FOR TODAY, May 25th, 2009 ...
Outside My Window...
It looks a bit clouded over this morning. One really can't complain. We have had a gorgeous weekend weatherwise thus far. Usually it rains all bank holiday weekends. These past few days of sunshine have been a real blessing! I think I heard on the telly last evening that there might be thunderstorms later today. I love thunderstorms . . . well, as long as I am inside!
I am thinking...
About the wonderful time Todd and I have gotten to spend with each other over the past couple of days. Usually I am so busy with work and he will his church work that we don't really get to spend a lot of hours together. I am grateful for every moment. I suppose since we have found each other later in life our time together is all that more precious to me. He got all dolled up yesterday for our time out together, with his red shirt and tan trousers . . . even wore his best shoes. What a dapper picture he cut. That's my man. ☺
I am thankful for...
Precious moments spent together, memories built . . . A knowing smile across a crowded room. A gentle arm to lead me, protect me, love me . . . Sandwiches shared beneath a leafy canopy . . . Quiet companionship . . . love eternal and true . . .
From the kitchen...
There is a delicious Gingerbread sitting on the counter top and some leftover Stromboli, all stuffed with cheese, sundried tomatoes and pesto. I wonder would that be good for breakfast??? Pizza is, so I expect that would be as well . . . mmm . . .
I am wearing...
I thought about shocking you and saying my birthday suit, but even you wouldn't believe that. Pink Pajamas!!
I am creating...
I did another little painting last evening while we were waiting for Britain's Got Talent to come on. I really like this one. Here's a teaser. You can see the whole thing HERE.
I am going...
Back to work tommorrow, but for today, the last day of the bank holiday weekend, we were planning on going back into London to take in a few museums. At least that was the plan last night when we went to bed. Now that I am awake though, I am thinking I may just rather go see something a bit closer to home. We'll just have to see what transpires. Sometimes it's nice to just walk through the orchards and then down to the pub for a cold drink of Lime and Lemon. I love Lime and Lemon, or even Bitter Lemon. It's so refreshing!
I am reading...
I am still reading December by Elizabeth H Winthrop. I guess I am about 2/3 of the way through it now. I ordered a new book by Lisa See which should be here soon, called "Shanghai Girls." I love books about Oriental culture and history. When I was a girl one of my favourite musicals was Flower Drum Song. I'm also still feeding my spirit and reading Henry B Eyring (Drawing Closer to God). It's an amazing book. He's an amazing man.
That the rain holds off until later today . . . but . . . I am doubtful . . .
I am hearing...
The birds in the garden are chattering away. It is such a peaceable sound, very heart warming and comforting. We have not heard the peacocks from down the lane in quite a while now. Perhaps they have moved on somewhere else. They were quite noisy, but one got quite used to their sounds after a time. I think I read somewhere once that it was unlucky to have peacocks around, but that may have been a dream . . . I have very vivid dreams.
Around the house...
We still need to paint the other half of the kitchen. Half of it is a pale yellow and the other half magnolia. It's not really all that noticeable, except to me as I know it's there. We need to paint our small loo as well and put some new fittings in there. The old ones are looking quite tatty and half are broken. I don't think it was ever really painted, as all that appears to be on the walls is primer. I know . . . we've lived here six years, and it's about time we did something about it!
One of my favorite things...
is watching the Waltons. Todd loves that series too. We have purchased the whole series one by one as they came out, and are now watching the next to last one. We have only one more episode in this series and then . . . we are on to the last. I will be sorry to see it end. I expect then we will start at the beginning and watch them all over again. They really are timeless and I enjoy watching them no matter how many times I have seen them!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Back to work tommorrow . . . ho hum . . . and then there is Seminary and Mutual on Thursday evening. Our ward is having a Barbeque on Friday evening that we hope to be able to go to. I love getting together with the rest of our church ward and getting to visit with each other on social occasions. On Sundays there is always so much else going on you don't really have much of a chance for a visit, and then during the week, we all live so far apart and it's not easy to get together. Ward Activities are wonderful opportunities to share some like minded companionship with people you love and care about in a very special way.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is a picture I took yesterday of one of the statues in the Italian garden at Hever Castle. Isn't it beautiful? We had such a lovely day there. The grounds were packed with holiday makers and children. I always feel a bit sad at Hever . . . especially when I think about poor Ann Bolyn and the mess she got herself into when she hooked up with King Henry VIII. Standing in the courtyard one cannot help but think to oneself . . . were there stolen kisses here, tender words and knowing glances shared . . . if she could have seen the end of the story would she have begun the tale?? Would any of us take chances and move forward if we knew what lay ahead? Perhaps . . . perhaps not . . .
And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)
I did mention Gingerbread earlier didn't I? I think Todd loves a warm gingerbread almost as much as he loves a homemade apple pie. He's one of those lucky people that have one of those amazing metabolisms which allow them to eat whatever they want without putting on weight. I can only wish and dream. . .
