Monday 30 September 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


I am loving autumn so far this year, but then I always do love it. Each day brings new pleasures and beauty for my eyes to behold as I watch the landscape surrounding me transform into something breathtakingly beautiful.  I echo Anne Shirley's sentiment, from Anne of Green Gables, when I say, "I am so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers."  Tomorrow is the first of October.  In  Autumn the world laughs in color.  I saw that written somewhere, or something like that at any rate. 

I do so love to go to church on Sunday mornings. I know that I could stay home and watch it online if something came up or I wasn't up to going, but there is something really special about being there in person and of course, about being able to partake of the Sacrament and remember the Savior in that special way.  Yesterday was our Fast and Testimony meeting as next weekend is General Conference and there will be no regular church.  The first Sunday of every month is usually given over to fasting, prayer and testimony.  I always love to hear the testimony of others, how God has been working in their lives, etc. it always helps to strengthen my own.  It is always nice to spend some time with people who sit on the same page that my faith rests, and to renew my covenants to God through the partaking of the Sacrament.

I've been reading a book by Gerald Lund entitled, "To Always Have His Spirit."  That is the promise of the sacrament, to always have His spirit to be with us.  Its a good book, but then everything Gerald Lund writes is good, fictional or otherwise.


Family times  . . .  I love spending time with my family.  I missed doing that, of course, when i was over in the U.K. even though we did speak often. It was a pale substitute for being able to spend real time with them, as grateful as I was for the technology which afforded us the ability to spend together via the internet, emails, etc. 

My sister and I have always been close.  Well for all of her life, which is a long time, although she doesn't like to be reminded of her age. lol  We shared a bedroom for most of our growing up years. Oh, we had our little spats as most siblings do, but we really got along well for the most part.  I am so grateful for these years we are having together now.  Our ending years.  We may not see each other every day, but we do speak every day, and we do spend a lot of time during the week together.  It is a huge blessing in my life to have her close by.

I am also grateful for three children who strive to stay in touch and communication.  That means a lot to me as well. Love them all very much.

I've had a couple of really good night's sleep this past week.  Oh, it is never unbroken. I usually have to get up to go to the loo at least once during the night.  I try really hard to go to and from the bathroom as much as possible without waking up too much. If I wake up completely I always have a hard time falling back asleep.  A good night's sleep makes all the difference in the world to my days. When I have slept well I am much more productive, less likely to binge on things I shouldn't eat, I just have a much clearer head.  I am always grateful for a good night's sleep.

  My sister and I were talking about this recently, about how empowering it is to be able to let go of the hurts of the past.  We all have histories, and things that we wish had gone differently in our lives. People we wish that we had not allowed to have a toehold in our lives. It is best to forgive, forget and to let go. To not let these things have any sort of power in our lives. Being able to let go brings peace, harmony, and beauty into our lives.  There are some things which can be very difficult to let go of, but for our own sanity and peace, it really is better for us if we do. Hanging on to them really means that we are allowing them to continue to punish and hurt us . . .  and that is not healthy.

Forgive.  Forget.  Let it go  . . . .


You just knew that a cat would make it in here somewhere.  haha  I love my two cats. They are such great companions. Not quite as great as a dog would be, because cats really ARE very independent, but great nonetheless. 

Most evenings will find me sitting on the sofa with one of them snuggled up on the back of the sofa behind my head and the other tucked into my side, next to me on the sofa.  It will always be Cinnamon on the back and Nutmeg next to me. Nutmeg loves it when I stroke his ears. He always looks back up at me as if to say thank you.  Cinnamon is not much of a one for liking to be petted, but she will often stretch out her paw and touch me, which is nice, and of course she is the biscuit maker.  She loves to get up next to me sometimes and make biscuits in my lap.

Of course, she is the one who helps me to make my bed every morning. As soon as I get up from her to go and do it she gives a little meow and trots along with me.

They have both truly enriched my life. I think I will always want an animal of some sort in my life.


