Well, I had to ban that nasty troll from my EK Facebook page yesterday. She just kept continuing and continuing to leave disparaging remarks. Banning someone is not something I do lightly. Oh, I do ban the obvious spammers right away, you know the men who "admire your profile and just want to be your friend" type. but normal ordinary people, no. I think this is the first time I have ever had to do that. She was clearly a bit unhinged and very combative. That is the type of atmosphere and attitude I do not welcome on what is essentially a page which is meant to share recipes and only recipes. Well, maybe a nice photo or greeting from time to time, but mostly just recipes.
It never feels nice to have to do something like that. I try to be kind and respectful of everyone, but when this kind of thing starts it is best to quash it at the source, or it may spread and before you know it, it has taken over. That's not what I want for my page. I want it to be a pleasant space for people to want to spend a little bit of their day.
Mm mm . . . tea and buns. I am going to try to make Belgian Buns again today. I tried several weeks ago but the birds ended up enjoying them as I was not happy with the results. I try lots of things that never make it to the page. Not everything comes out the way I wish for it to, or photographs well.
I am not the best food photographer anyways. I like to just click and shoot. I don't have a space in this place that gets a lot of light with the exception of a spot in front my front window, and that spot only has a small window of opportunity that has the right light. I like for most of my food photos to be taken in natural light as that is the best. I have a small TV Tray that I use to put my dishes on so that I can take the pictures. It is not overly large, but I have to fit everything on there. That's why my pictures are not so elaborate. Occasionally I get it right and am able to put a bit more into them, but for the most part, all you see really is the food.
I am not an expert by any stretch, but I do know what works for me, and hopefully for you also!
What a beautiful couple of days we had to begin the week on. Cool, but sunny. This morning now has turned to rain and snow. It will get a bit warmer as the day progresses and just be rain. It will be quite a bit warmer tomorrow with double digits expected and then it is going to snap cold again.
That is this time of year. March is very much a transitional month where the weather can fluctuate wildly between Winter and Spring. There are Spring stirrings whilst Winter begins to lose its grip. Just as it begins to feel as if the Winter will never end, nature gives us some small, but unmistakable, signals that Spring is beginning to stir beneath the earth.
This is a time of transition which offers longer lighter days and a myriad of magical contradictions. Birdsong and storm. Budding daffodils and mud. New dresses hidden beneath a Winter coat.
I am sure I saw some robins in the bushes outside the church as I was leaving on Sunday filling their tummies with the red berries that have lay there all winter. Some kind of rosehip I believe.
Lengthening days gather momentum and slowly but surely the weather improves, corresponding with rising energy levels. We have all been cooped up for far too long it seems. Nature as well. We are both chaffing at the bit for the awakening which Spring will bring. There is something very cathartic about preparing our homes and gardens for Spring when the long cold Winter begins to recede.
It will be a few weeks yet before we truly see the signs, but they are coming, and we are aware of and ready to welcome them with open hearts and arms . . .
Last night I watched the last episode of All Creatures Great and Small. I had been saving it but could wait no longer. What a fine show that is. I always end up smiling. I know we tend to romanticize the past to a degree. Everyone who works on this show, not the least the actors, do such a wonderful job of presenting it. It appears as a beautiful picture that you just want to step into and experience if only for a short time.
People seemed to be so much kinder to each other and much more polite. Good manners and respect for others. Two things which seems to be sadly lacking in these modern times.
Of course, I only have control over my own habits. I try as best as I can to always be well mannered and respectful, even if others do not. I would not want to be and could not be . . . any other way. It is the way that I was brought up. And the values that my parents taught me were reinforced at school.
It was not perfect of course and there was plenty of room for change. Equal rights. Tolerance. Acceptance. Those things have improved somewhat, but there is still room for improvement.
I have fallen totally in love with this chair. It's way too expensive for me to ever have it for my own, but I do love it very much. Maybe I can win the lottery. ha ha That would take a miracle as I do not buy lottery tickets. But dreams are free. I love everything about it. I love the flounce. I love the pattern. I love the puffy cushion seat. I love that sweet, ruffled pillow at the back. To me, this is a dream chair. If I had this chair, I would never get out of it. This chair suits me to a "T." Maybe when I get to the other side . . .
And with that I best leave you with a thought for today. Those Belgian buns are not going to make themselves!
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Notice the moon, the sky, the trees,
the flower sprouting from concrete.
There is magic everywhere
should you choose to notice it.
~M. B. Victoria ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Lentil & Bacon Potage. Yesterday I made the soup that my sister made us for supper on Sunday. Oh my but it is some good!
Have a beautiful Wednesday. Be happy, be safe, be blessed, be at peace. Don't forget!
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And I do too!

Block away:). You are wise.I am now a news addict.And full of hate ;) Truly.Enough said:)
ReplyDeleteRain here today, and lots of it, hoping it washes some of the salt off the vehicle and makes the snow piles go down. Banning was necessary. Love the lentil soup recipe you have, different from mine so will save it and make it soon. Today I'm cooking split pea, potato and carrot soup. Potatoes were on sale for $1.99 for 10 lb at No Frills, a bargain that couldn't be passed up and Canadian too! News if hardly read around here, too much doom and gloom and way too much Trump these days. I will continue to live in my own bubble. Have a good day.
ReplyDeleteLove that chair, too. So pretty. Way too much coverage of you know who. How did he ever get so much power on the world stage? Calm and peaceful is the way to go. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteOh Marie, you write beautifully…and I think your posts and photos are charming!!…you are real, you are kind, you are important. People with ‘perfect lives ‘ who live in perfect places with perfect people around them can complain and be hateful…(they have no idea what it is to walk in someone not as fortunate shoes) …keep calm, do good, count your blessings, enjoy the ‘little’ things in life, that is the message people should be looking for…too much hate these days. And, hate is hate…I almost can’t write it…such a sad, sad, sad word. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy your day, enjoy your sweet family, enjoy the winter weather, enjoy your two little buddies, enjoy your work, enjoy your rest and enjoy your dreams…that chair is adorable! …and so are you💕Best wishes, Virginia
There are some nasty people out there. Block them and ignore them if they ever get through! And if you meet up with them in real life, just smile and nod. That's what I do.