FOR TODAY, May 4th, 2009 ...
Outside My Window...
The early morning sun bathes the earth in the warm glow that only comes at this time of day. Up in the tree tops the song thrush beckons the day forward and the gentle coo coo of the resident morning doves echoes across the early morning garden. It is a lonely sound at times and yet there are other times where it speaks to me of home . . . sweet . . . home . . .
I am thinking...
We have had such a lovely weekend. The weather was so beautiful and whilst not incredibly warm it was quite pleasant. It was nice to have a whole day to spend together on Saturday with nothing pressing to steal our time away from each other. Days like that are real gems. I enjoyed every single moment of it. Driving in the car. Holding hands as we wandered through the beautiful gardens of Scotney Castle. Sharing tender thoughts and smiles with each other. Sometimes it is easy to lose the meaning of why we are together in the business and humdrum of every day. Special days like Saturday are gentle reminders of why we are together and how very much we mean to each other . . . not that we really need reminding, but it's nice to dwell on it from time to time . . .
I am thankful for...
My cup runneth over and I am thankful for that. We may never own our own home, but we do have the next best thing . . . a beautiful home that is ours for now . . . We share an easy and loving companionship, which is something many people never find in their lifetimes. It is a blessing for sure. I love that we walk along side of Christ together. That means the world to me. As I write this, the song, "Better" by Boyzone, is playing on my playlist. Todd truly makes my life better . . . even when he's being irritating . . . as men sometimes are. It's still good, better, best!
From the kitchen...
There's a nice big loaf of Oatmeal bread sitting and just waiting for me to cut into it. I think I shall have me a slice of that for my breakfast this morning with some butter and strawberry jam on it. Soft and fragrant with a nice cup of hot cocoa . . .
I am wearing...
Pink Jammies. Not the same ones as last week, of course! I think I have more pink pajamas than any other colour. It would seem it is my favourite colour, closely followed by blue. I am a simple woman after all . . .
I am creating...
I must finish "the"special project this week. It's taken too long already and I know I am holding it up. I'd tell you what it is, but then I'd have to kill you! (Just kidding.) It's not my place to tell. I have tons of other sketches just waiting for me to bring to life and I was thinking "lap quilt" yesterday as I looked at the boxes under the bed in the spare room that hold my fabric yardage and scraps . . . I have not made a quilt in a very long time now. My mother had an old quilt that my grandmother had made and I loved to lay on it when I was a young girl. Although my grandmother had passed away, it was a wonderful reminder of her to me. I loved to finger the different fabrics that had gone into it and imagine what kind of garments these scraps had come from . . . the lives they had lived, the places they had gone. Every quilt tells a story, or so it seems to me . . .
I am going...
I shall be working all day today. It is what is known as a Bank Holiday over here so most people will be off. I have lots to do to get ready for my employers' return tomorrow. There is food to prepare and a few last minute things to take care of such as dusting etc. I have an appointment with the chiropodist tomorrow afternoon. I love the way my feet feel after he's taken care of them, all soft and fresh and new. My feet are one of my most important tools as I am on them all day. They need to be taken care of . . .
I am reading...
I've been so tired lately when I fall into bed there has been very little reading going on. I can only manage a few paragraphs and my eyes are closing. I am still working on the discourses of Henry B Eyring and "The Master" by Toni Sorenson, and expect if this sleepiness continues, I shall be for a while!
I am hoping...
that the lovely weather continues. They are saying we are going to have a hot, hot summer this year! I am not a great lover of heat. I love warm, but I don't like it when it gets too hot. I don't handle it well. Especially if it is combined with humidity. It seems to sap all my strength and wear me out quicker. And then there is the trying to sleep at night, which is difficult. The last time we had a hot summer like that we were up in Cumbria staying in a stone cottage. It was lovely and quite cool of an evening. This year there shall be no such respite although we are planning on going down to Broadstairs for some time to visit with friends and it's always a lot cooler at the shore isn't it?
I am hearing...
Jess breathing and softly snoring as she snoozes next to my feet. My fingers tap, tap, tapping on the keyboard as my play list quietly serenades me. Home . . . sweet . . . home. Heaven . . . on . . . earth.
Around the house...
Things are quite tidy and there is not a lot that needs to be done. Oh, the floor always could use a bit of a sweep and there is generally a few dishes in the sink that need washing, cups from the night before etc. I could never feel comfortable in a house that was picture perfect all the time. I want to live in a house that is a home and feels like a home. A house with lots of spirit and filled with love. Tidy . . . yes. Immaculate . . . no. This is a "home," and, love . . . lives . . . here.
One of my favorite things...
Is listening to music. I listen to it all the time when I am not watching the telly. I think a life without music in it must be a very empty life. It is one of God's great gifts to us and I hear a song in all things. The gentle breeze that blows past my ears sings a special song to me, as does the bumbling bumble bee, leaves rustling in the trees . . . tis all music to me.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I don't have a lot. There is Young Women's on Thursday night of course and my Seminary Lesson. I have to go to Orpington on Saturday for Seminary Training as well. I think we are doing photography in Young Women's on Thursday evening which will be really interesting. I love taking pictures. That picture of Scotney Castle yesterday was one of mine. I have quite a few others to share with you, but am waiting until later on in the week when I can do a whole post on our little visit there to share with you.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is a picture that I took at Scotney Castle on Saturday of a small shed that lies upon the moat that surrounds the castle. I loved the way it was reflected in the water with crystal clarity and the way the trees framed it. It just begged my camera to capture it with it's eye. Tis such a peaceful picture . . . can you not hear the buzzing of the water bugs and the rustling of the leaves in the soft breeze . . . the trickling of the water, the soft splash of the moor hen amongst the reeds at the water's edge . . .
