A few of the things I really love in life, maybe some of them are yours also. I can't believe this is the very last favourite things for this year! How did that happen!
I cannot believe that possibly today, after having communicated for many, many years, I will finally get to meet our dear friend Sybil in person! We have known each other (like Pam!) since our AOL Journal days and have come close to meeting several times, but never quite got it together. She and Peter are planning on driving up today and we will have lunch together. It is quite a drive and the weather is not looking really great, but I hope it clears and this much looked forward to event will finally come in to play! We have had freezing rain so far this morning, and it as laid . . . hoping it all clears up by the time they want to leave to come. Everything I have is crossed! (But I don't want them to take any chances either.)
Buttons, and I know this doesn't come as a surprise to you as I have spoken about them on here before. I have found some really lovely ones on Pinterest lately however. Some are quite unusual. I would imagine that they cost a fortune. These ones look fairly old, and are all of a sea-faring collection. I do remember the anchor ones from when I was a child though. Does that make me an antique? LOL
I love Tea Cosies and this is my latest creation. I made it using a pattern from Etsy. The colours, whih don't seem to exactly be showing up right are blue, red, yellow and light green. I need to go and buy some new colours of yarn I think. This was just using up colours from my stash! I love it!
Of all the crochet in the world, I love crocheting classic granny squares most of all. They are simple to do and you can put them together in a myriad of ways. I am so grateful for my sister teaching my mother and I how to crochet all those many years ago. I think I was about 16 and she 13. It is a skill that has stood me in good stead all these years, a skill I have used over and over again!
I love pot holders. My motto is you can never have too many pot holders. I need to get some new ones. Mine are getting old and yucky. I like cloth ones best of all. I do have a large silicone mitt, but I find it quite awkward. I am not very fond of the two in one pot holders.
Like this one. I find them awkward also. I know they are supposed to be safer, but sometimes . . . most of the time . . . you just want to use a little square one. Or, I do at any rate!
The Gift of Discernment. This has really come in handy in these days of the WWW. You have to be really discerning nowadays. Not a day goes by but what I don't get several quite a few e-mails telling me that my email is overflowing, or I need to update my passwords (on accounts I don't even have) etc. I am grateful for the gift of discernment which lets me know that these are not real e-mails. The same goes for these handsome older military guys who are always wanting to be my friend on facebook. I wasn't born yesterday. Todd, however, is not as discerning as I am, and I have to remind him time and time again that things like this are not for real. I have him to the point now where he shows me things first and I veto them. I tell him never, ever click on any links found in an e-mail. The bank will not send you links to click on, neither will paypal. The number of times I have had to tell him he doesn't even have a paypal account, why would they send him an e-mail. And if something sounds too good to be true, it IS too good to be true! We live in dangerous times were people are filled with craftiness and greed. The Gift of Discernment is a very good gift to have.
I love these little needle felted mice from Rustles from the Meadow. I am a lover of little anything. and I totally adore humanized animals. I have a lovely mouse that my cousin Martha sent to me, that I just adore. I need to play with her more often. This next year I vow to play with my toys more often. I don't know what happened to my time in 2017. It kept evaporating into thin air!
And I am up at 5:30 every morning, don't know where
the time goes, but it goes!
Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White. Red & White.
Floral Printed Cardigans. I have a lovely brown one that has a floral pattern printed on it. But, if there is anything I love more than a floral printed cardigan it is a
Floral beaded cardigan.
I have a beautiful pink one that I don't wear near often enough.
Of all the cakes in all the world, the one I love most of all is the plain Victoria Sponge, followed closely by a coffee and walnut cake. Its the buttery plain sponge, the vanilla butter cream and jam middle, that light dusting of icing sugar on the top. Its simple, and yet in its simplicity it is gorgeously delicious. In my opinion, it simply cannot get any better than this! It is a classic which never goes out of style. I think in North America it is called Washington Pie. I know. Its not a pie. Its a cake. Nevertheless, that is what it is called.
It is my beverage of choice. I have one every day. And I have tried to stop drinking them, but I just miss them too much. Plain water never quite cuts it. I have read all the garbage out there about them. I know I should stop drinking them, but I just love Diet Coke. I don't drink tea or coffee. I have never ever been fond of hot drinks. I like fizzy diet coke. I tried fizzy water, but it was not the same as my diet coke. Perhaps this year I need to try again.
Polka Dots. Of any kind. I have a really soft spot for polka dots. And yet I don't have anything polka dot in my house. I wonder why that is . . .
This is the polka dot world of Yayoi Kusama,
the 83 year old Princess of Polka Dots.
Clearly I have missed out on my life's calling, lol.
Bacon and a good Steak are two
good reasons why I could never
become a vegetarian.
Holly Hobbie
I have always loved to sew and I don't do that near often enough either. I really need to make some changes in the coming year and do more of what I love and less of what doesn't love me.
I love cheese. I mostly love it cooked, like in a grilled cheese, or a mac and cheese, an omelet, etc. But I do love a nice cheese with some good crackers and some chutney as well. I have never met a cheese I did not like.
