FOR TODAY, May 18th, 2009 ...
Outside My Window...
I woke up this morning to the sound of rain pelting down on the skylight in our bedroom and then I heard the cuckoo off in the distance. Yes, it is grey, wet and dreary this morning, but that is ok. We need the rain just as much as we need the sunshine, so I guess we just have to put up with it once in a while and think of it as a gift. In countries where they get very little rain, a good cloudburst is seen as a blessing, and really it is, for without it this beautiful country would not be half as lush or half as green, and I do love the green and lushness so very much.
I am thinking...
About the very first time I heard a cuckoo. We were over in the South of France on holiday with our friends Audrey and Peter. We had discovered a small lake and decided to hike around it. A stray dog appeared from out of nowhere came along with us. We were enjoying a wonderful bit of exercise together, and great conversation, when off in the distance the cry of the cuckoo rang through the trees. I was so amazed that it sounded just like our cuckoo clock! What wonderful memories we built on that trip. I love to take them out and hold them in my hands every once in a while.
I am thankful for...
We sat and watched Fiddler on the Roof yesterday afternoon. At the end where the Jews were all being forced from their homes into exile I thought about how similar it was to when the early members of our church were also forced from their homes time and time again and also into exile. In the film it was winter, as it also was most times for the Mormons on the American plains. Men, women and children forced to flee their homes with only what they could carry. I find the strength and tenacity of such a people very inspiring, and am so very thankful for their strong example of faith undeterred. I often wonder could I do it? Would I do it? I like to think that I could and would and I pray that I never have to find out.
From the kitchen...
There is that delicious carrot cake of course. On Friday when I did my shop I found some delicious little brioche buns filled with apricot preserves that are to die for. I am so hopeless at making bread. I tried brioche once by hand and it didn't turn out very good. I did it once in my bread machine and that was quite lovely. I do love me some bread pudding made from brioche bread . . . I think I'll have to do another brioche loaf in the bread machine again soon . . .
I am wearing...
all together now . . . P-A-J-A-M-A-S!!! I Know, I'm incorrigible
I am creating...
I was thinking dolls and teddy's at the weekend. I used to make a lot of teddy bears and dolls to sell at craft sales. I have a few ideas I am mulling around in my mind of some dolls from some of these characters I keep painting. I think they would be really sweet, and people would love them. The only hard part would be having to part with them, but then . . . it always is. When I sell a piece of my art it is like giving away one of my children in a way, but then I always know they are going to a home where they are much loved, so that is good. (By the way I would never sell one of my children, whether they were going to a good home or not!! That was only a metaphor!)
I am going...
Work today and tommorrow and the next day . . . I have shopping to do today and all sorts of bits and pieces to catch up with after the weekend. Thursday night the daily Seminary Class and the Home Study group which I teach are getting together for a Scripture Chase evening. It should be fun. There are quite a few scriptures they are supposed to have memorized throughout this past year, so this should be good practice for them. It will also be a lot of fun!
I am reading...
I am reading a very good novel called December by Elizabeth H Winthrop. It's about a young girl named Isabelle that has stopped talking and her parents have not been able to get her to start talking again and have no idea why she stopped in the first place. A brilliant read it explores the feelings of Isabelle and her parents and the dynamics of family life, which must continue no matter what. I am really enjoying it. I'm also still reading Henry B Eyring (Drawing Closer to God) which is feeding my spirit in such a wonderful way. I think I will read it again when I have finished it.
That the weather clears this week and improves by the weekend. We have plans to go away this weekend and I would really like to be able to do it in the sunshine . . .
I am hearing...
Jess is softly snoring on the carpet in front of the electric fire. It is such a peaceful sound. Occasionally her legs twitch as she goes off on one of her travels. The sky outside the kitchen window looks like it is clearing a bit, so there is hope for the day. I hope the temperatures warm as well, as it is rather cold this morning. My play list is playing softly and my fingers are tap tap tapping on the keyboard. All is well . . .
Around the house...
We have been plagued with fruit flies this past few days. I made a homemade fruit fly trap and it seems to be doing a very good job at catching them. You take a small bowl and put some cider vinegar into it, then cover the top tightly in plastic cling film. Punch a few holes into the cling film with the sharp tip of a knife and then just set it out near where they seem to be plaguing you the worst! Voila! They are attracted to the vinegar and can get in through the holes, but alas . . . they can't get out. It works like a charm!
One of my favorite things...
I love musicals. Old ones, new ones . . . I just love musicals. I can watch them over and over again and quite often do. We have plans this summer to go see Les Miserables in London. I can't wait! When I was in high school we put on the productions of both The Sound of Music and My Fair Lady and when I was in Uni we put on Fiddler on the Roof. All were wonderful, or at least I thought so then. Since I have come to England I have seen Guys and Dolls and South Pacific. I adored both productions!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
There is work, of course, and then Seminary and Mutual on Thursday evening and then on Saturday we are off on our travels. We will be gone about 3 days. We have decided we are going to do a south coast beach tour, which sounds exciting, but only will be so if the weather is nice! It will be nice to just get away. When you live where you work, getting away once in a while is very important. We plan on staying in Bed and Breakfasts and doing lots of walking on the different beaches and eating fish and chips and just being together and enjoying each other's company. I love my husband and there is no place I'd rather be than with him.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is one of the first yellow rosebuds of the year. We planted a climbing rose bush with yellow roses at the side of the shed a few years ago and it has grown wonderfully, so much so that it has covered the whole side of the shed now. We have red and white ones at the side of the house and in the summer they are so beautiful. I love roses. Up at the big house there is a beautiful rose garden and at the end of the herbaceous border, and up some stone steps there is a long path covered with the beautiful arches of rose arbours. It is breathtakingly beautiful when they are all in bloom. Don't you just think that flowers are a wonderful gift from God? I do. If all the beauty that we see here on earth is a mere reflection of what exists in His kingdom it must be truly stunning and amazing. The mind boggles!!