"Spring - an experience in immortality."
- Henry D. Thoreau
And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)
I thought I would share my oat bread recipe with you this morning. I have made it twice already this weekend, it is that good. Enjoy!
Makes one large loaf
Printable Recipe
I love my bread machine. I have never been really good at making bread by hand. I just don't have the strength and oomph that is needed to give it a really good kneading. My ex husband always made our bread. He used to make the kitchen table practically dance across the kitchen floor as he kneaded it and his loaves were always tall and fluffy and delicious. My bread machine does the same thing, and is a lot less easier to put up with than he was . . .
3 tsp active dry yeast
2 1/2 cups strong white flour
1/2 cup strong whole wheat flour
1/2 cup rolled oats (not instant or quick)
1 1/2 TBS dry milk powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 TBS softened butter
2 TBS mild molasses
1-1/4 cups water

Place all the ingredients into your bread machine in the order in which your machine recommends. If you want a bit of extra texture, add the oats after the first knead or at the beep on the fruit and nut cycle.
Follow the instructions as per your bread maker for the making of a basic loaf.

Good morning dear.
ReplyDeleteIt is late and I must hurry off to bed. I have a lot to do tomorrow before I leave. I haven't begun to pack yet and I DON'T stay up all night to do it like some one we know!
I love all that you write. As always I love your day book. I have enjoyed our visit today...as you sit at your computer starting your day... and I sit at mine, ending my day.
I am sending love to you, Todd and Jess. Have a great day. I hope you get every thing done to get ready for Tues.
Much love, Lura
What a wonderful entry to read. Thank you - I enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovley week.
God Bless,
I actually have two bread machines at home that I haven't used for ages.... I was thinking about selling them through the internet, but maybe I'll hold on to one of them now.
ReplyDeleteThe flower pots were so much fun to make!!
Sending Keith down to the shed this afternoon to dig out my trusty breadmaker.
ReplyDeleteThat shed on Scotney Castle moat looks like a boat house. Pretty snt it?
A lovely read as usual/
love, Angie, xx
You write beautifully! What a great reminder that I need to make time to just "be" with my husband!
ReplyDelete~God Bless
Kelley from Mammalog
Such a lovely start to your week...I love the happiness and serenity of this post. :o) Looking forward to when you can reveal more about your work in progress...And do hope you will have a go at making a lap quilt. Even just sewing up simple squares into a quilt is so satisfying--and you'll have made something useful and cozy, how great is that?! Love this little view from Scotney Castle...that place is dreamy... I would love to live there--LOL! Your Oat Bread looks so delicious...and with butter & jam--heaven on earth--oh, yes!! Happy Day, sweet friend. LOVE YOU HEAOS ((BIG HUGS))
ReplyDeleteMarie- I was able to go to Women's Conference last week at BYU in Provo and I thought about you and how much you would enjoy this. If you are able to get BYU-TV they will rebroadcast some of the sessions this Thursday and Friday. It was a great two days.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your corner of the world!
Marie looked at MY BLOG! Marie commented on MY BLOG! Yippee! Thank you for visiting. You have so many followers I know you can't possibly have time for them all.
ReplyDeleteI love that you post everyday. I look forward every morning to see what you are thinking and creating. Thank you for sharing.
It is a beautiful thing that we can enjoy and learn from sisters across the ocean.
The castle photos are enchanting to me. I have never seen one in real life. It is told that our family has the ownership rights to one in Germany but....that's a long ways a way from us.
I was wondering if sour milk can pass for buttermilk in your delicious cake recipe.
You know it's funny Marie - I used to always have music going no matter what I was doing. But it seems the older I get the less I can multi task so if I'm working, thinking kind of work, I can't have music. And in the car if I'm not listening to a book I might listen to some praise music but more often I have it quiet. That makes it easier for me to have a conversation with God. blessings, marlene
ReplyDeleteLovely post, Marie! I've saved the oat bread recipe as it looks very healthy and tasty! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThat castle looks gorgeous! It'd be so fun if I could come up there and explore with you!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you saw it, but you got an award on my blog I posted Sunday! :)
Marie, your blog is like a soft place to land for me! I just love coming here. You are so inspiring, creative, a beautiful writer and honestly there are no blogs I enjoy reading more than yours. I feel like I have known you for years
ReplyDeleteI found it quite funny how similar our daybooks seemed on reading of late and the interest in photography.
The photos of the castle on the last few posts have been amazing. I miss the UK. My visits there have been so wonderful.
Oh Marie - I just love reading you Simple Woman Daybooks. It is beautiful how much you and Todd love each other. I am so glad you found each other.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful, productive day today. And your picture was lovely!
I'm catching up on my blogging after a hectic week last week. YOU DO take such beautiful pictures. The castle is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love how you express yourself. I could read about your day over and over again.
LUCKY you're in YW. Miss serving in it.
Have a great day.