Serving others. The simple act of doing things for others brings immeasurable joy into my life. It doesn't have to be a grandiose gesture. It can be something as simple as a phone call or message just noting that you care about them.  My next door neighbor is very lonely. It is not hard to see that.  I usually try to contact her in some way every day.  Sometimes it is just a greeting as I am coming or going. Often when I have baked or cooked something I will bring a bit of it over to her and then visit for a few minutes. It does not take a huge effort and I know she really appreciates it. A lot of the other ladies on the street get together regularly, but they do not include her.  I don't know why. Its really none of my business.  I just do what I can when I can and I would do the same for them.  No man is an island.


Being able to appreciate the beauty of things, whether they are mine or not.  I am quite able to look at things and enjoy their beauty without having to own them. I love the pretty cup in this photograph and the color of that coffee machine.  I love the pale pink of that jug next to it, with the dainty flowers on it and the blooms in it.  Its just all so lovely and inspiring.

The positivity that each of you bring into my life.  Oh, there is sometimes someone who drips negativity, but that is a rare thing and for that I am grateful. For the most part you all share love and appreciation with me.  You are all very supportive and I can feel the love. In all likelihood we will never meet in person, but you are real to me, and I feel as if you are my friends.  I have been blessed by you.  My life has been enriched by your presence, by the thoughts and comments you leave. Small gifts to me. They mean a lot. I am often slow to respond, but that is only because I want to do so in a manner which befits the gift you have given me. I don't ever want my responses to be in haste, and so I respond as time allows me to and with care.   I do appreciate you, each and every one.  Even the silent you's.  I feel the love.  I know you are there.  I thank you for it.

A clean fridge, a cozy home, people and pets I can love, who love me back, you, prayer, my faith, good books to read, good music to listen to, good food to eat, positive things to watch  . . .  I do have an abundant and truly blessed life.

I do have a busy day ahead of me today. (Being busy is a special blessing.) I do need to pop to the store early to pick up a few bits and bobs, so that I can get the work done that I need to do and I am planning on having some face-time with Doug this afternoon as he is off work.  I am looking forward to that.  I will leave you with a thought to carry with you on this last day of September 2024.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *When I desperately want to know
why something hard is happening,
I remember, Jesus had all the answers,
and He still wept.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

coconut Overnight Oats

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Coconut Overnight Oats. Simple and delicious and healthy. The perfect start to any day.

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with love and abundance. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Good morning on this last day of September. Glad you have had a few good night's sleep, it does make all the difference to the day. The cats enrich your life, as do your family. It is a lovely Autumn day, clear skies and temperatures in the low 20's, though that will change soon. Doing the last of the garden clean up and putting away things while the weather is nice. Have a good day.

  2. You are indeed blessed to have your sister who is in contact daily with you!! And you may never know how much your efforts towards your neighbor has blessed her life too!! Our most constant contacts have died or gone looney tunes. Our children are way too busy with jobs that require far too many hours and stress. So we see them a bit...and my most far away child has contact via cell phone most days. We are grateful for that much. But really, the only reason I think both of us are ok is because we are have at least each other. I wonder if overall, in most countries today, if this is not one of the hardest times in history due to the loneliness...maybe it is just in this country. Our good next door neighbors completed moving away yesterday...though we were not close friends they were awfully nice neighbors. We simply dread whoever the apts will place there since we came, no really good people have come here to these apts...worrisome.
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I travel a lot and live most of the year overseas, this is a problem in foreign countries as well. Although the more urban the area, the more alienation. God help people when there is a SHTF scenario such as EMP attack, grid down, or some nuclear exchange pops off. Smaller communities will fare better because people tend to help each other.

    2. is scary...a very hard time to be old!!

  3. Years ago we all knew our neighbors and people visited, kids knew each other. Too bad about alienation now, I blame social media for a lot of it, no on looks up from their phones anymore. If it were me, I would just ask those women why they don't include your poor neighbor in their get togethers. You don't learn anything unless you ask questions.

  4. Hi Marie, just wanted to check in with you. I was going to send you an email but I’m having a problem with my email account. When I write an email it ends up in my “out” box. My inbox isn’t updating either so I don’t know what the problem is. Sorry to hear of your trip to emergency. Hope it doesn’t take too long to have an appointment to get your heart monitor. They are a lot smaller and easier to wear than they used to be. Stay safe. I’ll be in touch soon, I hope. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!