When I was working at the Manor, one time Florian's parents (The oldest daughter's husband was Florian) brought over one of these ruffle cheese cutters from Germany with a lovely Tete-de-Moine. Addictive. For a girl who grew up on Velveeta, Cheese Whiz and Kraft Singles, I have come a long way baby.
I don't care what they are made of. I don't want to know. I love hot dogs. In a nice soft warm steamed bun, with plenty of onions, mustard and relish, hold the ketchup please. It is my dream to one day eat a hotdog from a hotdog cart in New York City. They always look so good in the movies.
Well done Historical Drama. I can never get enough of it and when I find a favourite I will watch it again and again. It just never gets old.
And with that I better leave you with a thought for today. I have company coming and best get my skates on!
A thought for today . . .
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.You will get there,
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.You will get there,
but only if you keep going.
~unknown •。★★ 。* 。
In The English Kitchen today . . . delicious Cabbage Rolls. Scrumdiddlyumptious, another one of my favourite things!
Have a wonderful Thursday. Stay safe and warm and don't forget!
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And I do too!

Hi Marie, so pleased you had a good Christmas. I can't believe it's been and gone! I became a step-grandmother again on Christmas Day, Liam Hazlehurst 7lbs 3oz, I can't wait to meet him! John would have been so proud.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous day with Sybil, I'm sure you will! Hoping the weather stays kind for you all too, although I heard it should be ok today but snowing tomorrow.
Lot's of love xxx
I hope Sybil makes it..I look forward to reading about your joy at meeting her.
ReplyDeleteI have one of those cheese wheels..brand new in box second hand on VS.. It's great but the cheese is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
I used it once last year for my daughter's and my combined bdays..I was going to splurge at Christmas also but there were too many bring and making apps..no room for a cheese baord after dinner either..maybe another time..
Tat tea cozy is adorb adorb..well done my dear! I see many in your future..do you think I could make one? I can't read a pattern but can now make a basic granny square:)
The lovely girl that made some for me..gave me a pattern..for one..I will look for it..would be fun..
Although I cannot say I am lacking projects;) Like you..never bored.
Marie we are in Siberia these days.
I saw a full set of second hand twin sheets HH w/ 2 adorb pillow cases..$3.00:) I didn't need them of cousre..on VS..!
Have le FUN!!
I hope the weather clears and you are able to have a great visit with your friend. What a great way to spend a Thursday!
ReplyDeleteI hope your dream of meeting Sybil comes true today, that will be a great joy in your holiday season! Reading your comments about your potholders and your love of sewing reminded me that I saw a tutorial on a blog about recovering your old potholders. If yours are still quite serviceable, just no longer attractive, you can put your sewing skills to use to make them pretty again. Maybe even in a polka dot fabric! I don't know how much they are in the UK, but really good quality potholders are pricey here in the U.S. Anyway, the blog is called Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth and it it chock full of wonderful homemaking information and inspiration. I'll attempt a link here http://strangersandpilgrimsonearth.blogspot.com/2016/02/how-to-make-your-old-and-ugly.html Anyway, I enjoy your blog and thank you so much for your cheerful posts.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Kate! That's a nice size! Welcome to the world Liam! Had a lovely afternoon with Sybil! No surprise there! Love and hugs. xoxo
ReplyDeleteShe did make it Monique, and was every bit as delightful in real life as on the net! A lot shorter than I expected however. Her beautiful large personality belies her very tiny 4'11" frame! For the first time in my life I felt very tall! We had a lovely visit and some nice food, and her driver Peter was just as sweet! Oh, cheese is expensive full stop. I can appreciate that it would cost a small fortune to kit out one of those cheese wheels. But the cheese is soooooo good. A once in a lifetime treat maybe. I have heard how cold it is there. My brother is also freezing in Ottawa! Brrrr. Stay in and stay warm. Soup weather! That is a real bargain for the sheet sets. xoxo
Thanks Pam, the weather did clear and we had a lovely, lovely visit. She is every bit as charming in real life as online! God bless! xoxo
Thanks Crista, it did come true and was the perfect capper to a perfect year for sure! I will look up the tutorial on the potholders! Thanks so much for the link! God bless and Happy New Year!! xoxo
Love, love your favorite things posts. I always connect and find that we have a lot in common. Since I already read about your visit; I will just say I'm so happy they made it there.
ReplyDeleteYou did find some delightfully unique buttons. I really like the Tea Cosies you made. I love the colors. I do need to learn how to make a Granny Square; they are lovely.
I would imagine that you like hot pads since you love to cook. I like the same kind you do and I need some new ones too.
The gift of decernment is a wonderful gift to have. In today's world we certainly need it more than ever before. I'm happy you are there to help Todd through the technology part. I get the same kind of emails too. I imagine therer are many that fall for the schemes.
I love hot dogs especially at a ball game. I do love bacon and steak so I wouldn't do the vegetarian thing at all. Cheese is a huge need for me.
I love cardigan sweaters and wear them a lot.
Let me know the name of the historiacal drama; it looks interesting. I wonder if we get it here.
Thanks again for a fun read!
Sending warm loving thoughts your way! Hugs~