. Soooooo delicious!
I hope your week ahead is filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things. With more blessings than your cup can hold! Don't forget!
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And I do too!

So many blessings, Marie. We're getting the storm today. In fact they are calling it a blizzard. Enjoy your dad's birthday. He'll love the tourtière. It's my sister's birthday today, too. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteI hope you are okay after the blizzard Elaine! I hope you didn't lose your power. Happy Birthday to your sister. They share a birthday with the late Betty White. As you know she would have been 100. Love and hugs, xoxo
DeleteWe are well snow covered here today too. The most snow we've gotten so far this winter. Happy Birthday to your Dad. Hope you all enjoy the birthday celebration !
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Pam!! We had a nice time. Stay safe and warm! xoxo
DeleteWe're having your snow today!Stay safe!All our stores have been closed on Sundays during curfew.
ReplyDeleteI wish they would do that here also Monique! Stay safe and warm! xoxo
DeleteHappy Birthday to your Dad!
ReplyDeleteCounting our ‘positives’ rather than our ‘not so positives’ is such an important things to remember. Have a lovely day with your family, cooking and celebrating! Best, V.
You are very right about that V! Happy day to you! xoxo
DeleteHappy birthday to your dad. Enjoy the celebration dinner. We have had a terrific storm, with blizzard warning. Huge amounts of snow.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Linda! We had a lovely time. Stay safe and warm! xoxo