I suppose we all have little habits that annoy us . . . things that we do that we'd like to stop doing . . . things like biting our fingernails, or hair twizzling . . . the predictable things that we do each day like having the same thing for breakfast every morning (cheerios), or going to bed at the exact same time each night.
Each year we all make promises to ourselves . . . little resolutions like not forgetting anyone's birthday, or learning a new skill. (I've been telling myself I am going to master Photoshop for several years now, but all to no avail . . . apparently I'm even dumber than a photoshop dummy, coz even photoshop for dummies did not help!) . . . each year I tell myself that this will be the year my artwork really takes off . . . and then each year I end up feeling a bit like a failure because . . . well, I didn't lose that ten pounds, or I didn't master that skill, or . . . I didn't become the successful artist that I wanted to be.

While we were on holidays I had a lot of time to think . . . that is one thing that rain on holidays is good for by the way . . . It gives you lots of thinking time. I came to the realization that I have been wasting my life in some ways . . . and life is just too short to waste it. The years keep slipping by, amazingly quickly . . . and I get no closer to fulfilling these invisible goals that I have set for myself. I find that I am not as happy as I would like to be . . . and goodness knows I have so very much in my life to be happy about! I have a wonderful husband that loves my cotton socks, a beautiful puppy dog that adores me (the feeling is quite mutual, in both cases I hasten to add!) I have a lovely warm, safe and cosy home. I really want for nothing. I have my health, my brains (as addled as it may seem at times!), etc. Life is very, very good. Why do I want to go about trying to make it better? Why do I want to keep pursuing that dangling carrot? Is it not enough to be able to have huge pockets of happiness right now, right here where I am, with the who that I am, and the why that I am . . . and the where that I am?????
And so that's what I'm going to do. Just be happy. With what . . . who . . . why . . . and where I am now.
Anything else shall be the icing on a quite delicious cake.

Just look at this stunning sunrise from my front window this morning! Isn't it gorgeous. I know . . . red sky at morning, sailor take warning . . . doesn't matter. I'll take the day I'm given and be glad for it, every single minute of every single hour.

Does this not make you smile?? It does me. That's our little Maryn. She's growing like a weed. Such a pretty wee thing she is. Granddaughters are wonderful . . .

So are Grandsons! (Jon, Josh and Jacob!)

At least I think they are! (Big Gabe and Lil Luke)

These are the things in life that make my heart go pitter pat. It's not money, or possessions, or even success. It's not being pretty or smart. It's not having a beautiful home or new car. It's not anything that we can touch with our hands. It's much deeper than any of that . . . it's the hearts that we make and keep . . .
That's happiness.

*Skillet Beef Burritos*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe
Quick and easy to make and quite delicious! I always have leftover tortillas needing to be used up and this is the perfect way to do just that! You can also use tortilla chips if you want something a bit crunchier.
1 lb. extra lean ground beef
1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 fat clove of garlic, peeled and minced
1 package of Taco Seasoning Mix
1 can (15.5 oz.) kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup chunky Salsa
1 cup water
4 flour tortillas (6 inch), cut into 1-1/2-inch pieces
1 cup grated cheese (I use a mixture of strong cheddar and red leicester)
1/3 cup Sour Cream
1 large spring onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Spray a nonstick pan with some cooking spray. Add the beef, onion and garlic. Season with some salt and pepper. Scramble fry until nicely browned. Add the Taco seasoning mix, beans, salsa and water. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a low simmer. Simmer for about 15 minutes.Stir in the tortilla bits, top with the cheese. Cover and remove from the heat. Allow the cheese to melt before topping with the sour cream and spring onions.

In The English Kitchen today, a delicious Raspberry Feather Bread and Butter Pudding.

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