As I told you earlier this week, last night we had a Relief Society Additional Meeting at our chapel. We have at least one of these a month. These are special meetings which we hold each month for the sisters. Meetings in which we try to teach them a new skill, improve skills they may already have, do some type of service work, share the Gospel, etc. They are great evenings. We always have a lot of fun as well. I am the Additional Meeting Counselor and I try to plan them so that there is a little bit of something in them for everyone. Nobody need feel excluded. I want them to be interesting at the same time as being informative.
Last night we had a Dr Seuss Night, with several workshop/presentations based on lines from Dr Seuss's books. My children loved me to read them Dr Seuss stories when they were growing up, and I loved reading to them to them! There is always some sort of lesson taught and an opportunity for learning in most of them!
The workshops we had were entitled The Things We Can See (learning how music can give you a different perspective of the world and how it can enrich your home and personal life), The Places You Can Go (Places where you can go with your family or partner here in the North West that are inexpensive or even free), The Things We Can Say (Creative journaling), and One Fish Two Fish (Creating healthy snacks for your family). They all went really well, and I have to say one of the ladies on my committee name Sheila did the conducting of the meeting and she did such a super job. She had never heard of Dr Seuss before this month, and she went on line and found out all sorts and she had fun quotes etc. to go with each of the mini classes. She really helped to make a great evening, to be an even better evening. Thanks Sheila!!
The class I did was . . . The Things We Can Say. I showed you the little mini scrap book I did the other day, which was one of the things I shared. I also shared a bit about journals in general and some tips for getting started, etc. I also showed a few different ways of journaling, including Art Journaling. This is a new thing that people have started doing in recent years, and you can now buy journals that are actually dedicated to only art journaling.
Art journals are an opportunity for people to explore their creative sides and to create something which is not only telling a little bit to the world about themselves . . . but also is quite beautiful. An art journal is as distinctive as the person it belongs to and shows a different side to them, that may not always come out in the written word. It think they are a rather unique way of leaving a piece of you behind to the generations that may come after you, and so . . . this week I started one myself, so that I could have something to show the ladies last evening.

On the outside it doesn't look like anything very special really. It's just a moleskin water colour art journal that I picked up the other day at Hobby Craft. I love Moleskin notebooks. This one even has a special page at the very front to put your information on, just in case you lose it so that it can be returned and there is a special pocket at the back to hold momentos etc.

And so with this in mind I did a quick littke first entry in it yesterday afternoon. (I know! I am so naughty leaving this to the last minute, but that's me in a nutshell!!) I just took a quote I found that I loved and then I wrote it out and did a little water colour to go along with it.

It's an English Garden . . . with hollyhocks, larkspur, pansies, som eyellow flowers, a rose arbour, and some dahlias along with a few butterflies and bees. I had fun doing it. I plan on this book being just my thoughts from time to time, special quotes I love, or places I've been . . . all seen through the eye of my paint brush. It will be interesting to see how it progresses.
We also did Journal Jars, which are a lot of fun and a great way of getting started in journaling when you think you don't have anything to say and have no idea of where to begin! All in all it was a really fun evening and I am so grateful to the sisters who helped me out with the little mini classes. They each did such a super job! All the sister's seemed to be really enjoying themselves and the evening ended with some tasty refreshments that had been prepared in the One Fish Two Fish presentation . . . a tasty hummous with vegetables and pita breads to dip into it, some scrummy fruit smoothies and a deliciously different Beetroot cake!
I have to say we have some really special sisters in my Ward. I know . . . I have said that about every Ward (Church congregation) I've belonged to. But it's true . . . this church is filled with some of the nicest and more precious women in the world and I love them all to pieces!
And that's my Show and Tell for today!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Courgette and Blue Cheese Tortilla!!!
A simple and tasty way to end the week!
“As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you.”
~Dieter F Uchtdorf

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