She was so glad for little things
She didn't need a coach and four
To fill her days with happiness.
A patch of sunlight on the floor,
A little kitchen warm and bright,
Was all she asked for her delight.
A corner cupboard for her cups
A little sun-porch painted green
A piece of ground for vegetables,
A lattice where pink roses lean,
Some hollyhocks as red as flame
A little homeless cat to claim.
A quiet bedroom, fresh and clean
With plumped up pillows white as snow,
A wide old chair where she could rock,
And listen to the radio,
Kitting in rhythm to the beat,
of lilting song and dancing feet.
A table with a coloured cloth
A few bright dishes gay as paint,
Food cooked in her own favorite way,
(She looks placid as a saint;)
There shone in her old kindly eyes
A peace that any king might prize.
~Edna Jacques, Grateful for Little Things
I took an impromptu drive yesterday with my sister and father in the car. Cindy messaged me about 9:30 and said did I want to go with them to my dad's Doctor's appointment. I said sure. It was getting me out of the house and it was an opportunity to spend some time with family. I waited in the car while they were in the Doctors. I had some stuff to do on my phone. I guess they were waving at me from the window the whole time, but I didn't see them, LOL. I was busy responding to comments, etc. I had no idea they were at the front window. DUH! That's me, single minded when I have a job to do.
My sister and I had a few things to pick up at the Convenience store that supplies Costco items and my dad had been craving a square hamburger so after his appointment we drove a bit further up the valley and picked up those things and then went on to Wendy's. It was sure busy there. I felt a bit uncomfortable because of the amount of people. But everyone was well distancing themselves, so that was good, and we sat in a booth far away from the maddening crowd. Dad had his burger and he treated my sister and I to a burger also. We had the bacon portabella mushroom burger. It did not quite look like its picture, but it was quite good.
I usually get a chicken burger, but yesterday I thought I would break from the norm. I have been trying to do that lately. Not be so predictable. Like ordering a turkey dinner instead of fish and chips, and a hamburger instead of chicken.
Although in all truth it is still a bit predictable because I happen to really like turkey dinners almost as much as fish and chips, and when you are at a hamburger joint a burger is not really much of a stretch.

We are supposed to get some sort of a storm bomb today, blowing in from the south, with plenty of snow and freezing rain, more snow, winds. There is a storm warning in effect. The snow was supposed to have started by now, but it hasn't. It is blowing a bit out there however. They say up to 21cm over the next 12 hours, which is about 8 1/2 inches. Not a lot, but when it is blowing around it can get a bit crazy. Yesterday after we took my father home we stopped at the Super Store for a few bits and when we came out it was snowing and ice pelleting to beat the band. Crazy it was. But we got home okay and even stopped at Goucher's farm market along the way. You just couldn't drive as quickly as normal. This type of weather doesn't seem to slow down some people however. There are some very food-hardy folks out there, or maybe I am just a weenie.
Of course the KitKats were very happy to have me home again at the end. I had brought a paper bag with me to entertain them for a while. They do so love paper bags. I expect it is the noise that they make. One will get inside and the other one will jump on it and then they will change places. Its quite comical. And of course there are all the ear movements that go along with it, the wiggling bottoms, the pouncing, etc.
I have a fleece blanket to use as a coverup on the sofa for Winter. Nutmeg likes to lay on it and he treads and treads, purring and sucking on the fleece. It is quite cute to watch his paws expanding and contracting. Cinnamon treads also, but usually on my chest, with accompanying purrs. Simple pleasures. Contentment . . .
I find myself wishing I had picked up myself some stewing beef yesterday as today would be a great day to enjoy a nice pot of stew. The show has started now, but it is very fine snow, not the soft downy flakes of yesterday, and they are blowing sideways, not up and down.
I don't mind storms. I just worry about losing power. With electric heat, it would not take long for things to cool down. Losing power is a concern in the valley. Sometimes it can be off for days, but not often. I have a bucket filled and ready with water just in case (for toilet duty) and I have several jugs for drinking., etc. a flower pot that I can turn upside down and heat for warm water, soup, etc. and plenty of blankets.
Or course in the UK I had a little wind up radio, propane stove, etc. We were well prepared for emergencies. I really need to pick up myself some stuff like that when I can afford it. Even if I never get to use it, they are good things to have on hand.
What are the things you love to do. Mine are drawing, painting, baking (or cooking, of course!), making dolls, sewing, crochet . . . I haven't been doing a lot of art etc. lately or even crochet. I used to love making the matchbook dolls that I used to make and those little wire dolls, the raggedy dolls, etc. All my patterns and art are on my old laptop and the battery needs replacing. I can't get anything off it. I had hoped that when Anthony came over at Christmas I would be able to do so, but with Covid that did not happen.
Perhaps the Missionaries might be able to help me, but I hate to ask. I don't want it to seem like I am always wanting them to do things for me.
They came over earlier this week and my television got mounted on the wall. I was ever so grateful for that! Now my television is safe and secure and I don't have to worry about it falling over if the cats get rambunctious. I was really worried about that! Now it is no longer a concern.
I would like to get another bookcase and a corner desk, but I can't put these things together all by myself. I could, but it is very difficult. I did get the one together, but because I can't get down on the floor it makes things hard.
I really need to be doing much more of the things that I love to do. All work and no play. Not a good recipe or how I want to spend the rest of my life.
It is snowing much harder now and blowing. I really hope my father did not go out.
I sent away for a foot scrubber this week. I have a hard time bending my knees to reach my feet and clean them in the shower. Getting older is not for sissies for sure. I hope this does the trick. We will see. I also got myself a blood pressure cuff this week so that I can take my blood pressure at home. I had one in the UK. I have high blood pressure and I need to regularly keep an eye on it. I hate taking it. It hurts my arm badly. I wish there was a more comfortable way to do it.
Isn't that so like getting older . . . always talking about your pains and aches, things you can't do as well as you used to do. haha
Ohh, I got some nice and soft English Muffins at the farm market yesterday. They were just fresh in. I am going to make myself an Egg McMuffin this morning. At least that is my plan!
There was just a knock on my door. My sister braved the snowstorm to bring me a piece of a sugarless, flourless cake she baked, so I think I know what I will be having with my hot cuppa this morning! The knock on the door kind of freaked me out a bit as I am not used to people knocking on my door so early in the morning. It was very unexpected, but also very nice! I love that I am living close enough to my sister that she can just stop by like that. It makes me happy.
I was thinking last night about things. I hate that Todd did this to us. I had always expected that eventually . . . with the huge age difference between us and all . . . that one day I would be on my own. I just had never thought it would be under such circumstances and it still breaks my heart sometimes. Okay, all of the time . . . when I think about it. We had such a good and happy life together as far as I knew. What you don't know really can't hurt you. Had he just passed away, I would have been none the wiser. I would have been heartbroken, but for very different reasons. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. One cannot change the past.
I do have a very content life now, however, despite the losses . . . and I am very cozy here in my home with my kittens and my family near by. Sometimes I just wish I had someone to share it with. Love is not like a tap that you can just turn off.
This was the sunrise the other morning. Red sky at morning? I don't know. There was no nasty weather that day, but a beautiful sunny day. I guess the sky isn't really red, but there was a red glow on the houses across the way and the trees. It was very pretty. I am so grateful for a heart that notices these small pleasures.
And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day. I have gone on a lot this morning about nothing methinks!
A thought to carry with you . . .
Its a picture one today. I loved this little verse!!
In The English Kitchen today . . . Jam Filled Drop Cookies. Deliciously old fashioned!
I hope you have a wonderful day! Stay safe and stay warm! Don't forget!
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