And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)
Oh, but it was so cold yesterday afternoon that I made us a big pot of Corn Chowder for our supper. It is such a simple soup and so very comforting and warming on a cold, wet, grey day. This is comfort food at it's best.
*Corn Chowder*
Printable Recipe
I have been making this for years and years. It was always one of my children's favourite soups and it quite easy and cheap to make as well. It's one of those very comforting foods that seem to enrich your soul as well as feed your belly. I like it with buttered crackers, but Todd, he's so English . . . he wants it with bread.
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped coarsely
2 stalks of celery, trimmed and chopped coarsely(try to include some of the leaves)
2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped coarsely
2 ounces of streaky bacon chopped coarsely, or proscuitto
4 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
2 cups water
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp summer savoury
2 cups milk
1 14 ounce tin of creamed corn
1 knob of butter

Place the streaky bacon (or proscuitto) into a large saucepan and heat over medium heat. If necessary you may add a bit of butter to keep it from sticking. Once it has begun to brown and render out some of it's fat add the celery, onion, carrots and potatoes. Stir and sweat over medium heat until they begin to soften. Add the water, making sure it covers all the vegetables. Season to taste with some salt and black pepper and add the savoury. Allow to simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes. Stir in the milk and the creamed corn. Gently heat to a simmer without boiling. Adjust the seasoning as necessary. Add the knob of butter and serve in heated bowls with crackers or bread. Delicious!

I am liking the look of that corn chowder...can you believe my boyfriend doesn't like corn? What a weirdo! I will have to make it one night when he is not home! hehe
ReplyDeleteI do love thick, chunky, home-made soups but just on their own, no bread or anything. Keith likes them thick, thin, chunky, smooth, out of a can even ...any old way but with lots and lots of bread (WITH butter). And never mind the table manners, he likes to break the bread in the basin (BIG basin) then add soup. YEUK!! I make him be polite if we have guests though.
ReplyDeleteI think I might do a Day Book - have a go anyway - as I do enjoy reading yours.
love, Angie, xx
It's good to be reading your day book once more. I love the format and enjoy reading of your plans etc. Your trip to the beach sounds wonderful. We'll be hoping for sunshine for you. Have a great Monday!
ReplyDeleteToday and tomorrow I am talking to groups of children about the need for clean water in Africa. And it is pouring down outside with more rain forecast for tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThat soup looks lovely. I love how greeen and lush it looks around here but I could have done without about 8 of the bazillion inches of rain we have gotten. It is sunny today though!
ReplyDeleteI love the rain. It could rain every day and I would be fine. I'm so weird :)
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures!! I love coming here and seeing what you are cooking!! I'm trying to find a good low-fat ranch dressing recipe! I'm having to eat alot of salads, and I'm getting kinda bored with salads, but I do love ranch dressing, haven't found a good one though. have a great day!
ReplyDeleteLisa (lisita15)
We are having showery weather here in the Lakes but the benefits outweigh the damp. Everything has shot out of the ground at a million miles an hour and is blossoming fit to burst!
ReplyDeleteI love making soups and shall try this one soon.
I have only once heard a real cuckoo and I was surprised to see the bird also. I thought it was a bird of prey at first.
A wonderful entry..as usual.
Jeanie xx
What a neat recipe! Thanks! I love how each post is like a good piece of cake. By the time I am done reading it I just sigh from satisfaction. Thanks!
I love your mondays you know, how are you my dear Marie, send huggs and kisses to you and Todd... and Jesse, besoos, Gloria
ReplyDeleteI love rain too but make me sad sometimes!!!! xxxGloria
ReplyDeleteHi, Marie...a lovely start to the week here! A bowl of that chowder would be just the thing...it's raining and cold today here--feels like fall! That book sounds very good...and love the delicate rose--gorgeous! So glad we had a chance to chat last night--and especially before we leave for our trip tomorrow. This will be one of our busiest trips by far, but hope to visit here or mail you while away. Just found out there is a chance we may get to say goodbye to my grandmother--there's to be a brief graveside service on Thursday morning--hope we can get there in time. Will miss you--but be in touch soon. LOVE YOU HEAPS, dear friend :o) ((BIG HUGS))
ReplyDeleteTHe corn chowder looks amazing! I marked the recipe and can't wait to try it!
quilt-n-mama. blogspot.com
I like that fruit vinegar tip! We also get fruit flies and it's gross! It's so danged hot here. We actually got rain this weekend so we're not melting!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Todd on this one, Alice....but I like bread and butter with molasses on it when I have corn chowder. I know that sounds strange, but it's sooooo good. Tell Todd I suggest he tries it - if he likes molasses.
ReplyDeleteI think this is one of my favorite parts of your blog to read and the recipe well can I just say I wish I were your neighbor right about now. Loved all that I read.
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday Marie! I just love reading your SWD entries. Your corn chowder looks heavenly.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful time on your get-away. How fun! I can't wait to hear all about it!
I will have to try that homemade fruitfly trap - ingenious!
Hi Marie
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading your daybook posts. Well actually I
enjoy reading all your posts! I love corn chowder too and my mom often made it. I hop eyou enjoy good weather on your weekend away. Hugs, Rhondi