Serves 8
Printable Recipe
Moist and spicy this is a real comfort food dessert. You don't have to make the Lemon Sauce to go with it if you don't want to, but it really does add an extra dimension in flavour. Ginger and lemon go so very well together. You can also add a dollop of freshly whipped cream if you really want to splurge!
1 1/3 cups flour
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 cup vegetable shortening or margarine
1/2 cup boiling water
1/2 cup molasses
(If you cannot get molasses, a good substitute is half golden syrup and half dark treacle)
1 large egg, sightly beaten
1 cup white sugar
4 TBS cornstarch
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup water
6 TBS fresh lemon juice
1 tsp finely grated lemon zest
2 TBS softened butter

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Grease the bottom only of a 9 inch round cake pan and line with parchment paper. Grease again. Set aside.
Whisk the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and ginger together in a large bowl, mixing all together well. Add the shortening, water, molasses and egg. Blend all together well with an electric whisk, until smooth. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 25 to 35 minutes, until done and a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.
For the sauce, whisk the sugar, cornstarch and salt together in a small saucepan. Whisk in the watr and lemon juice. Cook, stirring over medium heat, until the mixture bubbles and thickens. Allow to cook for one minute before removing from the heat. Stir in the butter and lemon zest.
Serve the gingerbread warm and cut into wedges. Spoon the lemon sauce over top. You can also add a dollop of softly whipped cream if you wish.
No - no - NO. You cant have gingerbread and stromboli for breakfast! Not on the same day anyway. Actually I'm talking out the back of my head - I dont even know what stromboli is!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading quite a risque book, "Belle de Jour". I would say it's not disgusting, just a tiny bit rude in places.
This is a gorgeos day - for now, but we are forecast th'orms later. Keith is out mowing the back grass. I love that smell.
About the peacocks, I have heard that it's unlucky to have their feathers in the house but I think it's OK to have the birds around so don't worry too much if they migrate to your garden. Just watch out for the feathers!
love, Angie, xx
I really enjoyed your Daybook this morning. I read Asian Studies as a minor in college and was fascinated by Oriental history and culture. I did my final presentation on the women of the Japanese Imperial Family; how bound by tradition they are. I'd like to recommend Children of the Paper Crane by Masamoto Nasu. It's a translation of a Japanese book; if you can't find a copy at your local library, let me know and I'll send you mine. It was going to go in the used book sale so I'd be happy to pass it on.
ReplyDeleteThe mention of the Waltons brought a smile to my face. My parents' home was gutted by a fire years ago and they and my sister moved in with me into my one-bedroom apartment while it was rebuilt. We put a double beds and two singles into the bedroom and every night we all said goodnight, one by one, the way the Waltons do at the end of each show.
Have a lovely week!
I'll have to remember NOT to read your blog first thing in the morning!! It always makes me hungry!! yummy... hope you have a great day.
ReplyDeleteLisa (lisita15)
What a nice weekend you have had. I enjoyed sharing your London adventures! As always you start my day off on a good note. And thank you so much for the printable recipes. Now I can print out the ones I REALLY think I'll make and put them in a notebook, but my binder is white! The gingerbread sounds wonderful and my fella loves gingerbread too!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you are having such a lovely 3 day weekend. I hope the thunder storm waited and did not spoil your day.
ReplyDeleteDid you make it to London?.. or did you stay close to home???
How ever you two spent the day I am sure that you enjoyed having time off and being together.
You know that I am the "gingerbread grammy"... I will have to make this recipe for sure. I love lemon sauce with gingerbread... that is the way I usually serve it... however my family did love your googie gingerbread recipe we made for New Year's eve.
Thanks for sending John a birthday greeting. We are not planning on doing anything away from home today. Mindy and family will come for a BBQ and swim later today. John has requested a dutch oven pineapple upside down cake cooked over hot coals for his birthday cake. That sounds good to me.
Well I must get outside and start cleaning up the patios. All the trees delight in dropping their leaves all over the place just to see me scurry around sweeping them up... especially just before company comes. They are probably puzzled this morning, wondering what is taking me so long to get started. I bet that they forgot it is John's birthday... but the birds didn't. They have been singing their little hearts out since early morning...they certainly sound better than my rendition of Happy Birthday to you.
I am sending love...let us know how you and Todd spent the day. XOXOX Lura
What a great entry, Marie! I haven't visited for awhile and I'm glad I stopped by..ginger and lemon together..what a treat! I'll take a look at the other Simple Woman's Day book entries....a great way to encourage interesting writing! take it easy! Maria
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your day book..
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post. I can relate to the painting job. We've been renovating for what seems way too long. I've just finished painting a new door for the laundry but there's more to do ... among other things. All the best with the painting. It's amazing how a fresh coat of paint works wonders for a room.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your day.
ciao for now,
Elena :)
Oh yummy, gingerbread! I wish I could say the same about my kitchen. Thanks for sharing with us!