Dry and cold
Dry and cold
Dear Neighbor,
We are back to freezing cold again after having had some pretty mild days and there is a snow warning in effect for tonight on into tomorrow. It's possible that we just might have a white Christmas after all, but anything can change so I am not getting my hopes up, but it is showing snow for Saturday and Sunday, and Tuesday and Wednesday, so it's looking very good that way.
I feel like I need to get a couple of frozen Christmas dinners for Eileen and Tim, just in case we can't get out. I will try to do that today when Cindy and I take dad and his friend MaryAnn out this afternoon.
I had thought that I would drop my youngest son's gift off on their doorstep and sent an e-mail to my DIL to tell her that I was going to do so, just so that they wouldn't think that anyone had left garbage on their doorstop. (I was going to put it in a black plastic bag so that nobody would steal it.)
I am not going to do that now.
I had an email waiting for me this morning from my son telling me that moving forward he does not want me to send any cards, gifts, etc. to my grandson. That it confuses my grandson, and he doesn't want to have to explain things to him. And for the mental well-being of his family and to prioritize peace he wants no contact from me at all moving forward.
I will of course honor that. I don't know what I am supposed to have done or what the reasoning is behind this. It makes no sense to me and never has done. My heart is totally broken and to be honest, I am not feeling very Christmassy at all now. But I will do my best to shake it.
It will be nice to see some snow and have it stick. I know that sounds crazy. I love the winter world after a heavy snowfall. It has a quiet, pristine beauty that almost feels like a wonderland. Songs have been written about Winter Wonderlands. I think this weekend I will have a Christmas movie festival here in my home. Me and the cats. We will watch every Christmas movie that I can find and inject some Festivus into us, or into me at least.
My next-door neighbor to the right of me was taken to hospital in an ambulance yesterday. Poor old guy. His wife passed away last year. Sheila was in to my place as soon as the ambulance left to tell me she did not think he was going to make it. She seemed quite shaken about it. I suppose on this part of the street, at least, there was only she and him left from the old brigade. Once he is gone there will only be her. I felt bad for her. I took her over some food a bit later on and visited with her for a bit.
A few of them on the street are having Christmas Dinners brought in for them. They have to pay for them of course, but there is some organization in town that brings in dinners for people who are on their own. It is good that that is available, even in such a small town as this one.
I know that the church that my daughter attends does a free meal every Tuesday supper time. I am not sure if this was the Christmas one or not. I think that the Baptist church is also doing a turkey dinner on Christmas day for people who have no place to go.
I think that the Capital Pub in town does the same. You can go in also and pay for a meal for someone to have. That is a very nice thing, I think.
I will have to find a charity today to give my gift to. I will put it on Facebook. Free gift for a four-year-old boy. I am sure someone will take it, and it will be appreciated and played with. That thought makes me happy at least.
I did not go to emergency with the rash on my neck. I didn't want to take up important time that somebody else might need. I don't think it is anything sinister. Just a rash and it will get better in time. I am putting anti-itch cream on it, which seems to be helping a bit.
I baked some cookies yesterday. I still need to decorate my Christmas Cake. I will not be doing a video about it. I don't think I will do a video again now at least before Christmas. I just do not have the time. This happens every year and I know I am not alone in feeling this way. I run out of time and do not get to do all the things I had planned to do. I need to prioritize things now and just do the things that I absolutely NEED to do. The holiday will come and go regardless, so best to just do the things I must do.
I expect it will be very busy out there today. The last Friday before Christmas. Everyone getting in their last-minute bits. It was very nice to see Hazel on Wednesday. Cindy and I each had a card and some chocolate for her. Chocolate. That is the gift you give people when you can't think of what else to give them. It's not a personal thing, but everyone likes it, and at least you thought of them. She had two lovely cards for Cindy and I. Her daughter makes cards. I really liked mine. An old-fashioned Santa on it, very Victorian vintage looking.
When I was a child, my parents had this Santa mask thingy that my mother would hang up every year, at least when we were in Germany. It was one of those German Santas, so Saint Nicholas I guess, with the tall pointy hat and long pointy beard. No roly poly rosy cheeks. I remember being terrified of that Santa mask. It did not look or feel very festive to me.
In fact the shadow cast into our bedroom from the hallway reminded me of that Santa Claus and always gave me the heebie jeebies. I had a very vivid imagination as a child. I knew that there were monsters beneath my bed.
I was always afraid of Santa Claus. It was very much a love/hate thing. I wanted the presents, but he was not a character I wanted to spend any time with. I never enjoyed my visits to Santa. I endured them. I have always been a people pleaser and if visiting Santa made my mother happy then I did it.
I made a nice pot of stew for myself yesterday. Not a large one, just a small one. I do like a beef stew every now and then. I made it with a thin gravy like my mother always made. I like it that way and then I mash the hot vegetables on my plate and spread them with butter. It is not about the meat. I could care less about the meat in it, although it does give the broth flavor. I just love the vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, swede (rutabaga). They taste so delicious mashed down and spread with butter.
I am a person who likes bread and gravy also. A tasty supper for me would be a slice of thick white bread, buttered and then some good gravy ladled over top. I would be quite content.
I can remember sometimes when we were children if we ran out of cereal my mother would give us buttered bread, with sugar sprinkled on it and milk drizzled over top. It was not toasted bread, just plain white bread. I loved it. To me it was a real treat.
There used to be bread on the table for most meals. And butter. Real butter. We were allowed to spread as much butter on our bread as we wanted to. I can remember my father asking us if we wanted some bread on our butter, we would spread it that thick.
I still love butter. And it shows.
There I am with the sheep again. Funny, before I moved to the U.K. I had not ever seen a real sheep. I suppose I had never lived anywhere that there were real sheep. I had no idea that they had tails, and that they wagged their tails. I remember the first time we went up to the horseshoe pass in Wales and seeing all the sheep there. They are just left to wander the hillsides and across the roads, etc. They are everywhere. Such gentle creatures they are. I love to listen to them.
When we stayed in the south of France in that cottage in the countryside there was a field of sheep next to the cottage. It was lovely throwing the shutters open in the morning and letting in the sunshine and the sound of the sheep in the field, the cool morning air. That was a nice holiday.
I have had some really nice experiences in my life. Many more nice ones than bad ones. In the balance of things life has treated me very well for the most part. I cannot and should not dwell on the negative and let it take away from the positive.
And so, I won't. I will attempt to move forward with positivity, and think of happy times and situations, people who love me and do want to spend time with me. Bread with butter. Lashings of butter. And sheep.
A thought to carry with you . . .
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.His appearance changed
from the inside out,
right before their eyes.
Sunlight poured from his face.
His clothes were filled with light.
~Matthew 17:2 ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 •
In The English Kitchen today, Creamy Artichoke Dip. This was something I used to make often as a dinner party nibble when I worked at the Manor. They loved it as did their guests. It is delicious for sure and very simple to make.
I hope you have a lovely Friday. If you go out and about do be safe. Stay happy, be blessed. Don't forget . . .
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And I do too!
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And I do too!

Oh, Marie, I’m so sorry you received that email from your son. Here’s a hug from me. Enjoy those Christmas movies you’ve got lined up. We always got chocolates at Christmas and loved them. We have our first real snowfall this morning. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late response Elaine. I was upset and reading the comments made it a bit harder, even though they have all been very sweet and I appreciated them! It was a bit too tender on the day! Thank you! Love and hugs, xoxo
DeleteMarie, I've been reading your blog for a while but I've never commented. I'm so sorry to see that you received that email. What a heartbreaking thing to receive and especially right before the holidays.
ReplyDeleteI hope you know how much I enjoy your posts and what a smile it brings to me each day.
My wonderful mother passed away 3 days before Christmas 6 years ago so the holidays are a tough time. Seeing things like this make me think people don't realize how short life really is.
Thank you for all that you do to bring a bit of sunshine and holidays into our days!
Thank you so much Emily. It was very heartbreaking, especially since I don't know what it is I am supposed to have done to cause him to do this. I appreciate your comments and am so sorry you lost your mom so close to Christmas. That would indeed color the holidays. xoxo
DeleteMarie, I’m sorry about your email. Just wanted to say your blogs bring me much joy. Lots of love to you xx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Charlie. I appreciate your support! xoxo
DeleteWell now you won't have to ever be in a quandry again re Christmas.He is the one putting his foot down..pardon me while I step on it.He has caused you so much sadness.You were so proud of him and his wife.He's an adult.. at one wear your big boy pants and move on from whats bugging you and embrace family.I lost my parents very young as you know and would love one day back..Ive talked too much now.. move on Marie easier said than done I know..Families are off sometimes..You are surrounded by love now.
ReplyDeleteWell, I hate to say it, but, I gave birth to a little jerk. There is no reason at all that I can think of for him to behave in such a way. He is his father's son. I don't think I will ever stop being hurt by his behavior. I just don't understand it. I am proud of all my children and their families, and of their accomplishments. I cannot comprehend what it is I have done. I am surrounded by love from the other three. That is a blessing. xoxo
DeleteIt isn't for lack of trying on your part with your son and family. Sad circumstances and he needs to grow up (or grow a couple as the old saying goes) and get over whatever has caused this. Time for you to move on (easier said than done) and focus on the family that appreciates you. Snow flurries today, not a lot but enough to make it a dull day. Eileen and Tim with have a lovely time with you and will enjoy whatever you make for meals. Have a good Friday.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Linda. I will never be able to understand it. I have never been told what the problem with me is. Anyways, I do appreciate the family I do have that I get to spend time with. Love them ALL very much, regardless. xoxo
DeleteSo sorry, Marie...seems in light of past events, this is maybe not so surprising. Seems his wife needs to take note...he might decide to put her in a similar camp as he has put you. But you have written proof now of what has happened. One day that grandson will grow up...he may have might be good to have evidence to hand off as to WHY. Some people question things from childhood on...some maybe not. But you can still do a lot to leave behind for this grandson if you want to do so. You could write a little book for him, maybe leave a little fund of what you would have spent on him, or maybe even consider giving that amount to a charity in his name, or even a gift to charity (as you are this year!!)...and those events could be added to your book. Or try to put him/them totally out of mind. It is not easy. Even in families that are somewhat connected, there is sorrow there too. Sad...our lives are so short. But at least you have a lot of children and grandchildren who love you!! As well as other kin...hope you can focus more on them!! Take care of yourself...
ReplyDeletelove and hugs, Elizabeth
Thanks so much Elizabeth. I have learned that in life we have to take our blessings where we find them. Heartache comes to each of us it seems in one way or another. Love and hugs to you also, xoxo
DeleteSo much appreciated your musings and shares here today! 🙏🏻 But how sad I am for you about your son and all the grief that causes. 😞 And how sorry to hear about your neighbor! Last night we were visiting our lovely elderly neighbor, he has been in palliative care a while, and I think we’ll be attending funeral early ‘25, sadly. 😢Sheep… I love sheep too! Ans Inver saw one until I came here to Norway either. Of couse, sheep make great wool—great for knitting! 😁 Oh, yes… it’s getting busy now isn’t it?! Almost too busy! Do hope you’ll share pics of your cake here. We have a full weekend ahead and family visiting at Christmas (we are here in Norway this year). I wanted to visit you here and wish you a blessed Christmas and happy time celebrating with your family! 🎄 BIG LOVE coming your way from us here! OX—T 🩵❄️🩵 P.S. when you have a moment can you please resend me your email address? Thanks… mine is still the same olde one:
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Tracy! I will contact you! Love to you and TJ. xoxo
DeleteI’m sorry to hear how your son has treated you. Don’t waste a moment of your precious time trying to reconnect. He does not sound like a very nice person, very different from his two brothers. When the grandchildren are older you may be able to have a relationship with them.
ReplyDeleteI will not be contacting him or his wife again. Clearly they don't want me to. Thanks Angharad. xoxo